A mth+ bk, I found out my hubby received erotic msgs on his mobile from gals. When I asked him, he denied, saying the other party msged the wrong person and he really did not msg them. Followed by the high mobile usage during tat mth, I asked for the detailed billing to check if there was any mistakes. He got pissed off, tot I was checking on him. But I insisted on lookin at it, so he relunctantly requested for it. After a week, I still did not receive the bill, so I called up. I was told he called bk to cancel the request on the same day tt he put up for the bill. I confronted him, he denied doing so but he wasn't angry tat he was being accused by the service provider which I find it funny. I still insisted on the bill so he called bk to request for it again. Within 3 days, my mum received the bill & left it on the usual place. As I didn't received yet so I asked my mum. She said she had oredi left it on the table. I asked my hubby, he denied seeing it again.