2012-08-06 14:11:38 UTC
THe fist year of our marriage was relatively smooth and his drinking didn't seem to be a problem (I admit that I was very naive about the issue and had never dealt with a addict before). By the second year of the marriage, things took a turn for the worse and he was drinking constantly and became extremely verbally and emotionally abusive. a few months before our third year of marriage, I managed to kick him out of the house (with the help of my MIL) and he eventually agreed to go to rehab. Fast forward another 6 months (today) and he's fail another rehab and a detox center. He still doesn't work (although he's a little more productive) and his verbal abuse is much less significant (but still there when he's completely hammered - which is maybe once or twice a week). I need to get out for my children's sake (we have a blended family - yours, mine, and ours). But he simply won't leave! I've talked to a lawyer and a cop and they both told me that my MIL has to file for a formal eviction which will take up to 90 days. I'm at a loss because I want him out now! I can't leave the home because I work from home and everything is set up here, not to mention, I don't want to uproot my kids and I am low income (hence the reason I'm living with my MIL).
So, am I just a weak woman who is afraid to leave her husband? Maybe, perhaps it's a sign that I need to try to work it out with him no matter what the cost? I got him to move out before to go to rehab, but now he absolutely refuses. What should I do? I don't live near any other family.