Is it really possible to have sex "all night long"...?
2008-06-18 17:26:28 UTC
... like they say in the songs?

I was just wondering, because a friend of mine told me that he used to have sex with his girlfriend all day long, every day. I can't imagine how that would be possible... Do you think it's possible for some people, or completely physiologically impossible?
67 answers:
Peace! Lotus Flower
2008-06-18 17:54:24 UTC
You know, I've wondered the exact same thing...hmmm, if it is possible, I hope that I get to experience it...Seriously!!!

2008-06-18 19:46:51 UTC
well not ALL darned day, no that would be impossible.

You get tired after a while.

..... workin those damned muscles is a b*tch. LOL.

But maybe he meant in intervals?

I've had sex "all night long" ... but we took breaks LOL geez!

*sighs* it's been about 2 + years since i've done that though.

I'm not a "sleep around" type of a girl. And i'm not in a relationship of any kind so...... no sex. And i'm not like a lot of people... I'd rather have the real thing IF that's your next question LOL. So none of that funny stuff for me. *ick!* I'll wait, thanks.

And YES ..... i do think that it's wrong that i've done it (had sex) and am not married, but whatever. There could be worse sins, you know? (as i'm sure that's what you're thinking!)

.... either you misunderstood your friend or he was exaggerating. Guys DO THAT you know! LOL *sighs* sometimes they flat out make up stuff..... whatever.

*edit* ooooohhhhh cut me a big freaking break!! some of these people are SOOOO exaggerating!!!

I can go several hours .... but "all night" implies 8 or more hours straight. IF you can do that.... you're not human! LOL. nobody in the world can have sex for 8 straight hours! *sighs* liar liar pants on fires!!! lol

*edit* LMAO at Jonothan. That was funny. Thanks, i needed that laugh.
2008-06-19 11:08:55 UTC
When me and my hubby first got married we would spend all day in bed...ya know, order food, take a shower together, watch a movie or the news and we would do "it" like, I dunno, 7 or 8 times. Them days are over 7 years and 2 kidlets later but the idea of having sex ALL day long probably follows more along the lines of what we were doing. Each 'bout was less and less intense but went longer cuz it took us longer to get "there", if you catch my drift. I was actually ready to be done after about the 3rd or 4th time but it was the novelty of being able to see how many times we could do it. The last couple of times were a struggle because I don't be the human body was meant to have sex that many times in a 24 hour period. The most we do it now is maybe twice a week, twice in one night. The truth is...most men have to have at least an hour to recover after climax to even be able to go again...some even longer. So no, its not possible to have sex all night long unless each or holding back and depriving each other of the whole point of sex, which is the orgasm...well, that main point any way. Once again...juss my opinion. It is possible to do it everyday too...we did that for a long time. Ah....memories...those were the days. Now we have what a friend of mine calls "C0ck blockers" which I find are a big deterant to sex. At least to unplanned spontainous abandon. Reminds me of Jeff Fox worthy's schpeal..."you get the kids to bed and suddenly its like storming the beach at Normandy...we're runnin' down the hall ripping off clothes then like a shot buzzin' right by your ear..."Mommie, can I have a drink of water..?" Yeah, I could tell you stories. I'm sure you have a few yourself...bein' as you have 4 of your own. Anyhoo. Hope that answers your question. I'm sure someone will disagree with me...oh well. Love in Christ, ~J~
Yoda's Duck
2008-06-19 07:51:14 UTC
I suppose it's possible, but it would take some doing.

1) physical endurance- Sex is physically demanding, and doing it for even an hour or two is exhausting.

2) desire- Like food, when it comes to sex, sometimes a little dab will do ya.

3) (We'll call this the "other" category)- There are other considerations, and attempting to continue beyond a person's physical limits can cause injury.

I'd be for asking for a definition of "all day long, every day" before you attempt to believe it.
2015-08-06 18:38:28 UTC
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Is it really possible to have sex "all night long"...?

... like they say in the songs?

I was just wondering, because a friend of mine told me that he used to have sex with his girlfriend all day long, every day. I can't imagine how that would be possible... Do you think it's possible for some people, or completely physiologically...
2008-06-18 17:32:33 UTC
If you want to research, you will learn the the male mechanisim is such a complicated process, that if by any chance, that could occur, the mechanisim would be damaged beyond repair.

At a young age, a few times, after resting between, but it won't happen, "All Night Long". That's just a song.
2016-11-13 15:05:49 UTC
Having Sex All Day
2008-06-18 17:41:24 UTC
I think that a good portion of that time would be "foreplay" And taking breaks between being satisified 3 or 4 times before the night is over. it's possible. :)
2008-06-18 17:35:26 UTC
the answer is big fat "NO". well, for one men like to show off especially about their sex life. They might not even be getting any action, but they claim that they got laid with a hot model 5 minutes ago. Even sexholics do not have sex all day long. If you include foreplay and all that sorts of things, I would predict that it is possible to spend about 6-7 hours.But anything over that sounds imaginative. My frens' bf took that long only cause he has sort of like sex ritual where they had to make dirty talks and strip tease, shower and massage and finally the deed.
2008-06-18 18:44:49 UTC
I find this quite exaggerated! Could the guy be up to it for that long without ecstasy or Viagra or else...At 16/18, it's probably possible for a while, but all night???
2008-06-18 18:25:33 UTC
Several times a month my wife and I will have what she calls one of our "all nighters". We don't actually make love ALL night but many times throughout the night, and sleep in each others arms, wake up, have sex, go back to sleep for a bit, wake up, have sex. Maybe 6-8 times before morning and maybe one before we get out of bed. We suffer greatly for it the next day but it is wonderfully intimate.
2008-06-18 17:33:10 UTC
i would question what your friend means by "all day long." he could mean, he has sex once or twice, then rests awhile (maybe even naps), then has it again, then has a snack and rests some more, then has some more sex, etc. in other words, he takes it's not one copulation after another with no rests in between. i suppose he could then do this all day. great way to burn calories, huh? :-)
Nancy M
2008-06-18 17:33:18 UTC
It is possible to have sex all night long. I have with my first husband. We were not married very long and we were young. I was very exhausted the next day and did not want to do anything. I was wore out.
Vijay D
2008-06-18 19:16:17 UTC
I don't think it is sex any more after the orgasms. And if it is not culminating in orgasms, it is just a routine and becomes monotonous and at times torturous. Sex in practical sense is an enjoyment of a few minutes which is from arousals to culminating in orgasms.

We are not demons, only human beings and should limit the sexual exercises as is natural and mutually acceptable/ enjoyable.
2008-06-18 17:30:17 UTC
Not really, in the meaning of hammering away for 8 hours straight. You can do alot of foreplay and afterplay but even the Viagra commercials say an erection lasting over 4 hours is bad lol
2008-06-18 17:31:38 UTC
I think he was probably bragging and lying but if you're young, have some good lube and had naps during the day, then probably.... When I was 20 I bet I could, with the right guy. Now I doubt neither me nor my DH could!

2016-04-03 04:02:22 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Why didn't you ask me this sooner? Do they rent "Gay Sex in the 70's" at Blockbuster?
Hate the ignorant
2008-06-18 17:31:55 UTC
I have done it all night long many times, but not without taking breaks and not without both of us being extremely sore the next day. Sounds like your freind is lieing. I could never do it like that every day.
Mike B
2008-06-18 18:05:10 UTC
Recent honeymoon at age 52 - 7 times before dawn- Yes I'm bragging

BTW My sweet bride is 59 and we are both overweight- Take that ya snot nosed brats.;-)
2008-06-18 17:30:12 UTC
There's a method of having sex where you control your orgasm so that you can last for hours. Some people see it as sex without an orgasm, some people see it as sex with one long orgasm.

It's perfectly possible, but takes mental and physical restraint
2008-06-18 20:14:01 UTC
It's possible for anyone, the woman should lead and the man should not be trying to get to the end {orgasm} from the begining but should enjoy the energy the female gives and return it to her. : )
Adam M
2008-06-18 17:29:26 UTC
Yea, anything is possible.

After about 4 hours with a ***** it wont be able to stay up any more you will need rest but it is achievable
2008-06-18 17:37:11 UTC
Even Viagra only lasts for 4 hours "only."I think you heard him

wrong. He said it took him all day long, to get it long.
2008-06-18 17:31:06 UTC
In a new relationship you can have sex several times a night but not all night.
2008-06-18 17:39:42 UTC
4 times in a night, once at the beginning of our relationship. Never ever after 16 yrs of marriage.
Baby G
2008-06-18 17:44:48 UTC
I think it's possible for a FEW people.
2008-06-19 07:34:36 UTC
People do it but it not a constant humping match. They do it *** and then take a break and then go at it again when they are ready again. Then maybe they will have some oral sex, then maybe another form.
2008-06-18 17:31:12 UTC
a girl can but a guy needs help (like viagra). I would not believe him but ya with many brakes and trying different things it can last for hours. some say tantra makes you last hours.
2008-06-18 17:33:03 UTC
I think its a manner of speaking....its the way that people elude to the fact that they're going to be messing around all day....sexual things not just intercourse can last all day sure..
2008-06-18 17:29:18 UTC
Its physically impossible. Its just an over-exaguration.
2008-06-18 17:30:28 UTC
No, I really tried once, but either you fade or she fades of the whole thing fades. I mean, you would have to be a pair of crazed weasels to make it work for you
2008-06-18 17:30:10 UTC
Its possible but you gotta take a couple of breaks and after u feeling it you do it again!
2008-06-18 17:37:29 UTC
it is possible. for men if we smoke weed. we can last for whole night. but after half an hour the guy will be tired. so half and hour break and again for nother 30 mins. then again. cheers......
2008-06-18 17:32:37 UTC
Did you know that the pig has a 30 minute orgasm? If you're a pig then it is possible.
2008-06-18 17:29:39 UTC
yes... The mans going to have to take alot of time out's though
Shake it
2008-06-18 17:36:00 UTC
not possible without aides such as KY gell or something. I can imagine every hour or so but not all day!
Liza P
2008-06-18 17:33:16 UTC
yes if u are are really in love with someone then when u are having sex time passes quickly when u are having sex with someone you love
2008-06-18 17:30:59 UTC
after a few times, it hurts> so really you dont want to have sex all night long!
2008-06-18 17:30:00 UTC
Uhhhh. Maybe it'd be sore down there, but I'm sure that they'd be able to feel it. And wow, they'd have good bodies.
2008-06-18 17:29:48 UTC
If they're fat, or not fit then thats completely impossible. But if they have a hella lot of stamina. then yea its possible.
2008-06-18 17:30:18 UTC
non-stop no

but to do it every 15- 20 mins yes
2008-06-18 17:30:04 UTC
They probably exaggerated---or did oral sex for a really really long time.

Or Medication was involved.
2008-06-18 17:33:01 UTC
Was there speed involved?? I know you can go for hours!!
2008-06-18 17:50:35 UTC
Yes, but after a while my forearms kill me.
2008-06-18 17:29:17 UTC
yes. Well you need short breaks but i have had some marathons.
2008-06-18 17:33:16 UTC
not unless the foreplay lasts for 7 hours.
2008-06-18 17:30:18 UTC
i went all night a few times,yes it is posble a lot of breaks in between
2008-06-18 17:29:59 UTC
No its not.

Unless he swallowed a bottle of Viagra
2008-06-18 17:31:03 UTC
well "all night long" doesn't mean you can't come up for AIR every once in a while.
2008-06-18 17:29:36 UTC
if you can honestly stay up that long, then maybe lol... but wouldn't that be tiring?
2008-06-18 17:30:32 UTC
after like the second hour i start to get bored.
2008-06-18 17:29:34 UTC
Your friend is a liar
2008-06-18 17:29:16 UTC
yes, it hurts after a while
2008-06-18 17:31:18 UTC
I dont know if it is possible, but if it is please let me know so i can try it!
2008-06-18 17:29:43 UTC
yes and I have done it
*MiSz LoRi BaBy*
2008-06-18 17:29:15 UTC
lol yeah it's possible
Gwen H
2008-06-18 17:29:15 UTC
it is proosile. I have done it before. Its great
Anti Thesis
2008-06-18 17:28:58 UTC
With me it is, cant speak for others though.
2008-06-18 18:01:43 UTC
Yes, it can be done.
2008-06-18 17:29:34 UTC
if u can take it & if your in shape
2008-06-18 17:29:54 UTC
ive never
2008-06-18 17:28:46 UTC
if you're in good shape!
2008-06-18 17:38:47 UTC
All I can say is.....OUCH!
sulaimaan ibn ya'quub
2008-06-18 17:40:16 UTC
hell yeaaaah'!!!
chunk up the duce
2008-06-18 17:29:09 UTC
2008-06-18 17:29:24 UTC
idk but once u have skeeted a mans horniness is gone
Kayla...the blonde
2008-06-18 17:28:43 UTC

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