My husband deployed in Feb. Yesterday, he said he needed to tell me something, and my stomach churned. Last year, I took the kids and visited my mom for two weeks. during that time, he got drunk with his buddies and got into a backseat with some girl. She tried to kiss him, but he kissed her forehead instead, but he wanted to kiss her. Then, last summer there was a different girl at work who he flirted with all day, and he ended up playfully smacking her butt. Somebody told, and he was almost demoted. I never knew any of this. Now, he tells me that there was another girl when he first deployed that he was flirting with, but knew it was going too far, and he stopped. He has been trying to seek God and been praying since he has been gone, and he said that our marriage could never be whole unless he confessed to me. He went to the chaplain on the base, and set up counseling. I feel completely destroyed, and don't know how to deal with it.