Am so confused as to what i should do. Have been with my husband for 9 years, married 6. We have 2 gorgeous kids who we both adore. When i met my husband i was young and very independent, i was life and soul of the party, had loads of confidence and millions of friends. I thought he was wonderful and couldn't believe he was even interested in me. He always liked a drink but so did i and it never bothered me, but i feel i have changed so much and he is just the same. He drinks every-night, sometimes getting completely drunk other times not. I try to tell him how miserable him drinking all the time makes me but he just doesn't understand what the problem is. He says its me who needs to sort myself out and that its me that's the problem, am starting to think maybe hes right. I just don't know who i am anymore or where i fit in, i adore my kids and think am a good mum, still see my friends regularly and am really happy with them, then i have to go home and i am depressed again. It is so hard because when he is sober he is just brilliant and i can see why i love him, it feels like being married to 2 different men. I am just so sick of having to be the sensible reliable one all the time, i want someone to think about me for a change. Am i wrong?