You're not my friend, let alone my "dear friend", but I'll answer your questions anyway:
Q: Don’t you ever wonder dear friend what makes the world go round
A: The force of gravity exerted by the sun as the world revolves around it.
Q: why love hurts so much
A: Love doesn't hurt at all. What hurts are the occasional things the people we love do.
Q: why marriage turns into divorce
A: It doesn't. At least mine doesn't, and I've been married for 23 years.
Q: why forever never happens
A: Obviously, you don't understand the meaning of the word infinity. Forever cannot happen, by definition.
Q: why up always comes down
A: It doesn't. Humans have sent numerous object into space that will never come back.
Q: why full filling is never enough
A: The passage of time leads to emptying, of course. If you eat a huge meal today, you'll still get hungry again tomorrow. Same with less tangible things.
Q: why rich makes you lonely
A: It doesn't. Rich or poor, people always have the choice of sharing their lives with others, or not.
Q: why money is everything
A: LOL! If money is everything to you, you would do well to reevaluate your priorities in life!
Q: why you must move forward even though your happy standing still
A: Change is inevitable. You can find happiness in other places too.
Q: Is there anything out there that makes you wonder dear friend?
A: Thousands of things make me wonder. And I am still not your dear friend!
Q: Does the life revolve around you or you around life.
A: Neither. I live my life. No revolving is involved.
Q: Is the career that you chose the career that you love or do you wish that you did something else?
A: I do very much enjoy my career.
Q: Dear friend is your life full or do you want more.
A: Pretty full. And I do want more. But I am working to obtain the more that I want. If you're not, you should. And I am STILL not your dear friend!