2009-09-27 11:56:47 UTC
ok. I know there are plenty of questions about 'marital problems' on this site and that this is just another one...
I need feedback please. I know ultimately I will be the one making the decision and living with it.. Except that I can't think straight right now... Everything is too raw at the moment... PLEASE READ WHOLE LETTER BEFORE GIVING FEEDBACK PLEASSSSSSSE.
My husband sent me an e-mail yesterday to confirm the beginning of our separation... He tells me that if I really want this marriage to work, and if I really want him in my life, I have to be the one doing the first step at reconciliating then he will start too... Why be the first you may wonder? According to him, I have received a lot more in this marriage than he has therefore he feels justified to do absolutely no "extras" as he calls it, until "I" start showing him I want to change...
Yesterday, his e-mail came quickly after I didn't apologize within a 3 second window. Apparently he was bottling up negative feelings about this marriage for some time and his intention to separate, but it only came out yesterday...
Here's a as brief story that I can say to give you a general picture of the marriage...
he has stopped giving me any kind of affection (ex.hugs) for the last month or so, claiming that I wasn't giving him the kind he liked (ex. back rubs, head massages) so, he was going to wait for me to start.
Yesterday, even though I felt that it was a very immature and unreasonable complaint, I decided to give him a head massage to show him my desire to have this marriage work... That is after, earlier in the day, or I think the day before, he had mentioned during an argument that "the marriage was falling apart anyway, and that soon he would leave me" if I didn't try, and didn't start first to give him what he wanted (ex. back rubs, head massages, in short, thinking more of him without him asking me first).
Last night, when I came home from an outing, we had small talk, then I went on the computer for a couple minutes as I often do before bed if I have the chance. As he was approaching me in the office, it just so happens that I was logging off and thinking of getting ready for bed. That's when the whole shabbang started... He accused me of hiding something and shutting down because he came into the office. Natural reaction of someone being accused of something they didn't do: I said firmly that I am not hiding anything, I am simply going to bed.
He flipped, then he left to go back to watching t.v. in the living room. A few minutes go by, and after I think he has calmed down, I go see him regarding the office 'incident'. He is still upset, and says that I have 3 seconds to apologize (though I think he's the one who shouldn't have accused me in the first place) or the separation is official! WTF!!!
I didn't apologize, but I didn't say "I wouldn't". I was simply so shocked that he would blackmail me like this... So not right... So he proceeded to go lock himself in the office to write to me an official letter of separation...
I am crying as I go see him later, and he says "fine". ' If you want this marriage to work, I am giving you three months to prove yourself. You better be super sweet for three months or I am leaving you! '
A marriage takes two to work of fail. He doesn't seem to take too much responsibility for it's failure or success. He is waiting for me to start changing before 'he' does... (doesn't sit right)
Then he proceeds in ordering me to open my e-mail so that he can "check" it. He was maybe going to take back his "separation idea"... I passed with flying colours, but because I had over a thousand and didn't show him all since I was fed up of the whole 'checking' thing, he says, "still separation" mode...
We've been together three years, married for two. It's my third marriage, his second. He refuses couple conselling... In your opinion, is it worth fighting for the marriage, and keeping him, or should I let him go?
Him in a nutshell:
the positives:
-- hard worker (when he chooses to)
-- looking for a job at the moment
-- intelligent
-- often thinks of others before himself
-- sometimes has a sense of humour
the negatives:
-- often lazy
-- thinks he's always right
-- very stubborn
-- puts me down often (with eyes rolling or with words or with sighs)
-- short tempered
-- whines quite a bit
--immature in many aspects
feedback please... I see just a glimmer of hope for us, he sees none... but wants me to prove to him it can still work...
should I work harder at the marriage since it's my third? Or the number of time doesn't matter... Is it reasonable that he asks me to 'start first'?