Do you think my brother has extreme issues if he whines about a guy not replying to his text messages?
2012-03-15 10:15:00 UTC
So my brother is 21 years old and last night he tried to text this guy and this guy wouldn't respond to his messages and my brother basically threw a fit and broke a window at our home. My brother started crying and whining after not getting a respond after 20 minutes and he started screaming at the top of his lungs. He also tried calling the guy on skype but the guy was offline and it made him even worse. He took a chair and threw it and broke our window. He is 21 years old and he has no friends at all because of how he acts like a 5 year old. He dropped out of college and lied to people saying he is still in college and he dropped out because he thinks college is too hard. Do you think my brother has extreme issues if this is how he reacts to not getting a text message reply ??
Four answers:
2012-03-15 10:17:56 UTC
My guess is that your brother was going through withdrawal, and the guy he was trying to contact is his dealer.
2012-03-15 17:25:52 UTC
your brother is a nut case

21 going on 14

he needs to be thrown out
2012-03-15 17:22:23 UTC
At first I thought he was gay but not anymore
2012-03-15 17:19:01 UTC
He has extreme issues.!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.