This girl called my phone at 2 o' clock in the morning saying that she's sleeping with my husband?
2007-08-06 14:47:53 UTC
This girl calls my phone at 2 o' clock in the morning saying that she's sleeping with my husband and I ask him and like every man out of course he dined it. I really do not know what to do, I don't know what to believe. I need help
36 answers:
2007-08-06 14:52:00 UTC
And you believe a stranger on the phone before you do your husband? Do you believe the guy in Nigeria really wants to deposit 5 million in your checking account too?

Put the shoe on the other foot. Suppose some man called your husband and said the same thing about you. If you can't trust your husband, your marriage is in trouble regardless of whether your husband, you, both, or neither is cheating. See a counselor.
2007-08-06 15:01:11 UTC
A "girl" phoned you? Just how old are you two? Does hubby hang out away from home a lot? Do you know where he is when he is out? How did hubby act when you confronted him? Wasn't he in bed with you when the call came in? Obviously you are upset but you left out all the important details. You have to believe him unless you have had problems with him lying to you about his where abouts. Has that been the case? If not then you have to move on until something shows this thing to be true.
2016-03-16 12:25:35 UTC
Dammit I feel for you! Why would some random women call your house to piss you off. What i suggest you do is go through your husband cell phone bills - credit card receipts. Last resort I suggest getting a Private Detective. Sounds like alot I know. But if you think hes worth it and that he isnt really playing you, then you wouldnt have posted this asking for help. A relationship let alone a MARRIAGE is not successful without trust. Either you prove yourself right that he isnt cheating on you, or you can take his word for it and stay with him with that doubt contantly nagging you. Some people may feel that going through someones belongings and privacy is not right but when it comes to a marriage there are no boundaries especially in privacy. If he has nothing to hide he will not object to you going through his things. A guilty person always hangs himself. I wish you the best of luck and hope that your heart does not end up broken and it was just some "random" call.
2007-08-06 15:12:45 UTC
When she called, you should have rolled over and gave him the phone and told him to deal with it. Based on what he said with her (or didn't say) or whether he got out of bed to take the call would have told you if he was lying or not.

Don't stress it. Wait for her to call back and hand him the phone.

Don't go through changes with her. That issue is between him and her if he is indeed creeping. Let him deal with her.

As for him, he will slip up sooner or later if he is truly being unfaithful....however, in the meantime, insist on using protection EVERY time. Let him know that you do not trust him and until he can prove to you that he is on the up and up, ya'll are going to continue to use protection because you have to look out for you.

~Best wishes!
2007-08-06 14:58:21 UTC
Well, the fact that you don't know what to believe tells me that you feel your husband has the potential to cheat and possibly could have done it. That's not good. Who wants to life with a so-called life partner who they think has the potential to cheat. Keep your eyes on him, call the woman back and try to get some more details about the affair. She obviously wanted you to know for some reason.
2007-08-06 14:55:07 UTC
Some girls will try to cause problems if they want to be with someone and are denied, so it's possible that your husband is telling the truth. However, it is a possibility that he had some sort of relationship with her. It doesn't mean he slept with her, but anything is possible. Communicate with your husband about this, and if needed, seek marriage counseling. Good luck, and I hope the best for you!
2007-08-06 14:52:49 UTC
Do you know this woman? How did she get your number? And did she give you anything to believe that she knows your husband on that level??? I think you need more information before you believe her, you have her number still in your phone, right? I think maybe you should give her a call and talk to her, get some details, where did they meet, how long has this (supposedly) been going on, how often do they meet up, and then figure out if it seems to match up. Chances are they are not sleeping together, but a little information could go a long way. Good luck! I hope it is only good news that you discover.
2007-08-06 14:52:48 UTC
Did she give you any proof?

How did he act when you confronted him about it?

Is your phone number listed?

Without having any other "solid" evidence, then you can't really put to much into that call. She could've even been just trying to stir up trouble. I'd say your best bet is just to keep your eyes open before you jump to any conclusions.
2007-08-06 14:52:39 UTC
Unless u guys have an enemy, I don't think a girl would just call you out of the blue to say such a thing if it weren't true..... and your husb will never admit it. I think it's time to try to get some proof of it (follow him, check his phone/clothes for traces) because otherwise you may never find out what the TRUTH is.......
Joe S
2007-08-06 14:55:45 UTC
She could be just saying she's sleeping with him to stir things up between you. Check out her story if you can, but don't just go and not believe him. Maybe he is telling the truth.
2007-08-06 15:21:28 UTC
do u have a way to trace the call. when we were teens and got super bored one nite we picked numbers at random and made crank calls like that one and we were young and stupid and i am sure this poor man got into alot of trouble because of our stupidity . so dont think anything of it unless it happens again and then confront her and him and ask him something about his body only u would know like a unseeable tattoo unless hes naked or something else but see if this is teens having a hard nite going to sleep and if they cant answer u then trace the call by hitting *69 and it should give u the number if not call the phone company but dont make a issue out of it. I am afraid if u do u may lose hubby and his trust and that isnt what i want to see happen...
2007-08-06 14:51:53 UTC
OMG.... That is terrible. I would either call her back up and ask for proof or I would sit him down, look him in the eye and say "Did you or didn't you sleep with that woman?" Tell him if he doesn't answer honestly slap him till he does. I am not joking. I am sorry.

Olivia :)
2007-08-06 15:10:33 UTC
Don't do a thing, unless you know for sure, wait. If he is cheating he will slip up and leave you signs. Don't believe a stranger, it could be someone trying to make trouble for you.
2007-08-06 15:04:32 UTC
remember that most men cheat!!!!! have some investigations to do girl .....keep an close eye on him. you should kindly call the girl and get informations from her, dont curse at her or call her bad names...ask her the times, dates and how often they've had sex.....get these informations then you'll have to solve the PUZZLE... if she sounds right then you'll know that hes cheating...or for example if she says that she was with him last week on a saturday at certain time and you know that you was with him at that time then you'll know that she's the liar.......GOOD LUCK
2007-08-06 14:51:30 UTC
You know what to believe!

Has his behavior changed? Did you suspect something like this may be going on? If you answered yes to those 2 questions, then yes, he's cheating!
2007-08-06 14:52:59 UTC
Call her back and ask her for specific details about when and where and see if that matches up for dates/times he was out of the house. Ask her about his underclothes. Look on his cell phone bill for her number. See if she knows any personal information about your family. See if she has any pictures of them together. Check his credit card statements.

I hate to say it but if that happened to me I would definitely not let it go until I knew for sure one way or the other. If your husband has not cheated in the past, he may not be cheating now and she could just really like him and be trying to break up your marriage also.

Whitney C
2007-08-06 14:56:22 UTC
Have you been able to trust your husband in the past? Has he given you any reason to doubt his honesty? Do you have a gut feeling in your stomach about him sleep in with this woman? Since you don't really have proof allow some more time to pass. When you ask him things pay attention to his answers to see if he will lie to you! If he lie about small things he will definitely lie about serious things. One thing my grandma always tell me,"Most men have more than one woman".
2007-08-06 15:52:26 UTC
Do you have any other reason to think he's cheating? Was he THERE at 2 AM?
2007-08-06 15:43:40 UTC
do you have her number? if so call her back and ask her what proof she has to support it. if she has none than i would totally disregard her call she might be trying to stir things up between you and your husband. I wouldn't take her call too seriously until you have proof I would rather think my husband didn't lie to me then to jump to conclusions but I would have to check it out. good luck and hope fully she is full of crap.
2007-08-06 14:51:40 UTC
that could be just a prank and someone's messing with you. or, you could try and follow your husband, and if you followed him and and saw his every move then this girl calls you that she did what she did, you know that she's just meein with you.... i think
2007-08-06 14:50:30 UTC
Was he home at 2 o' clock in the morning?

if not then i would definatly have alot of thinking to do.

i mean seriously were would he be at 2 o' clock in the morning?
2007-08-06 14:51:48 UTC
find out who the girl is and pay her a visit without your husband knowing. ask her to PROVE she is... (birthmarks, etc). if her story is believable, then you need to figure out if you can forgive him or if you want to divorce him... But dont go leaving him right away, she could just be playing games because she likes him or something. Girls are catty like that...
♥≈Safi≈♥ ☼of the Atheati☼
2007-08-06 14:50:38 UTC
If your phone saved her number, call her back and ask for details. Make sure she knows who she is calling, and who your husband is... It might have been a wrong number. Or a prank.
Kona Cutie 33
2007-08-06 14:50:42 UTC
First, be sure she didn't call a wrong number (not likely)...I would call her back and get more details, maybe even meet her face to face....find out all the facts and go from there...GOOD LUCK!
2007-08-06 15:04:32 UTC
i think it might be a prank call.......... just call her up and ask or you can hire i pro try to follow him around or simply report this to opera or the police! best of luck to you and i hope you get to the bottom of this and get rid of this sick person(the phone caller) so sorry! and you can also just trust your instincts!
2007-08-06 14:59:36 UTC
call her back, arrange a meeting with her, like lunch or something and ask details. try and remember if your husband was gone on those occasions. or ask if she would like to set him up.
Murphy's Law
2007-08-06 14:55:25 UTC
*Well was your husband home when you recieved that call?*

>If not, then you do have to wonder where he would be at, at 2 in the morning?!<

.Hmm...sounds suspicious. I would not be surprised that he denied it, I mean unless he was getting back at you for something he surely isn't just going to say "Yes, I have been cheating on you...with that dirty hooker who called you the other morning at 2am."

.Do you know what I mean?. Now if he were cheating on you out of spite...just to be a jerk he probably would come out and just admit it.

.Anyways sounds like you need to play Sherlock and do some investigating.

.I will leave some links and what not for you.

1. Set a trap. Cheating husbands usually cheat when their wife is out of town. Tell your husband that you are leaving for a couple of days and then wait, listen and watch. Place a recording surveillance device in your bedroom or near the phone and then listen. Park in a friend's car with a hat and sunglasses on and follow his car or wait for someone to come to the house. Keep a camera, binoculars and a cell phone with you. Cheating husbands usually take their affair out for dinner and a rendezvous while you are gone. Give your cheating husband lots of space to make a mistake. Your husband will leave cheating signs unknowingly. Make sure you are "busy" or out of the house a lot while you are investigating. Take a long nap under your bed at lunch or in the evening or place a long recording digital tape recorder which is voice activated under the bed. This wouldn't work if you have children or a dog.

2. Watch his cell phone. A sign of a cheating husband can be if he protects his cell phone with a password, unexpectedly ask to borrow his cell phone to make an important call. Then make a fake call, pressing as many buttons of his call log as possible to note any strange calls. Go to bathroom with phone if at all possible. Watch whether his cell phone is always turned off when with you or whether he takes unusually long to phone you back. Note the times, dates and length of any suspicious calls. Press the re-dial on the phone or *69. This is an effective way to find out who they've been calling.

3. Place a long-recording digital tape recorder under your cheating husband's car seat every morning and then listen to it when you are alone. Please check the laws in your city or state to make sure it is legal to record someone in your car if they are borrowing it. The same goes for a GPS tracking device which tracks everywhere your husband's car goes. GPS tracking devices are now made the size of a pack of chewing gum so they are easy to hide.

4. Monitor your husband's computer usage. Does he use the computer late at night or for an unusual amount of time? Cheating husbands frequently utilize free email services such as hotmail, msn, yahoo, gmail, hushmail, etc- Check his internet web browser history for warning signs. If you suspect your husband is cheating, you can install a keystroke logger which will log every keystroke your husband types, including his passwords. There are many good ones currently for sale.

5. A sign of a cheating husband could be if he is frequenting any dating sites, create a fake profile on-line of someone you think your husband would be attracted to and then start flirting. Many wives have successfully used this technique.

6. Be careful of your cheating husband's close friends who may cover for him because of loyalty feelings. Even if they don't approve of your husband's cheating ways, they may still cover for his cheating by providing an alibi for him.

7. Set booby traps in your house. If you think your cheating husband may be bringing someone into your home while you are traveling or out, set some traps. Put on a clean set of sheets and then place a crumb on the bedspread. Make sure that a dog or cat don't move it. Then check to see if the crumb is still in the same place after your return.

8. Get your girlfriend's to help. Sign up a willing acquaintance or girlfriend to hit on your husband at a pre-determined location to see if he will bite. It is helpful if she carries a tape recorder in her purse so you may hear him.

9. Monitor your husband's driving habits for a month. Watch for increase in gas receipts and monitor the car's odometer to see if there are extra unexplained miles on the car. Monitor the time he leaves for work and the time he comes home. You should be able to establish a pattern by keeping a calendar and noting the times. If your husband claims to be working late, check paycheck stubs to verify his overtime. If your husband explains a late return home as a result of having to drive out of town on business, yet the mileage on the car indicates less than ten miles driven, you'll have caught your cheating husband in a lie which may be due to his adultery.

10. Paper signs of a cheating husband can include unexplained receipts, more frequent ATM withdrawals, and unexplained credit card charges. Note any strange dates and times. Is there a restaurant charge when he should have been at work? Check his business deductions if possible.

If you have tried some of the above tips on how to catch a cheating husband and have been unsuccessful, try playing your poker face. Pretend like you know something and give him 24 hours to come clean or else... However, only resort to this after you have tried all other means because if you accuse him, your husband will know you are on to him, deny any wrong doing and cover his cheating tracks better next time.
2007-08-06 14:51:16 UTC
before you accuse you have to make sure you have the facts. this could have been someone playing on the phone, you never know - facts, facts, facts - good luck
2007-08-06 14:51:02 UTC
Better get yourself to a family and marriage counselor.
2007-08-06 14:52:09 UTC
wow, thats question to you is, if he denies it and he says he doesnt know her, then how did she get the of coarse he has to know her from something or somewhere...i think you need to get to the bottom of way or another
lady b
2007-08-06 14:51:26 UTC
forget about that girl, she doesn't exist, she is just a nonentity, who hates you and wants to break your heart.
2007-08-06 14:51:30 UTC
are you young? just sounds so childish...I have read your other post and if he denies it maybe you should just hire a private investigator or just rely on instincts...they are probably right
2007-08-06 14:57:05 UTC
You can always call Cheaters.
Anthony F
2007-08-06 14:50:57 UTC
Ask her to describe your spouse. You know what I mean.
2007-08-06 14:51:54 UTC
I would discuss her at length with your hubby.

if you get no real answers, confront HER!
2007-08-06 14:50:59 UTC
the only reason she did that was to get you to break up with him so she could have him all to herself.....but yea...he did sleep with her!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.