My wife has cheated on me twice and I keep on forgiving her. Am I an idiot?
2015-07-08 07:42:08 UTC
WE have been married for 5 years and we have 2 children. I work full time as a driver for a private company and she stays home. The first time she cheated was 2 years ago, this affair went on for more than 6 months until I found out. Then the second time was just 2 weeks ago. It was with a guy she met at a movie she went to see with her friends and this affair was going on for over 3 months. My siblings hate her and tell me that I should kick her out. My parents also hate her and she's not even allowed in their home. My friends also don't like her and all of this is driving me crazy. My wife is a very beautiful woman and she's a good mother to our kids and also a great wife. The only problem we have had is been her infidelity. We have sex on a regular basis and I know it's great and I'm not just saying it, in fact I know it is. I feel like I need to help her with whatever is wrong with her but my family and friends are making it impossible. I can't take her to any family reunion or friend's house since she's not welcome anywhere. Maybe I'm a dummy I mean that's what they all say I am. I need some advice please.. Am I an idiot for keep giving her chances after chances?
106 answers:
2015-07-08 07:56:42 UTC
You are not an idiot. You are a man who loves a woman and decided long ago that you were going to stay comitted to her. There is nothing wrong with her either. Its perfectly natural and even healthy to be attracted to other people. The problem is that she doesnt know how to handle this attraction. There are some people that have made bad decisions and put themselves in situations that tempted them to cheat and made the choice that they regretted and then dedicated themselvs to rebuilding their relationship. Those people deserve forgiveness and second chances. Your wife sounds different. She had an ongoing affair on multiple occasions now. She has established a strong pattern of cheating. Something drastic needs to happen. At this point you might as well consent to letting her have an open relationship bc she has decided that she is going to sleep with other people regardless. Maybe if you just accept it and let her do it she wont feel the need to hide it next time.
2016-12-23 06:08:19 UTC
2015-07-08 11:24:11 UTC
First, You now know the reason you don't discuss that behavior with family. Although you may forgive her they never will. It is because you painted her with the cheater brush. Accurate but not appropriate if you stay together.

Second, Get that tattoo removed from your forehead, the one which says DOORMAT. Do you even get angry? Why are you allowing this to happen the second time without major repercussions.

You have been married 60 months or so. She has been cheating for 9. Not good. Once I can see but twice?

I suspect the reason is you are for too forgiving. You do know that too soon forgiveness is as bad as no forgiveness don't you? Both eventually result in divorce.

So this is what you do...... Go buy Two books, "After The Affair" and "How Can I Forgive You" both are written by Janis Abrahms Spring.

Read After The Affair first.

Finally get some couples counseling. Do not say you can't afford it. What you can'rt afford is not getting any.

Get on with your life but first get angry that she cheated again so soon after the first time. Frankly I don't think she can keep her pants on but if you do not set some serious limits and do some proper repair you are doomed to repeat it. Ihn this case, unless you do this reading and get that counseling divorce is sooner than later.
2015-07-12 15:36:44 UTC
It sounds like you are keeping her around because of the kids, which she could take away from you if you did leave her. It also sounds like you want her because she is beautiful and she gives you sex as often as you like. These two items alone are enough ammunition for her to use against you if you do leave her. She's beautiful meaning she can get a guy anytime she wants and she can collect child support if you divorce. But is there any other reason why you are still in the marriage? Maybe your lazy to move on. Perhaps you are shy/bashful and don't think you can meet another woman. Maybe you want to see your kids grow up and not be taken away by her.

I feel what you are saying, but you remind me of myself when I was young, weak, and naive. My wife cheated on me with two different men, too. But just like me, she did not cheat on you twice. She cheated on you with two different men. Each and every time she had sex with another man, that was a mistake. I'll guess on average of three times a month which adds up to over 25 times. Therefore, she cheated on you more than twice.

Now maybe there is a reason for this, If a woman strays, it's usually because she's looking for emotional support that you are not giving her. Most likely, she'll cheat because she feels you don't listen to her. A woman may have an affair when her man is not trying in the relationship, and she feels she has no other choice. So don't take her for granted. If you want her to be happy, you need to bring the good times back into your relationship by taking her out and enjoying life. You need to talk and spend time together. Tell her no more cheating or you will leave her.

For me, the stress built up and I almost died. Once I got better, we had a talk and I punished her. I won't disclose it here, but I will say that based on what I did to her, I doubt she will ever do it again because she will never want to be in that position ever again. Also, I put my foot down and became a man instead of a weak boy. I told her one more time and it's over and that there will not be a 2nd chance so don't cry and don't beg....just get out. The lies, the cheating, the stress, the deception, the signs.....enough was enough. If you keep forgiving her with no punishment, she will keep doing it like a football player picking on a nerd. Don't be that nerd. Stand up and be a man. Sure, she could threaten to leave and meet someone else and take the kids. But she could be bluffing. Yell right back at her if that is what she wants. No woman is worth all that unless you just want her for sex and nothing else. If she cheats on you again, leave. Don't call her, don't see her. If you do, she will know you have not moved on, and she will toy with you and make you feel miserable.

So to answer your question: No, you are not an idiot for keeping her, but be a man and challenge her if she threatens you with her beautiful body or the kids. Just be prepared that she may actually leave, and if she does, then let her go. And if she cheats again, leave her and never come back and never call her....unless it involves seeing the kids. Never look at her with loving eyes again, only mean and an unafraid look. If she cheats again, she'd be gone if she was my wife. I wouldn't care how hot she is. I'd kick her out.
2016-11-10 04:04:57 UTC
Forgiving Cheating
2015-07-08 16:25:55 UTC
No, this doesn't mean you're an idiot. First off, just because you caught your wife cheating on you twice does not mean she's cheated on you only twice. I think you should always give everyone second chances, and if your wife is a good mother & wife, that's a huge plus. Give it another try and see what happens. If she cheats on you again, I suggest rethinking your marriage and maybe talking to a professional. Hope this helps.
2015-07-08 20:51:45 UTC
i do not know how you can forgive a person that cheats on you so many times. i mean how much more can your heart take- do you not believe you deserve better? if you do not believe you deserve better then i am sorry you are an idiot. she doesnt care about you- she cares about herself. if she is not attracted to you then thats why she may be cheating on you- i am not sure why. because she is beautiful - this is why you allow it to happen. I'm sorry but sometimes the truth hurts and maybe your friends and family are right...i mean gosh i know it must suck to know she cheated on you several times, but how much more are you willing to put up with....she does whatever the **** she wants because she knows you will let her get away it...its not a problem, she doesnt have a problem...she doesnt love you thats what it is...she does not have love for you...i mean you are questioning sound like a very sweet, good hearted guy and I'm sorry this happened to you.. i would not forgive a way ..once a cheater, always a cheater
2015-11-19 18:04:45 UTC
Yes, you are as a a matter of a fact you are completely a sissy and idiot that's why you have been cheated not once but TWICE. You need to man up and teach this woman a lesson. Get that thing out of your house asap. Your family is supporting you and if you still decide to keep her then cheat on her not once but twice, give her a taste of her own medicine. Best of luck
2015-07-08 08:24:52 UTC
I think you are in deep love with your wife, and sometimes love is blind.

If the 2 of you are having regular sex, and she is still seeking out other men to screw, something is definitely wrong. Either she is a nymphomaniac whore/slu t or gets some type of extra rush/excitement when fooling around with other men or strangers.

The fact that she is also beautiful adds to her temptations, because I am sure she gets hit on a lot by other men on a daily basis.

Keep in mind the affairs you are aware of may not be the only ones she has had. She knows that you will keep forgiving her, so she more then likely will never stop screwing around.

You have 2 choices. Divorce or continue to live your lives the way they are now. If you choose the second choice you have to get use to her screwing around on you, and maybe on a daily basis.

You know the definition of insanity right? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
2015-07-10 14:23:38 UTC
YES! By you allowing her to get away with this she's not viewing you like a MAN. Don't be a chump. Woman will walk all over a weak man and that is what you are showing her. Sorry to tell you, but it's done. If my spouse cheating on me - IT WOULD BE OVER THE FIRST TIME! Hell, if they even flirted with the opposite sex there would be some serious problems. Even with kids involved. There is no way to forgive that in my opinion...but that's just it - it's my opinion. However, she's obviously doesn't respect you. Do you really want that?
2015-07-09 23:08:13 UTC
If you want a spouse you can count on, you don't' want your wife. Cheaters and liars are not to be trusted and who wants to live with that. Ok things can get bad and someone does something stupid but twice is two times too many. You have to do as your conscience dictates but I would never trust that person again. I don't like to tell people to get rid of spouses do you want to live the rest of your life? It won't get any better. Of course there is a reason she cheats. Could have something to do with something missing in your relationship with her or maybe she just likes to cheat. Whatever you are settling for less than you deserve. At this point I have to say yea you are. . .
Teddy's Mom Chiliswoman
2015-07-08 14:08:25 UTC
OK, here's an entirely different perspective from the ones you've been getting.


Some people, and my lover is oneof them, are just not monogamous by nature. Society as we now it dictates monogamy as the only way, but its not. Some marriages are always bad because one or both of the people in them can't abide by the noton of monogamy.

22 years ago my lover got married. He made a vow and he tried to be monogamous. So finally after some counseling he and his wife sat down and decided he could see other women, but there would be rules. A long as he abided by the rules, it as OK. The rukes have changed over time, but always with agreement.

There are no illicit affairs, no cheating. It is all open and above board. For a few years he had multiple lovers. They all fit a specific mold and they followed the rules. I didn't fit the mold when he became my friend 16 yeatrs ago. He talked to his wife about me efore he uttered the first nonfriend word to me. She knew he was falling in love with me before I had a clue. The rule that had to change? I wasn't married.

Their rules....

Only married women.

Only when both other spouses agree and know each other.

There is a primary relationship - the marriage.

There is a budge to what can be spent on the other relationship.

Safe sex.

Permission from wife for overnight stays.

There were probably others, but they've lost their relevancy.

She happy, because he is happy and he is not off with strangers. She knows I am committed to their marriages success. I like this because I want the committment of a fulltime relationship, but I am way too busy to be married and far to protective of my space, and my autism makes me get overloaded by too much togetherness. It works for us. 3 people are very happy.

So would this work for you? I don't know. It's better than worrying about what she might or might not be doing. Can she be honest with you? Can you trust her to be honest? Can you continue i a relationship with her knowing she is with another? (I don't recommend multiple others - at a time.)

And BTW my son, I'm a single adoptive parent, has grown up with a mom who first dated, and now has a long term partner. He is so committed to myson that he is his back-up trustee on his financial accounts and medical proxies. He will live with him if I die and that makes the most sense, He has been an excellent co-parent in mnaty ways.

If you love her and don't want to lose her, see if this would work for you. You canhave the best of both worlds.
2015-07-09 17:30:49 UTC
Without offense of course you are an idiot. If someone cheat on you one time, just once, you can be sure that she will do that again and again. It's like the first slap, in a relationship if someone gives the first slap there will be several slaps which will come. No matter if the person apologized.

you should think of your happiness dude. Leave that woman immediately or later, when you'll be older, you will regret and you'll be always sad in your relationship.

Tell to yourself that if someone really loves you the person will never cheat on you. Ever.
2015-07-08 19:02:34 UTC
You are an idiot if you don't do anything to help her by taking her to see a counselor, talk it out or pray for her. Cheating is a chronic disease. Once she had it, it'll runs in her blood forever. If you don't treated it now, it will exacerbated. She has been faithful to you until recently, she changed her mind. Something is wrong that you cannot be able to fix it. Find it and bring her back. I'm sure Satan wins her heart. You need god to open her eyes to see what she's doing is evil. I wouldn't be surprised if you let her go and find another beautiful woman who deserves the love you are willing to anticipate.
2015-07-10 01:05:32 UTC
Dude, you re an idiot. But guess what? ME TOO! The same thing happened with my ex-girlfriend and I. She cheated twice, I forgave her, twice. And she kept breaking up with me and then wanting me back. It was like she couldn t make up her mind WHAT she wanted. I finally told her that I would take her back if she never cheated again, and if she finally made up her mind what she wanted, but until then, I was only a friend. So we hung out. Then, tragedy struck both of us. Both our father s died on the exact same day. She seemed supportive. But less than one week later, when I asked to lean on her shoulder she said something very rude and cold. That s when I realized that she was just using me for comfort, like a favorite shirt, or favorite food. The point, I guess, is that, really, even though we ve both been idiots, it doesn t mean we re stupid. We were just ignorant of a person s true nature. I don t know her, but I m assuming she is probably similar to my ex. In which case, she s just as confused as you are. YOU have to ask YOURSELF whether you think she will change and if not, whether you can live comfortably with her as she is now. If not, for your sake, for your childrens sake, I suggest leaving her. After all, you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else, including children. I hope you find an answer that will make you happy in the long run, but don t beat yourself up over her actions. people are people. From one fellow idiot to another, you deserve to be happy.
2015-07-09 02:55:41 UTC
I don't think cheating on someone twice is Love. I think It's confusion. I think your wife is confused about something. Maybe she is depressed about something. She likes another sweaty man between her legs. Besides yourself. There's something wrong with that. Now you on one hand are taking care of her. Though she is your wife, And a mom to both of your kids. Maybe she has goals or things she would like to do. Besides cook, clean, stay at home, do laundry. That type of thing. I think sometimes as a husband your not asking? Maybe my wife is board, tired, would like to commit to a hobby. Something. Besides cheating because she has tons of time on her hands to do So. I'm not saying It's your fault. But I think a probably is occurring for a reason of why she cheats. Seek counseling. I think that's best. And second chances are great. But obviously you have not resolved the real... issue. Why she is actually doing that.
2015-07-08 08:11:24 UTC
She's beautiful, a good mother, and a great wife.........but she cheats on you constantly and you've only been able to catch her twice? Because trust me, there's been more. The family and friends around you are clearly seeing what your incapable off, know that to be true, and cutting her out of there life is the right thing to do, and its time you do too. No one loves you more than your family and friends, ESPECIALLY your wife! Follow there lead or become a swinger! That way you won't have to wait for your wife to bring you home a STD, you can go out and get it yourself.
2015-07-08 10:32:35 UTC
5 years, two kids, most likely at least one of them isn't yours with the history that you know about, yet you made the choice to stay? An idiot? Nope, but you may want to decide now where the line is, how many chances you are willing to give her, so there can be some sort of stop in this thing. She may change and it will all work out, history tends to repeat though so you need to plan for that as welll
2015-07-08 12:38:28 UTC
You seem blinded by the whole idea of keeping her the point you just allow her to run amuck. You're both idiots, sad to say. She doesn't appreciate having the good life with a hardworking, loving, family-minded man...who forgave such a grievous offense once before. You, on the other hand, are apparently putty in her hands. She knows your weakness is her & the proved it once before. She is dysfunctional, knows no boundaries, doesn't value marriage, or you, enough to keep her **** for only her husband. Her repeated and ongoing behavior tells it all. She is bored, she is lonely while you're gone, she has too much free time, and you give her too much free reign. Like a dog in heat, she isn't going to stay in the yard and be a good girl. Any opportunity to scratch that itch is gonna be taken. Therefore taking you for granted. You're the paycheck and Mr Reliable. The other guys are feeding her ego & taking advantage of her willingness to be available.
2015-07-10 08:04:48 UTC
If she's sleeping with other men, she doesn't love you. And maybe you don't love her, because you don't seem devastated. I think the only thing you can do, is either separate or accept that she will always take other men in to her bed....perhaps you should see other women, see how she likes that....I do hope she's having safe sex otherwise your health is at serious risk. Of course there is no point in asking her about this, as you can't rely on a truthful answer, as she is deceptive. Marriage is meant to be "forsaking all others", that's why it's in the vows.
2015-07-11 21:11:03 UTC
I have seen a couple or two and smelled the same problem . I dug deep and found the same problem in both couples . The problem was., both used to have sex on regular basis but both men used to lst only for 1 - to2 minutes leaving their wives unsatisfied . A man must be able to read his wives excitement and act accordingly. Once you satisfy your wife in bed your wife Will never cheat on you otherwise ,her biological urge will continuously drive her towards the same thing which might prove dangerous for you at some stage .

Moreover ,dissatisfaction in bed is not a biological or physiological problem but it's a technical problem of a man who doesn't know how to leave his wife satisfied .....once you know the tech ,you do not need to go on everyday sex and still she will give up cheating and will wait for you and only you.
2015-07-09 11:24:17 UTC
what you do with your wife is your business, as far as staying with her or leaving her. it is totally up to you. does your think the same way about you as you are describing for her? are you a good husband, good father to your children, good in the lovemaking department etc? what I notice you left out was whether you loved her or if she loved you or not.. if so why is she cheating. that is the problem. why is she cheating? has she told you this? if not then this is what you need to know the answer to. if you love her and is willing to forgive her that is your business. no one has to put up with this or decide what to do about this but you. because in time when you get tired of this you will do something about it. I can see why your friends and family are treating her like this, it is because they don't thing you have done anything to deserve the way she is treating you. plus she is being disrespectful to you. if she has a problem with you she needs to be mature enough to discuss her problem with you no matter what it is. if she wanted to still run around and have affairs with other men she should have stayed single. she needs to realize that what ever decisions are made about her marriage she has young children to consider, and they don't deserve this either. I wish you well.
2015-07-09 14:03:04 UTC
I would end it and move on, 5 years is a long time but if she can cheat it means she doesn't care about you, cheating is the absolute worse thing you can do towards someone you love and care about, if you want to cheat then you may as well be single so you can sleep around, you can do better man sorry to say it but she's gotta go
2015-07-08 19:01:12 UTC
She’s cheated on you twice. That is not chances after chances. You have encountered some problems in your marriage but you are committed to making it work; that is being smart and compassionate.

Don’t discuss the issue with so called friends who criticize you or even with your parents. If they bring up the subject say “I’d rather not discuss it.” If they persist say “excuse me” and walk away.

But do try to seek professional concealing for you and your wife. You do have a lot going for you; 2 children and an excellent relationship of your own. That is something to build on; in fact it is a lot to build on. So begin building on the foundation you have.
2015-07-08 08:17:58 UTC
Someone who repeatedly cheats on you, is NOT a great wife, dear. That person is a total failure as a spouse.

Are you an idiot? If you don't mind being cheated on, that's your business. That doesn't make you an idiot, but it does mean you don't have the right to complain about it (since you aren't choosing to put a stop to it or end the marriage over it).

A woman who truly loved you, wouldn't betray you repeatedly.
2016-05-17 12:08:46 UTC
If you need tho modify your daily life then that is your manual , Manifestation Miracle.

With Manifestacion Miracle you may understand regulations of attraction. The Manifestation Miracle does an excellent work of teaching you just how strongly you'll need to wish something in order to do what' required to be able to get it. Consider desire exactly the same way you would think of a candle. If the candle is using solid then you'll force previous limitations to be able to get that which you want. If the candle isn't using at all, you then won't. Need is a burning fireplace. Not just have you got to possess it, but also you have to keep throwing wood about it to help keep it burning.

That manual is as straightforward as it gets and with it you'll be able to start believing in what' probable really fast.
2016-04-22 23:54:49 UTC
There are steps you can take to actually build a strong, stable marriage and avoid divorce. Read here

Here are some key steps to apply to your marriage:

- Start by understanding and being informed.

You can never be too informed about tools, methods and studies about building successful marriages. Understand the risk factors like your age and maturity at marriage can determine how successful it will be, the anatomy of an affair and what you can do after infidelity. Understand the success factors like the personal and psychological circumstances that will influence your marriage, what are the tools and approaches available to you in dealing with conflict, and numerous other relevant data. All this information is readily available to you whether through self-help material, through a counselor, support group or other venues. In fact, we have made it our commitment to provide these to you in different formats to help you make the best marriage you can.

The thing is, remember, this is information is not available for you to begin hyper-psychoanalyzing your relationship, yourself and your partner. It's not a matter of spewing trivia for the sake of conversation ' information is there for you to ponder over and internalize to help you transform yourself and your marriage. That includes maturing to such a point that you become more competent in your knowledge but more prudent in approach.
2015-07-09 10:00:07 UTC
YUP, She's a whore and your going to catch some disease that you will have for life, like Herpes, Warts or worse AIDS. Don't touch the *****, fall OUT of love with her as soon as possible.

She cheats on you and you call her a great wife? What are you a fukin idiot. You know what your stupid and you deserve what you get if you don't see what's happening here.
2015-07-09 10:16:57 UTC
I didnt had to read your entire message just "wife cheated twice....i forgive her..." and my answer instalnty is YES u ARE an idiot..

if you keep forgiving and STILL with her...she will continue to do the same cheating...

forgive her and just leave her
2015-07-08 13:43:59 UTC
My dad had gotten remarried to a women and she had cheated many timea and my dad has forgiven her all thise times and then just randomly she wanted a divorce after my dad has moved out she dated his best friend and honestly if ahe had cheated once then maybe forgive her but twice is the last straw and my dad never got to see the person she really was so please end it now before it gets worse because trust me it gets way worse than this
2015-07-08 08:54:59 UTC
Why would she cheat on you the second time? That's just wrong.

You truly deserve someone who would never cheat on you like that. She's not the only one in this world and I know it's hard but hey you're not an idiot.
2015-07-09 07:28:52 UTC
shes fcuk around behind your back two times in a row and you think shes a good wife sound like a nice guy but your too nice she is walking all over you and forgive so shes going to do it all over again so man up and get rid of her or cheat on do something just picture her flat on her back screaming your so much better than my husband. I feel for u man u have got kids too that's a sin but still how can u call yourself a man when cant even stick up for yourself SHE GONNA CHEAT ON YOU AGAIN I CAN BELIVE THAT
2015-07-08 10:48:57 UTC
What your an idiot about not letting her work for one. Don't you know she got too much time on her hands while you at work and she at home doing nothing. Sure yeah the two kids she take care of them. Women who don't work or do something productive with there time are prone too cheat. I see it happening all the time. Till then it aint easy being green!
2015-07-11 18:40:38 UTC
best answer has been chosen but I wanted to say get some couples counseling could be you need to be separated for a time for her to really see what she is missing. For the sake of the kids do not stay together. I do not see her as a good mom if she is not faithful. She is not being a good role model. Twice can you handle a third?
2015-07-09 10:51:30 UTC
I ought to come over there and slap the **** out of you, but obviously you wound not mind. You need to figure it out, Your wife is someone else's whore. get a clue. Your an idiot, and she is a whore. You cant stop being an idiot and she can't stop being a whore.

The best thing you can do is forward me her number. at least that way two people will be happy.
2015-07-10 12:21:22 UTC
Your commitment is admirable but if she doesn't change then you need to. Put your foot down about it. alternatively maybe she has a sex addiction or an imbalance of some kind.

seek medical help. see if there is a drug out there that can bring down her sex drive so when your gone she isnt compelled to cheat.

also try sitting down and talking to her. find out why. maybe do this with a therapist. maybe the truth is she is bored to some extant or looking for something.
2015-07-08 08:17:15 UTC
You will be happier if you cut her loose and find someone your family can love. She has given you a very good reason to leave her. People don't want to be fixed, you need to come to terms with who she is as a person. You wanting to fix her just makes you codependent. by forgiving her you are supporting her problems more than actually helping them. You really need to figure out how to let go of her,
2015-07-10 11:43:00 UTC
So my wife left me for another man a month ago today. After doing my research I know that they had not slept together, but were talking chatting skyping texting for an entire month. She got real rude and mean and I told her a week before she finally admitted it that I knew she was doing something wrong and "playing me". Sadly I was right. We are still legally married and have a son who is only 6 who I have raised basically on my own. To your point. Yesterday she got on a plane to meet this man in another city "for business". I knew the end of the story and her answer, but I still told her right before she left - whatever happened before this point is dead - I will give you one more chance for our son and family (I had just read emails the day before saying she loved him). He is married and "divorcing" and he knew she was married with a small kid and unhappy. She is 35 and hot - he is 56 and rich. So you are not an idiot - just a fool in love that understands that she will regret all of this and you have pity for her soul. Good luck and just stay true to yourself regardless
2015-07-08 21:00:55 UTC
If you asking this question, it bothers you a lot. And she wont change. Make your mind. To live the way it is, and wait for a moment when she leaves or you make a step out of relationship. What is better for kids? To have 2 happy parents who lives separately or to see bitter and poisonous relations parents have.This situation ever could work out only if partners are both ok with "open relationship"
2015-07-08 22:35:06 UTC
Bro you are not an idiot you just deserve some one who appreciates you ,now not allowing ur self from getting someone like that is actually something idiotic .. Go get a lady and drop the.. With all do respect ..!****
2015-07-12 18:23:02 UTC
You're a cuckold. I can understand staying for the children. Divorce and child support can be a nightmare. Make sure you get paternity tests though, they may not be yours. Although, you can consider your marriage open. I wouldn't blame you if you got mistresses on the side. If you have sex with your wife, make sure you use protection, so you don't catch a disease.
2015-07-08 11:13:00 UTC
Forgiving her twice does not make you an idiot.

Maybe you could say something similar to the following:

"I love you, Barbara, and I look forward to our staying together and raising our children together. Do you look forward to this as I do?" "... ... ..." "And are you sorry that you saw those two men named ... and ... ...?" "That is good. I do not want my children to ever learn of those men and their actions. Now, if you were to see a third man in a similar manner, then I would not want my children to remain with you. Do you understand or do you want to ask any questions? (You may want to speak to an attorney or read a book first to see if you should be able to have the children if you were to leave her.)
seedy history
2015-07-08 08:51:03 UTC
If you love her enough to accept her infidelities then your entire family can just shut up. It's not their business as long as YOU are okay. On the other hand, if they don't want her in their homes, don't bring her to their homes. It is what it is. Until it's not.

She has no consequences to her actions that actually matter to her. Until there is, very little motivation for her to make different choices.
2015-07-08 10:21:27 UTC
I'm in the same boat! Married for 5 years with 2 kids. My husband has cheated on me two times that I know of. I know how it is to be so in love. It's like you pass out infinite second chances. Do what you feel is best.
2015-07-09 17:48:55 UTC
You are not an idiot....youre just telling your wife that you loved her with all your heart...and that a good thing,because theres a saying "WHEN A GUY REALLY LOVES A GIRL OR A WOMEN HE WILL RESPECT HER AND NOT PRESSURE HER TO HAVE NON IMPORTANT THING."So do whatever you have to do and act like you still love her. Whatever she do she will regret it..So find her and bring her back,and then you guys should talk and solve out your problems.
Paul R
2015-07-08 08:31:23 UTC
If you dump her you will always regret it. A sexually compatible partner can be hard to find. OK she likes sex and she likes getting laid. That's quite natural when you think about it..

Look on the bright side. You are in the fortunate position of being free to stray outside the marriage yourself. Go for it man. Relax and enjoy.
2015-07-08 21:34:32 UTC
Apparently the good sex with her isn't enough. You need to understand that some of us are born polyamorous. Some of us just have a natural desire to be with multiple people. I would consider marriage counseling and maybe the discussion of an open marriage. Regardless of what you choose, you need to communicate your feelings and not simply let it drag on to more complication.
2015-07-10 01:41:10 UTC
I might be dating this American guy right now, but it's not definite. Want to cheat on your wife with me? Purely for revenge purposes.
2015-07-10 16:18:47 UTC
Im so sorry my goodness. No your not an idiot you need to move on she wont change.. believe me I've been cheated on
2015-07-08 13:48:57 UTC
You are not an idiot....BUT, you need to leave her and move on to a woman that wont act like a slime ball. I did, same thing happened to me, she even came back knocked up one time, I left and never looked back. Now I am happy and with a woman I respect and trust.
2015-07-08 19:01:06 UTC
You need to make the conciensious decision to end the relationship. She obviously does not care about you or your feelings if she has continued this. It is a major red flag already that all of your family and friends do not welcome her. Screw an open relationship you need to be with someone who is going to be just as faithful as you will be. Its a long journey but you will get to that happy place and she will regret what she has lost.
2015-07-11 05:55:34 UTC
This is very much serious thing. How can u be so careless and irresponsible. You should have warned your wife to stay away from having relationships with other boys (or) ask her in friendly way.. What actually she wants. If she wants divorce from you.. Then please divorce her and u get married to some good women
Mike C
2015-07-08 08:39:52 UTC
"My wife is a very beautiful woman and she's a good mother to our kids and also a great wife" except for the fact that she likes to have other dudes dicks in her? I'm sorry but twice in five years..... Get the hell out.
2015-07-08 17:42:42 UTC
How long are you going to put up with feeling like an idiot?
2015-07-11 23:27:57 UTC
how many times does she have to cheat ?? She knows she can get away with it, and you won't

leave her...your family have all figured her out. It wasn't a drunken one night stand, and she's done

more than once...that you know about.
2015-07-08 11:03:09 UTC
It seems unwise to remain married to a liar and a cheater.

She IS NOT a great wife and mother. Great wives do not betray their husbands and great mothers do not put their children's lives, their security, and the family unit at risk.
2015-07-08 11:42:20 UTC
Youre not a dummy. Youre in love, dummy. But no seriously you cant keep going through that either she stops or you stop forgiving her man
2015-07-10 14:41:38 UTC
Sorry but I'm a firm believer. Once a cheater always a cheater and the more you take her back the more she's going to disrespect you!!
2015-07-09 13:23:21 UTC
You are not but if you forgive more than 3 times yeah
2016-05-25 10:02:00 UTC
If you dont want to be an "idiot" again you should install a keylogger on her cellphone from and probably you could find the answers previously
2015-07-08 10:26:51 UTC
Yeah, you're an idiot.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on ME.
2015-07-08 13:35:03 UTC
i couldn't forgive , personally especially cause it wasn't a one night stand ,but an actual affair . Yet , i understand that you don't want to break your family .
2015-07-08 21:28:41 UTC
Idiot? Sure, without a doubt.
2015-07-08 21:47:52 UTC
You're a idiot.
2015-07-08 08:28:33 UTC
once a cheater always a cheater and I'm sorry about that. but she does not respect you enough to not cheat on you then its time for her to go. it sucks but its only gonna continue
2015-07-09 04:16:05 UTC
it may be a strong possibility that your not meeting her needs or expectations in bed??.....many women cheat for that reason....or it may be its just her nature....and she will forever be searching for "forbidden fruit" or friends with benafits....most married women that are seriel cheaters have little concern about their lovers/bulls impregnating them....b/c they have a husband/cuckold?? at home that suffer and pay for their lust, sin and gives them a strong sense of is my advice:.....put a fone tap on her fone,...some PC sotware on her PC to intercept her e mail, a GPS on her car and hire a P I.....of course your electronic surveilance is illegal but use it for you own knowledge only,,,,and your foolish not to get a dna test on your two children b/c one way or another you`ll never know unless you do that ....and engage a attorney.....before she turns you into a unwitting cuckold.....after saying all of this it may be that simply put your not coming any where near to meeting her sexual needs, expectations, fantasies or satisfaction....consult a sexologist and learn how......
2015-07-10 23:03:29 UTC
you have done what your heart wanted to do and that's take her back... your not a fool for doing so for that comes with loving someone is wanting them in your life! do what your heart wants to do and don't worry about what is the norm and youll be just fine. just follow your heart!
2015-07-11 03:04:21 UTC
You are not able to satisfy her sexually that is all. That is why she seeks for harder and more tough sex which is not your quality. Continue with your family life and do not have negative feelings for her. Extra marital sex is quite common nowadays, just turn a deaf ear to it.
2015-07-08 13:35:48 UTC
You know the saying, "once a cheater, always a cheater." So there you that how you want to spend the rest of your life? Cheaters can never be trusted ! You deserve better !
2015-07-08 21:10:26 UTC
I think you should give her a last chance a last chance ok and give her a time man with out that she will die without love no one live a life.
2015-07-09 12:59:08 UTC
You're not stupid. You're in love with her, but it's not okay to cheat. It'll be hard to move on, but it's better for your personal happiness.
2015-07-10 18:00:17 UTC
Yes. You deserve better unless you like being hurt and made a fool of.
robert x
2015-07-08 10:20:48 UTC
Yes you are an idot. sorry for agreeing with you. but hey you did put the words in our mouths. She will never change, so throw her out and change the locks. then seek a divorce
2015-07-09 01:40:59 UTC
Hi it maybe time now to cal it a day she is not going to change she so obviously needs the excitement you don't give her. so time to be letting her go.
2015-07-11 08:31:56 UTC
Yeah, she sure sounds like a "great wife"! Great for the guys who keep getting to **** her, that's for sure!
2015-07-09 14:07:38 UTC
You said she is a great wife..

The only diff between her and

a wh*ore is she doesn't charge..

Move on before you grow a pair

and kill some one..
2015-07-09 10:01:32 UTC
Yes you are an idiot!
2015-07-10 19:18:01 UTC
maybe you're just a monogamous man who has fallen for a polygamous woman
2015-07-11 14:04:03 UTC
Your not a idiot and maybe its time to just move on...maybe she not happy.. maybe conseling to see why this is going on
2015-07-09 03:00:14 UTC
Yes you are indeed an idiot!
2015-07-09 14:35:57 UTC
I suggest that you give her only 5 more chances
2015-07-12 11:24:43 UTC
If you are really committed to making this work. Look for counseling.
Mike B
2015-07-09 00:29:55 UTC
she cheats once she will do it again ever try putting a broken mirrow back, its

your call I hate to say it but its time to move on.....
2015-07-09 10:07:23 UTC
You need to switch careers to where you can keep track of her.
2015-07-08 07:57:10 UTC
Fooled you once - shame on her.

Fooled you twice - shame on you.

2015-07-09 10:31:04 UTC
nah you aint an idiot
2015-07-11 10:01:33 UTC
She doesn't deserve you
2015-07-08 21:19:45 UTC
2015-07-09 17:54:52 UTC
well actually she cheated with me to.
2015-07-08 11:49:23 UTC
yes. dump her and don't get stuck with the brats.
2015-07-09 22:14:09 UTC
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
2015-07-09 07:28:43 UTC
You need to leave her
2015-07-09 05:36:15 UTC
well if u are okay with her sleepin with other guys then thats fine! i mean u are driving all tha time! atlesst whenu come home she there!
2015-07-10 20:12:02 UTC
Yes !
2015-07-08 21:31:49 UTC
forgive her
david c
2015-07-08 13:06:08 UTC
ei, look for a girl,
2015-07-10 04:09:59 UTC
kind of lol sorry mate
2015-07-10 22:07:57 UTC
2015-07-09 10:15:17 UTC
YES there is NO DOUBT
2015-07-09 09:12:15 UTC
tough situation there
2015-07-10 11:11:12 UTC
No, You should stone her.
2015-07-10 19:05:18 UTC
Dump her ***
2015-07-09 11:55:33 UTC
your are a GOOD man!!!! she doesnt understand what she is doing!!!
2015-07-09 16:10:05 UTC
No. You are a fool.
2015-07-09 13:55:33 UTC
2015-07-09 10:08:12 UTC
IDK thats hard.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.