My husband and I have been having a few problems and I talked with my sister about this. Well today my sister-in-law made a comment about my marriage saying "You all make sure you get along before you have kids and that ya'll work out your differences" Then she continued to say that she wasn't trying to get in our business but that she wanted to make sure we were ok. WELL..I talked to my sister about these things in confidence and I am a little offended that another family member is asking me about these things. If I wanted to tell my sister in law I would've. I know my sister in law had good intentions but I am hurt that my own sister would talk about something that was personal to me.
SO..the question is, how do I approach this situation and let my sister know how I feel without causing problems? Also, should I really be upset? I just don't want my family looking at my husband like a bad guy. We've only been married 6 mo. and a lot of things just take time.