Here is my post from your other question. By the way, your posts make me more grateful for the kind husband I have who is so very patient with me and who is supportive and helpful when I have medical problems. So thank you, I think you've strengthened my marriage.
Look at all your posts!!! Are you sure that you are not manic? We have no idea about your wife, you describe her as a narcissist, borderline personality, depressed and so forth. It sounds like you are not taking responsibility for your own part in this break up.
I think your feelings are very understandable. I am much more worried about you than her. Why don't you get a lawyer? Why don't you get your mail forwarded to a PO box for safety for now? She probably just forwarded her mail and you felt very suspicious. I went through a sort of break up with a business partner who was also a close friend and one of my therapists, talk about poor boundaries. This woman claimed to have been treated for BPD but she wasn't borderline, she was a psychopath. First thing she cleaned out the bank account, then she forwarded the mail, including my mail to another PO box, then she changed the locks on the doors of the office where both our names were on the lease. Then she sent me a pseudo-legal offer of some money to basically sign everything over to her but still I had all the liability for her actions. I cannot even speak about the stalking in public. To cut the story short, we settled over a year later and she paid me all the money that she agreed to, as well as relieving me of the liability for her actions. I did not pay her a dime, and she still got away with thousands and thousands. Our children were friends and had to be in the same class together so they were very much hurt too. It was almost as ugly as a divorce. That's personality disordered.
Your wife is not doing these things. You can contact her by asking her brother to set up a meeting if you want to talk. Communication has broken down. I'd be furious at you too if you manhandled me in front of the kids, only I'd call the cops. You need to make a grown up move to open communication again. You are obviously in a lot of pain and I'll bet your wife is too.
I feel for you, but you need to grow up and treat her better, not malign her on Yahoo answers. If she hasn't got a lawyer yet, I suggest family therapy, not to stay together, but for an emotionally safer break-up. There are three kids to consider here. What you should look for is a licensed marriage and family therapist, they can be social workers, counselors or psychologists.
If you insist on talking about your problems on Answers, try making "I" statements and talking about your feelings instead of attacking her. Trust me, this is exactly what therapists have women do in group therapy when they are recovering from the terrible emotional things men do to women. Try it, it works. Good Luck and go hug your kids.