NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! Kick her little (or big) A.S.S!!
That is so wrong!
First of all, WTF is your husband thinking letting this woman cause strife in your household? Smack him uside the head for me please! That is a blatent disrespectful move on his part.
You know that the only reason that a single woman calls a man, married or not, is for th hookup, so keep your eyes and ears open.
But PLEASE listen to me. Some women know what they are doing. They know that their actions are causeing problems. They intend on it, so make sure and not let her win.
Dont make too big of a deal about it to your husband, becaus if the relationship is on the rocks, you will drive him away, and this ***** will win.
So, be stelthy about it, keep your husband VERY happy and then tell him that this bothers you and hurts you. Please do something about it Baby. Smooch Smooch*
Best of luck lady. Urrfgh...Im so angry for you....