He says he wants me and needs me but lately he is going in all sorts of directions and can not focus on anything even me. I have tried to get him to see a doctor and he did and the doctor gave him an anxiety medication to try to slow him down a bit but it is not working, he still has the tendency to go too fast in almost every thing he does . He seems distant and can not finish a task . He tells me he will do something and ten minutes later he forgets or does it half way. What is going on here? Any ideas or suggestions? I know he may be depressed but how can you deal with that if the doctor will not address it? What can i do to help snap him out of this stupor he is in?Very concerned about him and he has high blood pressure issues as well.I can do without the sex but not forever and if there is no sex or no desire to have it because of life's daily challenges then what should i do to help him? To help us?