"Dane was the last person to see her. He made a Facebook post saying she was drinking and they were arguing about past issues, which caused Jepsy to leave the apartment around 12am. "
Sounds like she's acting like my filipina wife, or soon to be EX wife.
"The whole post looked a little suspicious."
What looked suspicious about it? Filipina girls get drunk, drag up issues from the past to deliberately start arguments. And then when they feel like they are losing the argument, they up and disappear. Like that will make it all better, somehow. Nothing suspicious about posting normal filipina girl behavior on facebook. If you must post anything on facebook, that is.
"Then other screenshots of text messages and emails surfaced between Dane Kallungi and his Ex wife, that showed Dane and the Ex wife were having relations behind Jepsy's back. "
What a lovely couple Dane and Jepsy are. Most likely cheating on each other.
The case will be investigated like any other case. The fact that she's filipina means absolutely nothing at all, one way or the other. There was SOMETHING that happened on United States soil, and the police will keep investigating until they figure out what. In most cases, it is wise for the police to say NOTHING until after a case has gone to trial. Even then, they choose to speak mostly under oath.
My best guess? This case will be resolved years from now. 1 year? 2 years? 20 years? Who knows? But in the meantime, the best bet Jepsy has for finding justice is for the police to keep their mouths shut TIGHT. Anything the police say right now could compromise the investigation. ANYTHING.
You care about Jepsy? It's OK to contact the police to ask about the case. It's not OK to expect a helpful answer anytime soon though. If they had any real information that they felt like sharing with YOU, then it would likely be plastered all over the evening news, available to everybody....