I want to cheat on my husband?
2020-12-30 08:18:02 UTC
I have never cheated on anyone. I’ve been with my husband for 6 years. However he has emotionally checked out. He is only happy when he’s texting his friends or playing video games with them... which he does.. every night. He never spends a night watching a movie with me or anything. When I ask him to go grocery shopping with me or do anything with me he complains and gives me a snarky attitude the whole time. I work and do all of the housework. But he puts me down constantly saying “I work 12 hours everyday and you only work 9 so you should do all the chores” I don’t see the difference in the 3 hours that makes it to where I should have to do everything.....
I’m so miserable but I still love him and I know he loves me it’s just I dont think he’s ever going to change...
I think about cheating often because I desperately need attention and feel so lonely.... what do I do
57 answers:
2021-01-03 07:08:04 UTC
he is addicted to being online. its all about instant gratification without having to get up to get any of it. if the internet shut down, if electricity stopped working, no gadgets, no games, he would probably return back to the man you fell in love with. 

all his current behaviour is the same as being addicted to anything else.  

but if you want to cheat, leave him first or you are the criminal here not him.  seems the only reason you want to cheat is to get him to do the leaving, that still doesnt make you look good to anyone else, including the guy you want to cheat with if you have any idea of making that long term.  

so then tell him you want to leave if he doesnt change, then actually leave otherwise you are silently telling him you are really giving him permission to continue acting like this because you are not actually going to do anything about it.  

still, give him the chance to change if you do leave. give him that much at least. if he returns to his old pattern, leave for good. then go find another guy, at least then its not cheating. 
Siamese Cat Mom
2021-01-03 05:56:29 UTC
Cheating will not make things better it will only add fuel to the fire! If you can't find a way to work things out file for divorce. Atleast he isn't being physically or sexually abusive. Other relationships and marriages has far for problems than "he/she, doesn't give me attention no more! If you feel the desire to cheat, you aren't a good wife. File for divorce!
2021-01-02 02:13:30 UTC
Maybe you should get a divorce instead of wanting to commit adultery
2021-01-01 10:54:22 UTC
Whatever it is, cheating your husband is very bad. If you don't like him you may divorce him but should not cheat him. You don't become a bad woman. It will spoil your entire life and future. There will be good changes in your life too. Pray God and your spirits. You will see changes. Patience is necessary in life. There is an old saying in India "To earn good name it takes years but to earn bad name just a minute is enough".

God’s intervention in human affairs is very rare. God doesn't watch each and every human being at the same time and cannot live with each and everyone to guide them. These works are done by the spirits. God had created different kinds of spirits for various purposes. He had made the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits, not for human beings. God is a mystery even to the spirits. Spirits are not eternal beings but their lifetime is long. Spirits are separate elements. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. These spirits are your consciousnesses and memories. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. A mind is you. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get its mind. The same is the case with the human beings.  A human being doesn't have a spiritual body. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. A body's functionality is based on the auto mechanism.  After death all spirits which accompanied a person quit and go to different places searching new bodies. No one lives after death in any form. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.
2020-12-31 20:02:13 UTC
loveless,miserable,unhappy marriage is unhealthy. If you realize you are genuinely unhappy and don’t think there is a way to mend your relationship, divorce may be in your future.“An unhappy marriage chronically feels bad. It’s like a cold that lingers, leaving you drained and roomies, yall just sharing a roof.hes a lazy loser, wasting ur life in real time.

I feel for u and Melania Trump. It's important to accept that you can't change your spouse,manchild, u can only leave to greener pastures or know that misery loves company..time to respect urself with value and dignity.
2020-12-31 19:33:51 UTC
Try open relationship.. or write him a letter about how you feel.. cheating is bad bc it will not only hurt him. but also yourself and ur image.. worst; just breakup even if u still love him.. cause 1 sided love never made anyone happy
2020-12-30 22:08:39 UTC
First off, cheating on your husband will not solve anything. It will only make things worse. It is best to keep your self respect and not give him any excuse to condemn you. I would highly suggest marriage counseling. If he refuses to go, go without him. If the relationship proves to be beyond salvaging then you need to decide if you are better off with him or without him. If divorce seems to be in the future plan ahead to protect yourself financially.
2020-12-30 18:23:13 UTC
Cheating in your situation is like pissing your pants when you're cold: it'll only heat you up for a little while and after that you're worse off than when you started. Plus, everyone hates a cheater - or at least almost everyone, me included. Cheating on someone is such a rotten thing to do, no matter how lonely you feel or much you think they deserve to have their heart ripped out and stomped on.

You need to sit down your husband and say that you are at the end of the line and that if this marriage is going to survive you need both make an effort to save it. Couples counselling would be a really good choice for the two of you, I think.

If he's still not willing to work on your marriage, plan your exit and follow through. Maybe this will be a wake-up call for him, maybe not. If not, then divorce him. Once you're separated from him, you can then try to find a man who will give you the attention, love, and affection that you deserve, but do not become a cheater.
Chuck Norris
2020-12-30 18:09:52 UTC
Stand in front of the TV wearing lingerie.  He'll pay more attention to you. :-)
2020-12-30 16:27:16 UTC
I need to be honest with you, you don’t need to cheat on him, what you may need is a better man to treat like you deserve, better divorce instead of cheating on him because then he will be like it’s your fault that your relationship isn’t working out while it’s not true. If he is emotionally unavailable to you that’s a sign that maybe he cheated on you first and you may not even know about it.

Hope you can work it out, if you need any more advice I’m open 🌅
2021-01-03 16:19:47 UTC
Just leave him, cheating won't solve anything.
2021-01-03 03:58:01 UTC
do not cheat on him, instead tell him how you feel. good luck.
2021-01-03 02:32:28 UTC
Don’t cheat. Ever. Seek a divorce or annulment. Then date other people.
2021-01-01 21:58:17 UTC
Go for it.  Get some strange stuff.  Preferably from a black man with a huge penis.
2021-01-01 16:22:17 UTC
H might be feeling depressed.  With the restrictions Covid has caused, it's common for people to become depressed.
2021-01-01 02:30:48 UTC
I lived with a guy who was worse but you're married so I don't think I can advise you to leave.
2021-01-01 00:49:39 UTC
I'm sorry he is this way but please be wise and don't do anything that God hates. 

Hebrews 13:4

4 Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers.
2020-12-31 22:58:58 UTC
Divorce him or seek marriage  counseling 
2020-12-31 19:15:06 UTC
Red and blue pill from Matrix movie refer to two Russian COVID vaccines; they're both chipped; they're both mark of the beast. Neo Anderson = the antichrist = new Son of Man; he flies like Superman; it's tough to kill him. Antichrist will be killed 45 days before Jesus comes back to do Final Judgement. 45 days for repentance.

Lucifer a(r)se COW ID = Luciferase COVID vaccine = mark of the beast

All vaccines are chipped (they named them differently just to trick you).

Luciferase does have an lightening effect like the mouse is glowing in the dark.

Lucifer means "the lightbringer"

There will be several reasons for it...mainly control reasons. You can be identified very fast - the 1984/mark of the beast thing. The vaccine can be given by a band aid. There are little spikes on it who work like snake bites. Look up transhumanism.

This vaccine is a new procedure which produce certain proteins because it is to alter your DNS....imagine - they alter your DNS. You are not totally human anymore. It can turn you into a chimera - half animal or insect.

COVID = COW ID; World Bank website says that Project COVID is from April 2nd, 2020 until 31st of March, 2025. According to the Last Prophet (aka incarnated ARCHANGEL URIEL aka saint healer VYACHESLAV KRASHENINNIKOV) if the last descendant rejects mark of the beast, then his/her direct ancestors go to permanent heaven. To reject mark of the beast, one needs to hide within a 10-15 people group without electronics/documents. Documents are from Satan; burn them. Electronics can be used to track you and to show the antichrist (even on old broken unplugged TV set from 1970's using Tesla's ether); forgive me.
2020-12-31 14:42:24 UTC
Please no. Please seek immediate professional counseling to help you talk through all of this. It's often available for little or no fee through health insurance. Almost everyone needs counseling at some point in their lives. Hopefully he will eventually be willing to come along. Best wishes.
2020-12-31 10:06:26 UTC
If you do cheat it’s still going to be home issues with him. It would be better to leave him and find someone else down the line that gives you attention. Cheating isn’t going to help your situation 
2020-12-31 06:33:42 UTC
Should you decide to cheat, you'll still have the same problem at home. He's addicted to these games and probably will never change. The long term solution might be to divorce him and find someone who is more caring. In the meantime, you're stuck with no sexual satisfaction unless you cheat, which would satisfy your current needs. From experience, I'd recommend having an affair as your needs are immediate, but be discreet in selecting a partner.
2020-12-31 04:30:25 UTC
You can control what YOU do but not what HE does.  So why bother doing the grocery shopping or the housework all the time?  You can go out with girlfriends at night while he is playing video games.  Unless he realizes that marriage is a two way street things can only go downhill.
2020-12-31 03:57:06 UTC
ya know what ...JUST STOP CLEANING THE HOUSE AND SEE IF HE WILL DO IT AND SAY U ARE TIRED .. WHY CANT HE TAKE OUT THE TRASH .? I AM TRYING TO IMAGINE HOW BIG YOUR HOUSE IS THAT CLEANING IS A BIG DEAL ANYWAY .I’m sorry but only you know the answer ..I think he sounds selfish . yes he works and you also work but that’s not any excuse to not do things with you and it’s no excuse to never to chores and to say you must do all of it all the time .Just divorce . don’t cheat on him even though he’s a moron prick .you can try but I doubt that  wearing lingerie works on  these men...I know the type ..they’d rather watch porn or football instead of do anything with us .  ...nothin works if  All they care about is video games and football . get a divorce and be done with him because he don’t want a wife anyway . unless he has spiritual values and you can get thru to him in that way...then most likely football is his GOD and you might not be able to get thru to him because these men know when the newest Jordan’s have come out or a certain video game but they don’t care about nothin else .  Pray about it . 
2020-12-31 03:21:35 UTC
go ahead find you a little friend and if your husband loves you and values you he will act right . if there is no emotional attention there for you  . you are going to look in other places its just natural  . 
2020-12-31 00:50:13 UTC
Cheating will only cause irreparable damage.  I suggest going to a marriage consellor.
2020-12-30 22:40:17 UTC
cheating is a temporary fix. divorce is a good permanent one that will end your problems. either that or get counseling. 
2020-12-30 21:38:08 UTC
It's called divorce. If he becomes violent or tries to change your mind go stay with a close friend or relative. You shouldn't waste any of your time on him (especially if there are no children yet) if he is not willing to make an effort. 
2020-12-30 17:56:14 UTC
Don't cheat.  That won't make you happy.

Just explain to him that his attitude makes it clear that he no longer loves you or cares about your feelings.  (And that's true.)Tell him that maybe it's time you both admitted that your marriage isn't working and a divorce would be best for both of you. (That's true too.)Sorry, but it's time to call it quits and get on with your life, away from him.  He's never going to change and if you don't take action NOW, you're going to look back in 10, 20, 30 years' time and wonder why you've wasted all those years.
2020-12-30 16:45:18 UTC
You get a divorce and then you can have sex with whomever you so choose. Cheating is for cowards. 
2021-01-03 20:25:19 UTC
You are just another women who have convinced a million a men to stay single because they are so much better off. 
2021-01-03 19:25:01 UTC
why not divorce him if things wont change?
2021-01-03 06:00:36 UTC
I've been hitched for a very long time (I am 36), and we have two kids that are under 10. Since they were conceived, I've felt caught. My significant other has consistently been a missing dad. He kept on going to work, see his companions, and travel, and he disregarded me home with two children. He additionally continued griping that I was not a decent spouse, not a decent housewife, not a decent mother, not a decent laborer. He continued calling attention to every one of my shortcomings and he never truly attempted to share the weight of bringing up our children. He focused on his work, fixated on our home loan. I revealed to him we could sell the house and pay the lease, yet he can't. I continued clutching love, realizing that he adored me and I cherished him. Regardless of whether he wasn't awesome, he was as yet the best ... until one day he wasn't.
2021-01-03 03:25:15 UTC
just do it. you owe it to yourself to better your life.
2021-01-03 01:27:29 UTC
Definitely cheat on him.  It's not that hard in this day and age of apps.  Find yourself a discreet ѕide dіck and fuсk away to your puѕѕy's content.  Not only will you be ѕexually satisfied, but you will also have the satisfaction of putting one over on a man who obviously doesn't see you as a priority anymore.

Pro Gamer Move: Let your ѕide dіck get you pregnant, then make sure you fuсk your husband a lot after you find out so he thinks it's his.  Then, after the baby is born, make your husband take care of the kid while you go out and get yours.
2021-01-02 15:33:41 UTC
This here on Yahoo Answers is a good start to just connect with other people because deep down that's what you need and what he is not providing.  If it's sex, then just start going to a gym (avoid the bar scene) and meet someone there for casual sex, and keep it casual, no attachment other than that.  Like others I would first talk outright to him and ask him what he feels you should do as a couple.  If he takes you for granted then, file for divorce, move on.  
2021-01-02 13:54:50 UTC
Girl no. You can get a divorce, but infidelity is NO excuse for being bored and needing attention and being lonely. Your husband is just doing his own **** and you're thinking about cheating on him? I get it, it's boring and all, but video games are what makes him happy. If you think that cheating is better than a divorce, then you need to get your head checked out. Plain and simple. If you want to cheat on someone, the "love" that "exists" between you two is gone. So don't even try to salvage it; it's a lost cause. Get a divorce. Talking to him won't stop him doing the thing he loves girl. As soon as you even thought about cheating, your marriage was doomed. The sooner you break it off, the less pain the both of you have to go through. I hope you don't cheat on him and instead find a solution to this problem like a real adult.
2021-01-02 13:04:44 UTC
I wish I were available. I always like giving married women attention. If you find a man who makes you happy then go for it. 
2021-01-01 10:48:10 UTC
You need strategy to keep his love and sexual care.

1. Do daily gym to build your body as beautiful and strong. Then you will be relaxed. 

2. Take good foods to build your best body.

3. Wear expensive clothes to show your beauty.  Then guys will look you at street. 

4. Then he will get pride of your beauty and jealous mind. 

5. Meet more friends and go shopping more often so that make him to worry about you may find other good guy. 

6. Then he will want to keep your love. 

7. Ask him more sex.  If he refuses,  tell him " useless "

Then he will do his best to keep your love. 
2020-12-31 18:31:51 UTC
Why don't you get a lawyer and get a legal separation or divorce if you think there is no way to reconcile your differences with him which would be much better than cheating. 
2020-12-31 16:02:38 UTC
Either go to marriage counseling or file for divorce cheating is not the answer. Your marriage will be over since you betrayed him and your vows, why lose self respect over getting your husband's attention? 
The Football God
2020-12-31 12:02:48 UTC
I've been married for almost 25 years. My wife knows better to sk me to go shopping. She's the shopper, I'm the buyer. We need groceries, I get them, I'm the cook. I need clothes, I buy them. She needs clothes, she shops, tries on 20 things and gets one or two......maybe. We need a car fixed, I do it, or take it to the mechanic. She needs a new car, I pick it and she chooses the color.  She handles my Dr. stuff and I go.

We each know our strengths and weaknesses as well as our own. It works for us.Before cheating, let him know you need more out of your relationship,
2020-12-31 11:17:45 UTC
I mean personally he just sounds like a turn off I would go cheat and see how I feel after like usually after you cheat you just realize you don’t even wanna be with your partner. And besides relationships get old and you outgrow them sometimes and turn into different people
2020-12-31 01:57:49 UTC
Don't cheat on him using sex. I mean, these days .... well, eeewww. Don't be no 10th cow next in line with the only bull in the local  pen if you know what I mean.

HOWEVER --- so you work 9 hours a day? Your job, your paycheck, your money. Hire a cleaning service to do the housecleaning. And then get season tickets  to the local theater when it re-opens, OR get season seats to the ice hockey games. He can live in virtual world, you can live in the real world. When the hills open up again, get a season pass to the ski resort. When the summer beaches open up, get a season parking pass to the beach. Let the housekeeper do the housecleaning, let the delivery boy deliver the pizza. Get starting working out NOW for your "summer beach body" with online and youtube exercise workouts. Use your 9-hour a day job to set aside money this winter, when summer comes, get a new job with less hours and plenty of beach time. When he wakes up in the spring and notices you are starting to look hot,, give him a "husband performance review". If he wants to keep hot new you, he needs to get his act together or you seriously could take your act out on the road. Give him a few months to come out of hibernation, but in the meantime, shine up your own tiara, do the workouts, set aside the money, collect the frequent flyer miles and cash them in. If he thinks you are worth working for, he might change around. If not......, well, I honestly do not know you well enough to decide. Good luck anyway.
2020-12-30 19:18:36 UTC
how will having sex with another man get your housework or grocery shopping done? you are still going to have the same exact problems you have now
2020-12-30 18:35:18 UTC
No, the best option is to talk to him, and then if doesn't want to talk you get a divorce or separate. You do not need another person to guide you to do something where you lose your integrity. Have a backbone and tell him how you feel. Don't ever EVER cheat.   
2020-12-30 18:22:11 UTC
Why are you still married? Best to finish with that before starting with anyone else. For one thing, cheating gets messy. There could even be negative repercussions for you, example: the person with whom you cheated will never trust you not to cheat on them, as well, and with good reason.  In the scenario you described, I'd have to say that love is not enough to keep you two together.  Consult an attorney, get your ducks in a row, and end it. Good luck.  
2020-12-30 18:17:56 UTC
so cheat on him but go one further and stop at your attorney's office and start proceedings for a divorce, go home and pack your stuff and move out, which is what you tell him if it roles were reversed 
2020-12-30 16:08:19 UTC
Don't cheat! Your better than that. Dress up for him and ask him what his fantasy is and please him. On another occasion or later that day tell him how you feel and that you see him as more sexy when he shows your more attention. 

Give him two months. Keep reminding him of how you need the relationship to change because you don't want a divorce.  If he doesn't change go counselling.
2020-12-30 11:26:37 UTC
If you want to cheat, get a divorce first. Do not be labeled a cheater.  Nothing lower that a cheater.
2021-01-03 17:14:50 UTC
I am truly befuddled at the present time.
Corals mommy
2021-01-01 22:18:14 UTC
If that's how he looks at maintaining the household, you two better be splitting the income 50/50. Take 3 hours out of the work day and track how you spend that time. 90 minutes to drive to the grocery store and back, 90 minutes to cook dinner and clean up the kitchen afterwards. Laundry takes about 3 hours right? There's two days right there. Now you're on a level playing field and he can't give you bs excuses about how he does more.

Might help with the day to day stuff, but not going to change the fact that he has checked out emotionally and you want to have your needs fulfilled outside of your marriage. You need counseling or a divorce, plain and simple. If you can confront him about your feelings, awesome. But if he isn't stopping and reflecting on how his actions are affecting you, nothing will ever change.
2021-01-01 00:48:15 UTC
Love is not staying and cheating on the side. Either leave him and have non cheat sex or give him some facts. You say he won't change, but nothing changes shitty behaviour and taking for granted like when confronted with the end of the relationship. Ultimatum. You need to spell things out to Men. Tell him when you ask him to go shopping with you or watch movies it's because you want to spend time with him and by choosing others instead you're feeling unloved and unappreciated. 

Tell him it makes you feel like quitting the relationship.

Men do check out. They need it, doing nothing is how they relax and recharge, but if it's always happening that maybe a sign either that you're pushing him away by being increasingly clingy OR that he's going through something he's trying to deal with OR he's simply taking the relationship for granted.

On a practical level, 3hrs on a work day is a massive difference. It doesn't mean they do nothing but after sleeping, eating, travel and getting ready in a normal 8hr work day there are only 4-5hrs left. 3hrs less is 60-75% less me time. That leaves only 1-2hrs, barely enough for a movie. Certainly not time to screw around in traffic and queues. I suggest ways to make things easier. Do shopping at weekend or get it delivered. Work days aren't the time to do errands that could be done when you don't have work the next day. IMO when you're home from work, all you should need to worry about is dinner and what to watch on TV (if you're lucky enough not to have kids). Connect with your partner, veg out then try and squeeze in sex before sleep. The last thing we want when we've got under 2hrs free time is to have our ears talked off like we are professional therapists. That's not relaxation, that's work. Have your catch-up but make it brief then enjoy what little time there's left. You don't want to end up with him staying in his car /elsewhere from the house just so he can have time to himself.
2020-12-31 06:17:44 UTC
You should realise that cheating on a spouse is one of the leading causes of spousal murder or abuse.  You need to secure a commitment from the spoiled child you're married to.  He has to accept an equitable relationship or face divorce.  That's the best & fastest way to get what you want or get a clear reason to leve him & move on to a better life.   
2020-12-31 03:58:35 UTC
Many women (and men) feel that way at one time or another. Welcome to the age of technology. You say you're both in love with each other. I recommend you put your foot down and insist that you need to talk about something very serious. If his attitude doesn't change call one of your good friends, pack a small luggage piece and just leave. No explanation. When he sees your serious and becomes frantic to find you, tell him you won't be coming back except for all your other belonging unless he agrees to marriage counseling. Don't go home. Tell him you'll meet him there for as long as you have to. If he refuses any of the above get a lawyer and start the divorce process. If he can't take his head out of his asz let him keep it there. You need to be needed and loved. That's what most people need.
2020-12-31 01:26:20 UTC
Don't become a cheater. It's wrong, it's beneath you, and the kind of guy who'd sleep with another man's wife is not the kind of guy you want to be mixed up with.

Either keep trying to fix your marriage, with or without a marriage counselor, or else file for divorce. But don't cheat, because that never ends well.
2020-12-31 00:54:04 UTC
Cheating isn't the answer.  Be prepared to end your marrage and leave or try harder to change things or stop doing the chores that effect him like his laundry until you get his attention. If he still refuses to change than leave and file for devorce because this is where it is heading

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.