2008-08-31 10:40:02 UTC
I am a man and will be marrying a woman in distant future. After reading the book,i have learned few things regarding how to develop relationship with my wife.
1) I have learned that me and wife should talk/communicate a lot everyday to develop bonding/relationship.
2) I have learned that i should listen to my wife everyday so that she feels good without offering her solutions to her problems.
The book says woman just want to speak with someone close without that person offering solutions.
3) I have learned that i should not force my wife for sex and before starting sex, i should talk sweetly to her and engage in lot of foreplay.
4) I have learned that i should be a good father to her (and my) kids.
5) I have learned that i should give her flowers, chocolate and wine frequently.
6) i have learned that i should be totally committed to her.
7) I have learned during her periods, she is tired and i should step in and make food, clean house and take care of kids. Basically help her a lot during her periods.
8) I have learned i should have good humour sense to make my wife laugh.
9) I have learned to appreciate her by giving her details and using nice words.
Have i learned the right things from the book? I want great relationship with my future wife.
Woman advise needed.