If my bf is leaving his wife and moving in with me what is the law in nc can it come up in court as an affair.
2006-03-30 21:30:28 UTC
there is a 2 year old envolved can she keep him from coming here to visit how long do we have to wait before telling anyone that we are seeing each other and just any other comment that you guys can think of on the situation.
Six answers:
2006-03-30 21:44:17 UTC
Did you bf tell you he is leaving her or is it already in the works? 90% of the time, the husband never leaves the wife, and will just string along the mistress as long as possible.When the mistress is gone he finds another and does the same thing to her, telling her he is leaving soon....but "the kids" and this and that.

If she finds out about it, yes she can bring it up in a court and he will get nothing. She will automatically get custody of any children they have together, she may also request whatever she wants for visitation and he better pray he gets a judge who's never been cheated on, because I don't care who it is, a judge will do whatever they want to someone they just don't like, within the legal limit of the law.

Also, I don't know for sure about North Carolina, but in some states, the wife can actually sue the mistress for the break up of the marriage, for financial compensation.

Yeah what Dwain said "Alien of Affection" she could sue you for that.
2006-03-31 05:55:31 UTC
His wife will eventually get everything in court. If she can prove that you were the cause of the divorce, then her lawyers will probably make it so that she gets full custody and he has limited parental rights. As for now, she might just not let him see the child, so it probably wouldn't be good to be so open about the relationship, unless you are just that supportive of each other.
2006-03-31 05:50:51 UTC
If you are sleeping with your b/f with the child there, it could effect visitation rights. You have committed adultry and that can have some bearing on custody and what your b/f will have to pay in child support and alimony. I suggest you think long and hard about your own situation. Almost all cheaters will cheat again. What makes you think you are so special that he will not cheat on you again??? Don't delude yourself, if he cheated with you, what will stop him from cheating on you?
2006-03-31 05:44:19 UTC
Legally you could be sued for "Alienation of Affection" in civil court. There was a similar case a while back in NC.
2006-04-03 03:14:14 UTC
pls do not break his marriage and do not let him to move in with you
2006-03-31 05:45:30 UTC
If it happened, it CAN come up in court. If he's sleeping with you, it IS an affair. Duh?

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