I'm 26 and I got married February 28th of last year. My husband and I want kids, but we also want to pay off a few of our 'toys' and first...namely the boat and 4-wheelers.
I am an auditor and just received my 3rd college degree. But I'm very traditional in gender roles; not a feminist by any means.
If I could change one thing about myself, I would complain less. I don't complain as much as some people, but I find myself doing it on occasion...especially in the morning when I'd rather not go to work. :-)
I love my husband just as he is, but if I could change one thing about him, I would want him to have a bigger salary than me...or at least make enough money that I could become a stay-at-home mom once we have kids.
If someone gave us $1 million, we would first pay off our ~$50,000 in loans. Then we would pack up and move to my hometown (which we are planning to do within the next 4 years, anyway), and buy a house. Then we would invite all of our sisters/brothers/parents on a vacation to Disney World and we would pay for all of it. And, of course, we would add some to our retirement fund, some to a college fund and a wedding fund for our future children. We'd give some to my home church. And, knowing my husband, he'd probably buy a new truck then give the rest of the money away. He's very generous - sometimes too generous for his own good. :-)
I like my husband in boxer-briefs or just briefs, as long as they are not white. I don't like white. As for me, I wear bikini panties and thongs, but like to get dressed up in sexy lingerie for my hubby on random occasssions.
Right now, because I'm working and my husband is not, I give him a list of chores on Sunday that I would like him to get done throughout the week. And we agreed that whoever is not working/unemployed will get chores done before watcing TV, visiting friends, or participating in other types of fun activities. However, I really love to cook and clean so, when he is working, I do all chores expect changing the trash. That's his job. :-)
I don't shop very much. Partially because we don't have much money. Partially because I'm a big saver; not a big spender. Partially because all my girlfriends live in my hometown, 3 hours away. And partially because we live 45 minutes from the nearest mall.
Great question!