Do I need my husband's permission?
2010-01-29 05:22:59 UTC
My daughter has repeatedly dropped my cell phone to the point that I need to replace it now. I can get a new phone for less than $75 through our provider. Do I need to get my husband's permission to get a new phone?

He seems to think I do. I work full time and so I feel that I should be able to order it and it will be billed to our account and I should be able to just tell him I ordered a phone? Agree or disagree?
32 answers:
2010-01-29 05:27:03 UTC
You have to be out of your MIND if, you think you need his permission to get a phone with YOUR hard earning money.
2010-01-29 05:54:04 UTC
It's not about having his permission, it's about both of you agreeing to buying the phone. I assume you're not the only one who's working so you can't use that as an excuse to have more power than he does in deciding stuff, even little things as buying a phone. At the end of the day, you're married, you're committed to each other and even choosing color paint should be a decision you both make.

It be different if he didn't care about what you buy and what you choose, but if he does, you must talk to him about everything. But I repeat, it's not about asking for permission, that's what children do with their parents, you just need to let him know, ask him politely, hey I think we should buy it, what do you think? That's called compromising and ultimately, having a healthy relationship.
My Husband Rocks!!
2010-01-29 05:30:14 UTC
Agree UNLESS your family is in financial turmoil. If its the phone or dinner, eat. But if you can get it fairly comfortably at least, then, yes, you should get the phone. Even if you didnt work. You are a team, the money is shared and you both should feel free to purchase as you see fit unless it is a major purchase. I dont work and I know what money we have in the bank. I know what money will be used on bills and I know what is available for me to spend. I am not expected to ask, just expected to use good ol' common sense when spending. Im easy on the wallet anyways/.
2010-01-29 05:42:24 UTC
If you share an account then you should inform the other person, out of courtesy, when you make a purchase. If it were a large expense it should be discussed between the two of you.

As for asking permission... no. Children ask for permission not husbands and wives.
2010-01-29 05:39:57 UTC
NOT permission but maybe consent or approval, if its a joint account maybe he should know just don't to do it behind his back, if its your account then feel free to do what u need too..n then just mentioned to him later during the day. i don't see a big issue ..unless he would like to pick your cell together. agree order your cell phone, tell him later no harm done.
2010-01-29 05:34:04 UTC
No partners should ever argue over money. If it is a control issue than you and your husband have more to speak about than a cell phone. It's your phone, buy it and drop the arguement.
2010-01-29 05:30:27 UTC
Absolutely Agree!!! Geez, if you have to ask his permission to buy a phone what else is he in control of. You work - you earn money - you need a phone. Show some backbone and just do it - don't even ask his permission.
2010-01-29 05:29:48 UTC
Why would you need your husband's permission? If it's your money then you don't.

However, if it's a joint account, you should get his permission to use it unless you have both agreed that you can both spend from it without asking the other's permission. If he spends money from that account without asking you, then you should be able to do the same.
2010-01-29 05:28:42 UTC
some husbands are just insecure of their wife or girl friend, no problems, just be more kind to them than they are to you. Sometimes this type of insecurity means that your husband or wife truly love you.

Just talk about the cell phone with him, dont say "can I buy a new cell phone?" but after few conversations at the dinner table, say "I will go early tommorow, buy a cell phone, then pick up our daughter from school" and say that is my plan for the day, what about yours, what would you like for dinner tommorrow?
2010-01-29 05:39:14 UTC
2010-01-29 05:31:38 UTC
2010-01-29 05:29:06 UTC
If you have to post this as a question i would say you guys have communication problems. And asking millions of people online instead of talking about it with your husband probably isnt helping with that.

I agree you should be able to just buy it, but if you guys have worked out a system that you tell eachother when you buy things.....
2010-01-29 12:28:56 UTC
I don't even understand why this is a question.

"Honey, the baby finally broke my phone permanently."

" get a new one."

Where's the issue here?

And if a $60.00 cell phone is a large sum purchase in your home, there's a problem.
2010-01-29 05:43:57 UTC
If its an account you both are responsible for he has a right to be consulted before a dont need his permission but you also should respect him enough to allow for his input before a purchase from a joint show a lack of respect otherwise.
2010-01-29 05:37:40 UTC
well...if u think its not important i suggest you may be wrong....but i need to clear it you that u may dont need his permission but u should at least inform him that this situation has happened and i have done this to get new phone to get in touch with him while u both are away from each other..while working and on job .....i m sorry that this advice may be irrupting in ur personal relations but in my view if u want to live a good married life and u want to win the confidence of your husband u must never hide anything from him......u may be frightened that he will be angry when new that..but at the end he will be happy that u kept him informed about all those matters that happened in his absence.....hope u understand my point........ok cheers.
2010-01-29 05:32:10 UTC
It's your money. Yeah maybe you could've just told him that she dropped it, and that it needs to be replaced, and that you ARE going to get a new phone. Because it's your hard working money, and what would you do with a broken phone?
2010-01-29 05:29:34 UTC
i agree, but some time's men feel like they should have the upper hand about everything, so maybe to make things better you should just mention it to him an be like 'hey i ordered a new phone (your daughter's name) has dropped it to many time's' an just leave it at that. if he feels like you shouldn't of gotten a new phone then next time he buys something do what he did to you. then remind him that's exactly what he did.

hope i helped.!
Oh, brilliant. -_-
2010-01-29 05:27:56 UTC
You don't need anyone's "permission" to get a new phone. Since the amount of money is not extravagant and it's a reasonable amount for a phone, you can just order it. He can tell you what he thinks and his opinion but that's as far as it goes. You're not doing absolutely nothing wrong so you don't need anyone's permission. It's a phone for god's sake, tell him to lighten up.
The Original GarnetGlitter
2010-01-29 05:42:29 UTC

Screw that....order your phone, dear and if he starts with the permission crap tell him permission goes BOTH ways and that he's your husband NOT your father...and you are not a minor child.

Then outline a few things he needs YOUR permission for if he's gonna play that game.
2010-01-29 05:34:14 UTC
Being since he is your husband and not your father i would say you don;t need his permission for anything.Whether you work or not the money is just as much yours as it is his!
2010-01-29 06:09:31 UTC
As long as you have the money to buy the phone and pay the bill, then what's his problem?
2010-01-29 06:18:47 UTC
As long as both of you are adults, no permission is needed from a spouse.
Iggy Luv's Lori
2010-01-29 05:30:01 UTC
You work, tell him if you want a phone then your getting a phone.
2010-01-29 05:28:14 UTC
Well since you said "OUR" well I think you just tell him but ask permission from him to buy a phone? uhm you got a job and you earn money so why ask him an permission to buy a phone? Is he your daddy or husband?
2010-01-29 05:27:42 UTC
Personally, I think that financial decisions should be shared. But that's just me.

I guess another question that is more objective would be - the bill is in who's name? Yours? His? Both? If it is in his, then yes you really should get his permission.
2010-01-29 05:43:06 UTC
my husband and I don't make decisions on large sum purchases without consulting each other.
2010-01-29 05:29:42 UTC
I wish my wife would ask my permission before she went ahead and bought things. I would have many more toys. No, you shouldn't need his permission.
2010-01-29 05:42:22 UTC
Wow.....are you being controlled or what?? Sounds like he is taking away your freedom and self dignity.
2010-01-29 05:38:54 UTC
women ALWAYS need the man's permission.
2010-01-29 05:27:53 UTC
i don't think you need to ask permission, but its probably a good idea to tell him your doing it.
2010-01-29 05:49:43 UTC
absolutely not
2010-01-29 05:49:59 UTC
i would

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