She's 32, very parity, very nave for a 32 year old. She can pass for 22 and many times acts like it. She's married, but looking for good time before she's too old. She says she's not looking to have an affair, just want a have some fun with other guys, not sex, just some fun. A new woman at her work invited her to a party in Bali, Indonesia. Party is being thrown by a very famous model over there. She is finishing up having a large villa built for herself. The party is to celebrate the finishing of her place. Woman says she is good friends with the model and to bring a friend. My friend knows very little about the woman. Has been out with her once to talk about party. She told me the woman is really friendly towards her, Friend has no details about trip when asked, doesn't seem to matter to her, " This is my big chance to do something really different. I may not get a chance like this again." Where are you going to stay? "At the villa, I guess." How about your husband? "He'll have to deal with it." I'm not going to do anything bad, just fun." Trip sounds strange to me What person invite you to a party like this without really knowing you. I'm so afraid this is not going to turn out good. A party like this is for sure going to have lots of sex, drugs and boozes. My friend is not this kind of person. She's very nave about these things. All she sees is fun. I just don't want her getting into something she can't get out of.