2012-04-15 09:42:45 UTC
My mum came into my room on tuesday night in tears telling me her friend had died and she couldn't tell anyone, I asked her which friend and why and she said a man that used to come into her work who she got friendly with. She said that nobody knows that they spoke except for 1 other guy who rang her over the weekend to tell her that her friend had died.
My first reaction was that my mum had been cheating on my dad with this guy but she said they just texted each other during the week and that they met up a couple of times for coffees and that nothing beyond that happned (not sure if I believe this or not) she said he cheared up her life and she did the same for him. She begged me not to say anything to my dad because he wouldn't like it and might split up with her, my first reaction was if it was such an innocent relationship then why can't my dad know? But she just said he would get jealous and flip out.
Anyway my mum was distraught that her friend had died and that she was unable to tell anyone (because of what they would think and how they would react). I am glad she told me because I can't imagaine how she felt trying to keep her emotions in and having no one to talk to about it but I feel really weird about it. I asked they had wanted to be togethjer and she said maybe and that they did love each other. My mum and dad have had a lot of problems over the years, they have both cheated on each other previously and I believe they are still together through habbit and convenience.
My mum has asked me to go to the funeral of this guy next week with her without my dad knowing, I initially said yes bacause I saw how upset she was and couldn't bear the thought of her all alone at this funeral without anyone who she knows but now I feel like I'm betraying my dad and can't look at him in the eye.
I don't know what to do!!! What if my dad finds this out and then finds out that I knew the whole time? I'm 20 and live @home btw. Help!!