If you mean that you need more help around the house you can: 1) Hire help, 2) Get a friend group going where you babysit each other's kids on a rotating schedule so you can get more work done without interruption. 3) Work out a chore chart that he can look at when he comes home and get done without "being told".
If you mean that you need more help with the babies, he's at work all day and probably pretty tired when he gets home. So you can: 1) Work out a night "off" for you where you get out of the house with a girlfriend, or a date with him on a regular basis. 2) Hire a "mother's helper" usually an older child who works CHEAP but will play with the children and give you a break. 3) find a mother's day out program at a local church, often free, usually very cheap if not free. 4) Join a M.O.P.s or M.O.M.s group.
I realize that you are in Germany living on base? Well- they usually have a LOT of support for young families, older wives mentoring the younger ones. Ask for help, try to find help that doesn't include asking someone who has just worked a demanding, difficult job for 10 hours to step up and do more work at home.
IF you can find help for what you need that doesn't include him- then the two of you will have more time to ENJOY EACH OTHER. Which eventually, will reduce your need for his help... because you'll feel loved, cherished, appreciated, and respected.
Nagging him to do more for you, when he's probably feeling like he's doing enough, can only hurt the relationship.
PLEASE DO reach out for help among the community, friends, and moms groups. You can do it!! It IS overwhelming having two children so close in age, so far from home.
When you say, "I just want my husband to help without me having to ask him" it really tells me that you want his love and attention. You need to feel like a "WIFE" again sometimes instead of just a housecleaning, breastfeeding, taking care of house and children drone all of the time. Does that sound accurate? Would you care who did the dishes after dinner if he came home, swept you up into a big hug and passionate kiss, and looked right into your eyes and asked you how your day was?
. . .
I didn't think so. ;-}