I agree that your reported behavior shows signs of low self-worth.
Ask yourself: "Does it *make sense* for me to feel better when a disloyal man other than my husband, uses me...?" You've assumed that he loves you, but want & love are not the same thing at all --- especially when deciet is involved!
Notice God's definition of true love:
"Love is long-suffering and kind.
Love is not jealous, does not brag, does not get puffed up,
does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests,
does not become provoked.
It does not keep account of the injury.
It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails." --1 Co 13:4-8a
"Can We Save Our Marriage?"
> Trapped in a Loveless Marriage
- Why Does Love Fade?
- Is There Reason for Hope?
- Your Marriage Can Be Saved!
Why View Marriage as Sacred?
- Love and Respect
- Time and Attention
- Avoid a Casual View
The Bible Can Help Your Marriage
- How to Strengthen Your Marriage
How Well Do You Communicate?
- Keys to Communicating With Your Mate
When Marital Disagreements Arise
- Assessing the Situation
- - Three Steps to Defusing an Argument
- - - “Pay Attention to How You Listen”
- - - - Listening and Insight
- - - - - Aim to Resolve, Not to Win
- - - - - - What You Can Do Now!
When a Mate is Unfaithful :
- Infidelity--Its Tragic Consequences
- Is Reconciliation Possible?
- The Option of Divorce
- Meaningful Support
- Why Some Stay Together
- Who Is Responsible?
> Children Do Not Deserve Divorce
I invite you to listen to a few, brief descriptions of other's experiences in dealing with marital problems, by applying God's advice, on this excerpt from the video:
The Bible's Power in Your Life -- Part 2,
Marriage Should Be a Permanent Bond
You can sit your husband down, tell him there's something very serious you need to tell him, & tell him how you've been feeling, & why. Then tell him what you did, & apologize. Don't make excuses.
Apologize. State how you feel without accusing him of making you feel that way. Ask him to tell you how he feels --when he's ready-- about the entire matter, but tell him --truthfully-- that you've ended the affair. Even if just for yourself, end it... Read the articles I've posted links for, & perhaps at some point, ask him to read certain ones of them with you...
You are welcome to request a free home Bible study for yourself/selves, perhaps using the publication:
"The Secret of Family Happiness"
The Bible's principles really do work, when applied...
Not all family-repair 'jobs' work,
& not all that do start out with both parties wanting to try,
none work where neither take the innitiative...