To try to sum things up, I've been married for 5 years. We've been through a lot. My husband has been physically, verbally, and emotional abusive. I believe he has cheated but I'm not sure. I admitted to cheating with a woman a few years ago - and he still throws it up at me. I am now pregnant and in my third trimester. He's never around!!! We live in a remote area and he's all I have. He has been intentionally going on trips and leaving me at home alone. I've been going to most appts and even to prenatal classes by myself (with 10+ couples and me being the only one alone). He's been yelling and screaming at me and calling me all kinds of names. He hasn't helped me with anything around the house or period. I am seriously considering leaving. I feel like if he doesn't want to be around and help support me through this pregnancy then why bother? What do you think?