I have a 6-year old daughter. She's been living with me since day one. Her dad does pay child support, but rarely spends time with her at all. He only lives 20 minutes away, but claims he works all the time. It’s not really something we discuss or argue about. I don't push him to see her or give him advice, I believe if he wanted to, he would, and forcing it wouldn't be any good for her because it would be fake. As far as his involvement in her life, he has no clue as to what time her school starts (I got her accepted into a charter school for kindergarten when she started in August), no idea who her teacher is, what she does at school, what she's learning, etc. Doesn’t ask about her health or doctor’s visits when she goes, won’t sacrifice being late or calling out of work for anything (I asked him to watch her for a weekend a couple weeks ago, and when he was supposed to take her to school that following Monday which he’s never once done in his life, he tried to act as if he wasn’t aware he was supposed to. He let me know that he couldn’t do it because of work, because he doesn’t call out ever. And that if his dad couldn’t take her to school, she just wouldn’t be able to go that day. I have all the texts messages he sent me regarding this conversation as well, if the court would accept them, which I doubt). He doesn't ask, doesn't get involved, he's called maybe 2-3x in the past 2-3 years to see how she is when he goes for long periods of time without seeing her. Currently, I drop her off Saturday nights at 9pm (this is only because before/after care is not open on the weekends, obviously, and this is what time he asks me to drop her off) because I have to be at work at 7:30am Sundays, and then he drops her off after I get out.. between 2-4pm, depending. Since she's started school, these Saturday nights (he hasn't been home once when I've dropped her off any Saturday night since this started, he doesn't get home until sometime after 9. His parents have been the ones home, not only that, but it's bedtime, so it's not like he'd spend time with her then anyway) into Sundays are the only time he's seen her at all since she's started school, unless I've asked him to watch her during a weekend occasionally. He usually pulls through when I ask, but again, 99% of the time he sees her is ONLY because I ask, due to plans. A couple years ago, he requested to change our custody order. He hadn’t spoke about it with me in advance, so I had no idea what to expect until the day of mediation. Somewhat worried, we went in, and the ONLY reason he asked for the change was because he wanted holiday visitation. We have NO specific order set as to him getting her every weekend or every other weekend or any days throughout the week. He told the mediator he was fine with everything else the way it was (because I take care of her, and he obviously doesn’t want the responsibility). The only specification on the order is the fact that we will rotate holidays every year. The reason he asked for this apparently, is because I would never let him have her during Christmas and whatnot. For good reason, as he never takes care of her or bothers any other time during the year. I don’t feel he should have the right to have her on Christmas of all days. Regardless, the order changed, so that’s basically what our custody order consists of. Joint custody, she resides with me, as she always has, and we will rotate holidays.
Now for the question: Based upon what you’ve read, I’m curious as to what the courts will say about my request to modify our custody order. I plan on getting married next spring and moving halfway across the country next summer after my daughter’s school year is over. My request is to change the order so that we are allowed to move out of state. It will first go to mediation. I have absolutely no idea what he will say to this. It could go either way. He doesn’t really care to be involved, so I feel like he would oblige, but another part of me feels he might say no just to be difficult. If he DOESN’T agree, we’ll have to take it to court. Now, if this happens, based upon my facts, what do you think the outcome would be? Is the possibility of the judge ruling in my favor much greater than the possibility of him/her ruling it in his?