2009-11-29 06:59:52 UTC
I did not yell or nag-I just said "Tom, you just thew your bag in and wrinkled the dress I was going to wear, could you please be more careful?" I was expecting a quick "I'm sorry" or "I didn't see the clothes" something like that. Instead, he curled his fists, hunched his shoulders and had a gnarled look on his face and just walked away. I repeat-I did not say in an angry tone.
He never apologizes. If it had been me, I would have not only apologized, but offered to redo it for him.
Another example. he was driving and we had a very near miss with another car. By inches. My gut instinct was to clench up and close my eyes. Instead of comforting me he yelled at me to knock it off.
Has anyone ever encountered this "opposite" behavior? Something is his fault and he gets angry with me? What would make a person be this way? There are a lot more incidents but same reaction. He does something wrong, he knows it, then gets mad at me instead of taking responsibility and apologizing. I had never encountered this before him in my life. He has never said "I'm sorry" at any time. We are not kids. Of course he never acted like this when we were dating, I would have thougt twice! I am tired of being yelled at. I am a good wife, don't nag, and he does whatever he wants such as going out with friends, playing online games, etc.
I am at a complete loss as to why he gets upset at me when something is his fault. Any ideas?