2013-06-03 04:37:00 UTC
Recently she has been presented the opportunity to pose for a reputable erotic website that is affiliated with a well-klnown men's magazine. It isn't porn or anything that involves 'sex' just very fashionable and erotic images of her nude. She would have roughly 12 images in all published. She has never been ashamed of her body and doesn't have a real hangup with nudity, so she thinks it's a great stepping-stone to maybe taking her modeling career to the next level. This is the first time she has ever considered posing nude.She asked for my input.
I told her that she is her own person, nobody should tell her what she can and can not do, and that she should fol,low her dreams and do whatever makes her happy. HOWEVER...
I also explained I am my own person and need to make decisions in life that will make me happy and give me peace of mind and there is no way under the sun I could be engaged, let alone married to a woman who's nude body has been seen by a multitude of men. Co-workers, colleagues, family etc. would all potentially see these photos and that's not something I want to deal with. So I want her to do what she needs to do so she will not resent me for 'holding her back' but I would have to call off our engagement and break-up if she did it...for both our sakes.
She is very upset and thinks I'm being unfair. I think I'm being more than fair by letting her do what she wants and making her own decision. She just doesn't seem to want me to make my own decisions as well and feels I'm being silly. She feels that even if other people see her nude photos it means nothing whereas her body would still only be for me intimately. I disagree.
Am I justified in my decision or should I stay with her and be miserable and uncomfortable with my soon to be wife's nude photos seen by every guy she works with, that we know etc?