This is what you do:
Next time he picks up the controller, just quietly pack a bag, and go. Bring enough stuff to see you through a day or two, some cash and whatever else you'll need. Leave a note saying that you're gone until he grows up and starts being a husband again. Make a mental note of what time you left, and how long it even takes him to notice that you're gone and call you to figure out what the hell happened.
DO NOT tell him that you're leaving ... just go.
Once he calls you to figure out what the hell happened, tell him that you've tried talking about it and all of the other things you've tried that have gotten you nowhere ... but since he continues to make THE CHOICE to pick the game over his wife, you are now making A CHOICE to be gone until he picks which is more important.
Tell him that you will come home when he's thrown it in the trash. THAT IS THE CHOICE he now has to make. You tried meeting him in the middle. That didn't work. He continued to be selfish, so this is where things stand. It's you, or the game.
It's make or break time. Guys like this need the ultimate wake-up call (being, the threat of losing their wife) before they realize the toll it takes on relationships when they do this. He thinks it's 'not that bad' and just blowing off steam, when it's not. He's avoiding the responsibility of being a husband. They use the games as an escape from something, but he can't do that and expect to keep a wife.
Be prepared for whatever choice he makes - and I sincerely hope he makes the right one.
P.S. Keep mom and dad out of it. This is NOT THEIR BUSINESS.
This is the guy that YOU picked, and if he needs to be growed up by a good woman, then grow him up, but do it on your own. Inviting mom and dad into your marital problems will not help anything. This is YOUR problem to solve.