M & D regulars, tell me a little something about yourself, just for fun?
2010-01-14 09:35:23 UTC
What do you do for a living? No, don't give me the name and phone number of your workplace, just tell me generals.

How old are you? I'm really curious about this for some of you?

How long have you been married or divorced? Kids?

What would you change about yourself? Your spouse?

What would you do if someone gave you $1M?

Men: boxers or briefs? Ladies: granny panties or thongs?
Men: do you do chores? What are they?
Ladies: do you go shopping a lot? What do you buy(what's your weakness)
39 answers:
2010-01-14 10:12:31 UTC
I am not an M&D regular....but I just may be soon. :o\

When I first came on Y/A was when I was pregnant and wanted to read other Mommy stories and Q&A. Very recently my bf and I have been having issues and so now I'm reading other people's stories and Q&A with the problems that I'm having. We are not married ( I guess common-law),we have been together for 13 years and we have an almost 2 yr old boy. I am 35, work as an office clerk in a police station. My bf is 36, works in refrigeration and goes to school.

The one thing that I would change about me and I'm working really hard at it is my terrible time management. I am those people that are late for EVERYTHING. I don't mean to, time just gets away from me somehow. So my new years resolution was to fix that problem....and so far so good. I would change my bf's recent behavior and irresponsibility. He has been unemployed for almost 3 months and has made no effort to do anything else leaving me with all the responsibility.

With $1M, I would quit my job, go to school full time, go to culinary or interior design school. Get a ranch home with a few farm animals, not too many. Pay off all bills and take care of my family and bf's family. I would create a business to keep the money growing. Help my nieces and nephew with their own cars and college....or at least start 'em off for college, I have 7...that money would be gone quick!

Granny panties and thongs, depends on the mood. And I only go shopping for the bare necessities, money is very scarce right now. And well, when I do have money my weakness is lottery scratch off tickets and almost anything from the toddler section at Target......oh and their pretzels at the snack bar.
Tea For Two
2010-01-15 12:06:38 UTC
What do you do for a living? Hmm, well I'm a full-time student, parent and dreamer of better days.

How old are you? I'm 30-something, feel 80-something, and look 23--or so I'm told.

How long have you been married or divorced? Married to my one true love for well over a decade.

Kids? yep.

What would you change about yourself? I care WAY too much! The upside is that it is fulfilling to help others, but it also means getting emotionally hurt at times. Oh well, such is life sometimes. ;)

Your spouse? He spends too much time in the bathroom. I'd rather him come out and SHARE his FEELINGS! LOL :P

What would you do if someone gave you $1M? My answer is a boring one: give some to charitable organizations, pay bills, buy new cars, put the rest in savings to finish school--maybe go skydiving once.

Men: boxers or briefs? Ladies: granny panties or thongs? Whatever is clean, I have a bit of everything.

Men: do you do chores? What are they?

Ladies: do you go shopping a lot? What do you buy(what's your weakness) I don't shop much for myself. If I do, it's for jeans and sweaters. Growing kids make it nearly impossible to buy for myself! LOL
Pink, it's my new Obsession
2010-01-14 12:54:58 UTC
I was in the car business, my husband is an electrician and I decided the car business wasn't practical now while my kids are little, I was Never home. I have always wanted to be a surrogate for the right couple and we recently found them, now I am in the process of going through all the exams and such to start the process and will be getting pregnant in March or April. Pregnant and it won't be my baby! We are super excited about it.

I am 24 (until next month), my husband is 37.

The day after Christmas was our 2nd anniversary. We have 2 boys, 6 and 2.

Honestly, I'd stop always seeing the good in people. I like to think the best of everyone, and it's gotten me hurt a few times. (not physically). But then again, I like who I am and wouldn't want to be cynical or negative. About my husband? Nothing comes to mind. My husband used to have some serious addiction issues and that was awful, but he was strong enough to overcome all that and make some major changes, and he's an awesome husband.

Put it in the bank, pay forward all my bills for a year, buy my husband a big truck and set aside savings accounts for the kids.

My husband wears boxers, I wear thongs or g-strings.

My husband does all the laundry, we swap cooking and dishes and everything else, I do all the vacuuming.

I do not go shopping a lot, besides grocery shopping. I don't really love to shop, but I can never resist cute panties, it's only a few dollars and makes me feel new and sexy. Or eyeshadow and nail polish.
2010-01-14 10:02:42 UTC
What do you do for a living?

Industrial Hygienist

How old are you?


How long have you been married or divorced?

First marriage - divorced on our 5 year wedding anniversary. Second marriage - been married for 3 months, dating for 2 years


A beautiful 4 year old daughter and beautiful 7 year old step daughter

What would you change about yourself?

My resolution this year was to be a peace maker and stop letting little things get to me.

Your spouse?

More flowers would be nice :)

What would you do if someone gave you $1M?

Build a stone front log cabin home, pay off my parent's mortgage, set up a fund for the kids and give some to charity I suppose lol

granny panties or thongs?

There are many other cute styles out there - tangas, boy shorts, and of course the good ole nuttin ;)

Ladies: do you go shopping a lot?

Sure after everything is paid - Coats, jackets and high heels are my weakness!
2010-01-14 14:52:32 UTC
What do you do for a living? No, don't give me the name and phone number of your workplace, just tell me generals. Insurance Customer service Rep/ Dog traineer

How old are you? I'm really curious about this for some of you?22

How long have you been married or divorced? Kids?Never been married no kids

What would you change about yourself? Your spouse? My Boobs I want bigger than they are now. lol and my bf nothing I love him Just the way he is

What would you do if someone gave you $1M? buy a car buy a house in Central America and buy a ranch her in the US and try to get all the animals off the streets and help them NO KILL ANIMAL SHELTER>

Men: boxers or briefs? Ladies: granny panties or thongs? I Prefer Boy shorts

Men: do you do chores? What are they?

Ladies: do you go shopping a lot? What do you buy(what's your weakness) Not really. Im a penny pincher and im stingy
Love Perseveres! A&C mommy
2010-01-14 10:31:19 UTC
I currently work as a receptionist/accounting assistant at a Body Shop.

How old are you? 25

How long have you been married or divorced? Married 8 1/2 months with three step-kids, one child of my own and one child with my husband.

What would you change about yourself? My weight and health. Your spouse? His potty mouth.

What would you do if someone gave you $1M? Get out of debt and buy a house. Go back to school and set up funds for my kids.

Men: boxers or briefs? Hubby wears briefs. Ladies: granny panties or thongs? Thongs

Men: do you do chores? Yes, hubby and I split them. He cooks, I do dishes. He washes laundry, I fold them.

Ladies: do you go shopping a lot? Nope.

What do you buy(what's your weakness) Fast food. LOL
Time for a change...
2010-01-14 13:47:43 UTC
1. Accountant for an manufacturing company

2. 40

3. 16 & 2

4. Ouch...I'd have a better sense of timeliness and cleanliness. I'm not personally a slob, but clutter seems to follow me everywhere! Her? well....

5. I'm no different than most. Pay off the bills, and pay a bunch of it forward to others in need.

6. Short boxer briefs and then thongs & boyshorts from VS

7. Chores? what am I 8? I do my share around the house including most of the groundskeeping.

8. Even though I'm a guy, can I answer here? because I'm a bit of a compulsive shopper... My weakness is damn near anything that I find on clearance!
sugar-glider queen
2010-01-14 11:49:35 UTC
i am a SAHM and i babysit for my sister in law. so i do bring in a little cash. my husband works oil field

i am 24 been with my husband since i was 20 (we were engaged 4 months sinto the relationship) and we have 2 kids 1 girl age 3 and 1 boy age 18 months.

1M? hmm... help my MIL since she has helped us so much in the last couple years, put a good chunk in savings and pay off our new couches and some into charity. lots of people lost their jobs and are struggling so our local charities are hurting right now.

umm.. both thongs and "granny panties" (lol) sometimes i just don't want anything touching my @ss.

my husband wears boxers.. the tight kind which i like (he has a nice butt)

and he doesn't do a lot of chores.. he works long hours and i am at home so i do most of it, but he isn't above helping if i ask.

shopping? not really.. unless you count grocery shopping then sure i do that every other week. and when i do my weakness is those chocolate covered donuts. they have them right by the door when you walk in, it is so cruel when trying to lose baby weight. :)

***EDIT***what would i change about myself? um.. i want bigger boobs. i breast fed 2 kids so my tiny boobs are now stretched tiny boobs. not cool. or i could probably stand to have a little more patience sometimes. my husband too could use a little more patience sometimes.. but i am sure we all could so i wouldn't change anything about him.
michael's mommy :o]
2010-01-14 15:06:50 UTC
What do you do for a living? stay at home mommy ;o]

How old are you? I'm really curious about this for some of you? 22 born august 5th 1987

How long have you been married or divorced? waiting for a ring...we have a 1year old son

What would you change about yourself? ridden my extra skin & stretch marks

What would you do if someone gave you $1M? pay my rent in advance & go on a vacation

Men: i pefer box for men... Ladies: both lol but not Granny panties!

Ladies: do you go shopping a lot? What do you buy(what's your weakness)...yes when i have money...old navy always has awesome sales, Victoria's secret perfumes.
2010-01-15 06:48:00 UTC
I'm 26 and I got married February 28th of last year. My husband and I want kids, but we also want to pay off a few of our 'toys' and first...namely the boat and 4-wheelers.

I am an auditor and just received my 3rd college degree. But I'm very traditional in gender roles; not a feminist by any means.

If I could change one thing about myself, I would complain less. I don't complain as much as some people, but I find myself doing it on occasion...especially in the morning when I'd rather not go to work. :-)

I love my husband just as he is, but if I could change one thing about him, I would want him to have a bigger salary than me...or at least make enough money that I could become a stay-at-home mom once we have kids.

If someone gave us $1 million, we would first pay off our ~$50,000 in loans. Then we would pack up and move to my hometown (which we are planning to do within the next 4 years, anyway), and buy a house. Then we would invite all of our sisters/brothers/parents on a vacation to Disney World and we would pay for all of it. And, of course, we would add some to our retirement fund, some to a college fund and a wedding fund for our future children. We'd give some to my home church. And, knowing my husband, he'd probably buy a new truck then give the rest of the money away. He's very generous - sometimes too generous for his own good. :-)

I like my husband in boxer-briefs or just briefs, as long as they are not white. I don't like white. As for me, I wear bikini panties and thongs, but like to get dressed up in sexy lingerie for my hubby on random occasssions.

Right now, because I'm working and my husband is not, I give him a list of chores on Sunday that I would like him to get done throughout the week. And we agreed that whoever is not working/unemployed will get chores done before watcing TV, visiting friends, or participating in other types of fun activities. However, I really love to cook and clean so, when he is working, I do all chores expect changing the trash. That's his job. :-)

I don't shop very much. Partially because we don't have much money. Partially because I'm a big saver; not a big spender. Partially because all my girlfriends live in my hometown, 3 hours away. And partially because we live 45 minutes from the nearest mall.

Great question!
2010-01-14 10:23:34 UTC
I'm a regular reader. Don't have a lot of time for answers due to work, but I do know who the regulars are-

I am a Pre-access rep at the local hospital

I'm 38 years old

Was marrie for 12 yrs. divorced for 7, with fiance for 3 1/2

3 kids - boy 18 , girl 15 , girl 11

Wouldn't change anything about myself or my fiance

$1M - invest some and save the rest for my kids


Not a big shopper, but I do like my lingerie!
2010-01-14 09:57:26 UTC
~I am not working. My husbands crazy scheduale doesnt allow for me to work as one of us being home when the kids are ,is one of our personal values(since we can anyway, I know that can change)

~I am 29

~9 years. We have 3 children. 8yo girl, 6yo boy an an angel baby boy who would almsot be 4yo :-) 3/4/06

~I wish I wasnt so tense. I worry a lot, sometimes unecessarily so and I get edgy easily but lately Ive been better at stepping back and breathing. I would only change ONE thing about my husband. That he would not leave his clipped hair or toe nails on the floor. Other than that, he's been well trained, lol, Just kidding, I know how some people get, Im just kidding!

~Um, wow, this is hard. $100K in each kids' accounts

$200K to my parents

Get my MIL settled in a paid off condo $200K

The rest, 2 trips, one with the kids, one without

A home paid off

This is my best assumption f what Id do.

For the guys: Boxer briefs. For me, thongs, panties(not granny's,lol) and boy shorts, depends what Im wearing.

My husband does chores, inside and outside the home. Not NEARLY as much as me but hey, Im home all day, he's out busting his hump for us.

I shop fairly often but Im easy onthe wallet. I dont have a real weakness but every now and thenI just want to spend.
2010-01-14 09:43:54 UTC
I am a computer programmer.

I am 32.

Was married for 12 years. Divorced (officially) for 2 weeks. 2 kids, 17 and 11.

I would change the debt I am in. My ex-spouse - nothing, Karma is a b^tch.

Pay off all my bills, donate to charity, and go on a nice vacation.

Bikini underwear (male)

I did/do all the chores. House chores, yard chores, clean up after animals, house repair.
0h Well
2010-01-14 09:53:19 UTC
Right now i am a stay at home mom and full time student and have a home based business. My pregnancy was hard so i quite my job.

i would rather not say my age because it does not justify who i am as a person

We will be celebrating our 1 year on sunday and we have a 4 month old together

i would not change a single thing about myself or my husband

I would open a homeless shelter if someone gave me a million dollars, as well as make sure my daughter has a college fund


I don't go shopping alot but when i do, i always seem to be buying groceries lol
AhManDuh has the screen wipes :)
2010-01-14 09:45:45 UTC
What do you do for a living?

I am a PA for 3 lazy people

How old are you?


How long have you been married or divorced? Kids?

Almost divorced - 2 Kids

What would you change about yourself? Your spouse?

I want bigger bewbs - I would change my spouses residence :)

What would you do if someone gave you $1M?

I would invest it

Ladies: granny panties or thongs?

I like boy shorts

Ladies: do you go shopping a lot? What do you buy(what's your weakness)

I like to shop but I take care of business 1st.

I have a weakness for anything green :)

I have about 30 green shirts

Also, shoes!! Ohh man, I cant even tell you how many pairs of shoes i have
Sandy Ego
2010-01-14 11:35:06 UTC
I'm a graphic designer

I'm 35

Married 3 years (my 3rd marriage); no kids

The thing I would change for myself is to get rid of the goddamned depression; for my husband - I'd make it so he wouldn't mind going dancing with me

We would invest $1M, and use the interest to supplement our income

Just normal underwear that you get for $10 a 6-pack

I go out and shop mostly for groceries; everything else I need I buy online. My weakness is books, I have an amazon wish list 100 miles long.
2010-01-14 10:34:23 UTC
I own a home renovation company and a real estate investment company.


Was with my ex for 17 years, married for 11, separated for 2. Currently with my girlfriend for 1 year. I have 2 kids and girlfriend has 2 kids.

I would change how I deal with people who p*ss me off. I would make my ex a lot less self absorbed. I would make my girlfriend's vision better so she wouldn't have to go for laser surgery.

If someone gave me $1M I'd give some to charity, buy lots of real estate, and financially set my kids up for life.

Briefs or boxer briefs. As Master Shake said, ball/leg pinch hurts like a b*tch!

My girlfriend and I share the chores.

I like shopping for motorcycles.
2010-01-14 10:21:43 UTC
I play with numbers.

I'm 32 (Tino, we are twins!)

Married 1st time 8 years, divorced a few, and recently remarried

3 kids

I wouldn't be so uptight & he would stand up for himself. He wouldn't say sh*@t even if he had a mouth full.

I work with numbers so $1M would just give me more numbers to work with.

Don't generally wear panties, thongs, granny panties, etc... I'm all about commando

I don't shop a lot but the little princess in the house usually gets spoiled. She has more clothes than she knows what to do with!
The Original GarnetGlitter
2010-01-14 10:03:56 UTC
I am 56 years young, divorced once and remarried, this time to my best friend. First marriage 22 years....ten years as a single divorced Mom...remarried for 3 years. He is 59 this Sat.

4 adult children ages 33-22 One engaged, one soon to be engaged...all have SO' grandkids

Husband never had children. Married before as well.

Retired professional baker specialized in breads, rolls, specialty doughs, doughnuts and bagels-all

from scratch.

The only thing I would change about my husband is I would cure him of his type 2 diabetes.

The only thing I would change about myself is I would get rid of my psoriatic arthritis-it can be very painful.It's the only reason I do not do bakery work anymore...heavy lifting is a

***** on the affected joints.

1M???? Divide into fives, give each kid 1/5. Put the remaining into retirement funds for my husband & I-after I buy him the Challenger he wants deep blue.Oh, and I would get the brightest, baddest flawless RED diamond for me-about 3 cts I

Our undies concerns no one but us...sorry.

My husband's only chores are 1) take out the trash 2) pick up his clothes and put them IN the hamper.

I bargain shop but only when something is needed...unless I have some 'mad money'-then my weakness is fine jewelry..especially if it's garnet (my husband's birthstone) and it glitters madly....

..I DO love my sparklies......and my hubby is very generous with exellent taste in fine jewelry......I prefer vintage & estate pieces..along with exotic only if colored ( I do have a 1 ct canary and champagne diamonds...hoping for some chocolate ones, among my collection of colored gemstones). It's odd because as far as fashion goes I'm a LLBean kinda gal (so who CAN'T wear diamonds with jeans & camp shirts-I DO! I also do needlepoint, embroidery, counted cross stitich, crochet, and -considered very skilled in all of those crafts....and I have recently learned jewelry making-of course! I often buy supplies for those projects/crafts.
Mais Oui
2010-01-14 10:32:12 UTC
Freelance accountant


Married 16 years, lived with him for 5 years before that, yeah I know we shouldnt have rushed into it

3 kids - all his, any remarks I made on here to the contrary were in jest

I'd be a man, he'd have to be a woman then, I guess

Buy a Merc, invest the rest for my kids, get a live-in housekeeper

I have an extensive wardrobe of lingerie, depending on the occasion

IMO, I dont shop a lot, my husband disagrees. I like dresses, easy to wear and I have good legs!!
2010-01-14 10:23:37 UTC
-- Work in an office, receptionist, accounting, returns, english/spanish translator.. Our company down-sized (used to be like 50 people and now their is only 9 of us) and you know we Mexicans take whatever job is given lol - going to school to be an RN (slowly and slowly getting there lol)

-- I am 23

-- Never married, zero kids (unless dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters & turtles count)

-- I would really like to loose 15 lbs :( I would change his temper

-- I wouldn't do anything different if someone gave me $1M.. My family and I would just live very easy

-- I like regular bikini-type undies, thongs sometimes but prefer G strings, granny's come out once a month

-- I don't go shopping a lot but when I do, I go nuts... I love Target.. My weaknesses are purses, wallets, sweaters/jackets, watches, rings, necklaces, dishes (I have a crap load of tupperware)
2010-01-14 10:13:50 UTC
I work on merges and acquisitions in the energy industry.

Turned 49 yesterday.

Divorced after 20 years with three kids, now living with an awesome lady who also has three kids.

Wouldn't change a thing.

Invest the money (have college to pay for soon).

Boxer briefs

I do all kinds of chores
2010-01-14 10:25:05 UTC
I work for an environmental company. (I'm supposed to be working now!)

I'm 52, married 26 years, two daughters and a grand daughter.

I could stand to lose a few pounds, but I wouldn't change much else.

I hope that $1M shows up soon, because I have already spent most of it.

Briefs, chores - yes, and I hate to shop.
2010-01-14 09:49:12 UTC
I'm an accountant.

43 y/o

Married 12 years/divorced 13 years

2 daughters

I wouldn't change anything. Too old for regrets.

1M? Buy a smaller home.


I hate shopping. I do most of it online.
2010-01-14 09:52:09 UTC
A. I work with wounded Soldiers in the Army, helping them transition from military to civilian life while getting the benefits they deserve.

B. 24

C. Married 2 1/2 years, no kids.

D. Wouldn't change a thing.

E. No idea what I'd do with all that money.

F. thongs or boy shorts, but most of the time none at all

G. yes, I shop a lot (after bills are all paid, of course), and anything is a weakness, really...
2010-01-14 11:56:55 UTC
I have the fancy title of "Director of Operations"

I am 38

Married 13 years

4 children

My only wish for change would be for my wife's sex drive to be a little higher! (more equal to mine)

With a million I would finish my dream house and get my wife a new vehicle and myself one and a new tractor too. I then would put the rest in savings.

Briefs (Haynes colored ones with the comfort waist band)

Chores? Heck I do anything that needs done! If it is cleaning and dishes I do them, laundry needs folded I do it! IF my wife asks me to do something I never complain and I do it too! SO, what are regular items I do that my wife doesn't? All the yard work and vehicle maintenance and getting the kids ready for bed.
2010-01-14 09:57:34 UTC
"How old are you?" 38

"How long have you been married or divorced?" Been married for years & years (1st marriage)

"Kids?" Why would I do that to myself & my marriage?

"What would you change about yourself?" I've got a PH.D in procrastination.

"Your spouse?" Wish she liked playing golf.

"What would you do if someone gave you $1M?" Pay off my mortgage & bank the rest.

"Men: boxers or briefs?" Boxer Briefs :)

"Men: do you do chores?" Yep "What are they?" Yard Work, Trash, Dish's, kitty litter (and cleaning up cat puke despite both being her cats), laundry (split) & grocery shopping (split or we both go together).
2010-01-14 10:00:26 UTC
Laid off after 21 years


married 3 1/2 years, 1st marriage lasted 24 years

3 sons, 26, 27, 29

Working on losing weight, spouse needs to LISTEN when I talk, lol!

Pay off all my debts, buy a motorhome (and never suffer another WI winter), and invest the rest.

granny panties

He helps with chores, I hate shopping AND shoes!
2010-01-14 10:12:28 UTC
I'm a destroyer of souls - Also knows as a training and career development coordinator.

I'm 37, look 57 (has a lot to do with diabeetus), act 17.

Married for 11 years with 467 kids...I mean 3.

Eff you, I'm perfect, much to my Wife taking exception to that. I love and accept my wife the way she is.

Pork Robert Redford.

If I wear thongs, am I gay?

I do whatever chores my wife needs done...

My wife doesn't shop as much as she'd like to, I'm sure.

EDIT: My phone number is 1-976-good-eff
2010-01-14 09:53:12 UTC
i am a hotel customer service rep but i aspire to be an oilfield secretary

i am almost 25

i am getting married next summer

i want to quit smoking and i don't like my man's glasses, i think he needs new ones

buy a house and invest the rest

i like teeny panties but thongs are okay

i shop a lot cause my sister eggs me on, i buy way too many books and craft supplies.
2010-01-14 09:54:30 UTC
I teach ESL. I've been married 2 1/2 years. We each have girls. Mine are 26,19 and 12.

I'm working on some flaws right now. I realized I was doing too much in our marriage, and it was affecting my husband's ability to do for himself. It's a painful transition. I'd give him perfect control over his mental illness, or take it away.

I'd put most of it out of our reach in investments and pay off all our bills. Then we'd go to Europe.

Discussing my panties seems undignified.

I despise shopping. I'd rather read a good book.
Philip #4
2010-01-14 09:50:21 UTC
I am a 65 year old grandmother and have been married 5 times. I killed my first three husbands.

I would change my gender, again, if I could afford it.

With 1 Million dollars? Sex change.

Granny panties

My main chore is finding the dead cats in my house and burning them in the backyard.

I shop occasionally, mostly for canned pork and beans.
2010-01-14 10:26:00 UTC
<--- I'm a chemist

I sometime feel very old

Married for 22 years, 3 kids (almost 12, 13, 15)

Myself: Stop being addicted to Y!A; my husband: improve communications

1 M $: I'll save some for kids, help my in-laws, and don't know for the rest

I hate shopping, except for fabrics and food.
Tino {8}
2010-01-14 09:58:58 UTC
I am a sales representative/translator. I handle all the accounts for Mexico and South America. I also translate for all of our spanish speaking clients as well as travel to their locations for presentations and distributor trainings(for translation purposes).

I am 32

Married for almost 3 years with 3 kids(2 with my wife)

I would set the million aside to make sure all my kids educational needs are secure.

Boxer briefs

Yes. I do most of the cooking and yard work(though we usually split all chores to be fair)
2010-01-14 09:58:02 UTC
~ i am on the verge of posting my home phone number.

~ currently married 14 years. i got divorced years ago. 4 kids. first born is MMA fighter, not pro..yet. 2nd born is pre-med student at UNLV.. 3rd born future pilot. 4th..8year old daughter.

~ change about me? my profession as a Mortgage Broker.. my spouse? he eats to fast..

~ 1M? fly all you guys to Las Vegas.

~ my underwear? anything from Victoria's Secret size M.

~ do i shop a lot? no. i hate it.. but Joey TBS and i have a date in the future and it involves hand-holding and shoe shopping.
2010-01-14 10:08:33 UTC
I'm a manager (boss people around, getting paid alot for doing very little)


1st marriage 5 years, 2nd marriage 5 years and going, 3 kids, 10 year old (1st marriage), 11 month old (2nd marriage), 4 month old (affair with another Y!A user)

I'd change my azz-holeish attitude, and stop picking my nose. I'd change her b*tchy attitude and get her bigger ta-ta's

Besides going to vegas, and helping Philip with his sex-change, I don't know

boxer briefs, my balls are to big to free-ball in boxers alone, leg ball pinch hurts like a b*tch.

Yes I do chores (anything you can name that involves taking care of kids, house, yard, and cars)

My wife's weakness is shoes
2010-01-14 09:56:05 UTC
Sorry, That information comes to contacts through the continuing discourse.

If I told you all of that now there would not be anything to talk about later would there.

THIS may be a very good lesson from M&D.

Keep something to talk about in the bank.
2010-01-14 10:49:47 UTC
Eh? What is this, speed-dating-light?
2010-01-14 10:08:19 UTC
Lots of rich men give me money because they are smitten with me.

I am 25.

Married 5 years (unhappily).

Change about myself- nothing. Change about my spouse- everything.

I already have $1M.


I have a maid.

Name brand expensive things only.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.