Snow balled huh ?,,,, Usually when you play in snow you get wet ,,,, Sounds to me like you are sopping wet ,,,, You can't be in love with two men at the same time because one cancels the other out and vise versa ,,,, What you have to decide now is on which side your bread is buttered ,,,, What I can't understand is if you are married then why would you even bother talking to another guy like this at all whether he's a one time friend or not unless your marriage is on the verge of separation again ,,,,
If this guy could lure you into this so easily then maybe you should rethink your marriage and the relationship between you and husband ,,,, What you are doing here could be constured as cheating because you've evidently been doing this for a year and a half behind your husbands back ,,,, If you didn't think you were doing anything wrong then why would you hide it from your husband or be worried about what to say to him now ?,,,,
What would you think and how would you feel if the shoe were on the other foot so to speak and your husband was doing this to you ? ,,,, If this so called friend of yours knows you are married and has any genuine concern for you at all then why does he bother talking to you unless he could care less about what this could do to you ,,,, I think you need to rethink on just how much of a friend this old friend really is ,,,,
This guy is playing with your life and that of your husbands and he's the only one that wouldn't get hurt from this,,,, Whether he's married or not makes no difference ,,,, It sounds like he's out looking for some flesh and he has no respect for the institution of marriage and he might just be targetting you ,,,,
So what you'd better do is fess up to your husband and tell him the truth or he could wind up just letting your boyfriend have you ,,,, Then your boyfriend would wind up leaving you after he got what he wanted and you'd wind up alone ,,,, You got yourself in this mess and your hanging over a fense with your butt high in the air waiting to be spanked ,,,, If your husband loves you enough to forgive you then you'd better love him all the more for it ,,,,, //