2009-04-15 09:22:08 UTC
first there was the wedding ceremonies... then meeting the relatives in various cities ...then we had no honey moon...after that my husband immediately had to get back to work and we started our life at his parents home with my inlaws .. he came back from work never before 9 and then everyone is around month later he was send on project to another city the stay was supposed to be for 10 days which was extended to 3 weeks like this the first 3 month of our marriage passed. next he got an offer to a project abroad which he accepted and came back from his national project home and went off to europe the day after so we had only 2 days and one night inbetween and he prefereed to go out with his male friends for dinner rather than sepnding this one night we have with me ( i was all amd that time) now this new project was supposed to be for 3 months and now extended to 6 months...
i have been more daughter in law than a wife... more over he is still into his memories with his ex which makes me furious and jealous
for all who did not read me i have another question open still at the same category