I have the exact same problem, although with a little different attributes.
My husband and I have no children of our own (just a dog, cat, and my Mom live with us).
He does nothing around the house and it takes a week (or sometimes never) for me to get him to do something.
He plays poker (not WoW) so he is on the computer all day and all night. I know it is a distraction for him and helps him relieve stress - I really get that.
He was out of work for 2 years and just got a job (at least your guy works). He has to leave the state - he comes here on weekends.
I understand your loneliness, and I feel that SO much. What I have done to get over it is gone back to college. It fills my time and helps my career (I also work full time and just got a promotion).
I have started seeing a psychologist. AND, believe it or not, my husband has AGREED to marital counseling and we see one once a week (on Sundays when he is home).
It helps a lot.
The reason I am telling you all of this is so that you will not feel alone or that you are the only one going through this. When I read what you wrote, I thought I was reading a version of my own story (of course, with the little differences I mentioned).
The main thing is to realize you are not alone.
I take my wedding vows seriously and I will not cheat on my husband. If you feel like that, please do not cheat. You will regret it. Just leave him and then find a new guy. Don't replace this bad relationship with another bad relationship. Learn to know yourself (and love yourself) so that you don't jump into another bad relationship).
However, since you have the children, try counseling. If he won't go, please go yourself. You will learn coping skills (which is what has helped me).
I told my therapist I LOVED my husband and would never leave him. My therapist gave me suggestions which has helped stop some of the loneliness I feel.
Remember, your children need you and they will copy what they see in their home. Make sure you are healthy for them (mentally and physically) so that you can be the best Mom you can be.
You are so strong and I really admire you so much !!!
I will pray for you.
Good Luck.