well not ALL darned day, no that would be impossible.
You get tired after a while.
..... workin those damned muscles is a b*tch. LOL.
But maybe he meant in intervals?
I've had sex "all night long" ... but we took breaks LOL geez!
*sighs* it's been about 2 + years since i've done that though.
I'm not a "sleep around" type of a girl. And i'm not in a relationship of any kind so...... no sex. And i'm not like a lot of people... I'd rather have the real thing IF that's your next question LOL. So none of that funny stuff for me. *ick!* I'll wait, thanks.
And YES ..... i do think that it's wrong that i've done it (had sex) and am not married, but whatever. There could be worse sins, you know? (as i'm sure that's what you're thinking!)
.... either you misunderstood your friend or he was exaggerating. Guys DO THAT you know! LOL *sighs* sometimes they flat out make up stuff..... whatever.
*edit* ooooohhhhh cut me a big freaking break!! some of these people are SOOOO exaggerating!!!
I can go several hours .... but "all night" implies 8 or more hours straight. IF you can do that.... you're not human! LOL. nobody in the world can have sex for 8 straight hours! *sighs* liar liar pants on fires!!! lol
*edit* LMAO at Jonothan. That was funny. Thanks, i needed that laugh.