My husband is 27 and acts like he is 18. He used to drink A LOT...and decreased that a LITTLE bit after he got arrested for public intoxication and spent a night in jail on Christmas, yes christmas. He is in the Navy and deployed, and he thought it would be ok to invite a girl co-worker to come hang out in the hotel room with him and a couple guys. He knows I do not think something like that is ok, and he thinks the same of the situation flipped. Well, that was a couple weeks ago, and I just can't let it go. He never admitted he was wrong and made me feel bad for being upset by it. He does this all the time. This year after having our son (9 months old), he never helped, and rarely likes to play with him. My son and I didn't get any gifts from him for Christmas, valentines day, birthday or anything. He has also spent over 400 dollars on alcohol, and 500 dollars on hotels in 2 port stops while deployed, but tells me to try and save money! So, after being fed up with the way I am being treated (disrespected in many ways) I decided to let him know how I was feeling. Normally he'd get upset with me and I would submit and say I'm sorry, but this time I am standing my ground. He doesn't like it, and won't even e-mail me. What is wrong with this situation...I know I am right to stand up for what I believe, because I have let things slide for more than 2 years, but why is his heart so much like a solid rock??