Why women have to do everything like working full time, cook, clean house, give birth, take care of the kids?
2016-04-05 23:25:38 UTC
While there is only one thing men do is working ohhhh and not always, there are some cases when men dont even work. Why everything is on women ?? Why ??

P.S. I dont say its like that always but in most cases and in general women do everything
82 answers:
2016-04-08 22:58:12 UTC
I personally enjoy cooking, cleaning, laundry, raising our child and working sometimes. I personally wish it were like the old days when women didn't have to work a job. I think every woman should be educated and learn a trade but I think working should be a choice. Things are way too expensive today. People are overworked yet under paid so that's one reason why it is there way it is. The other reason is that men aren't stepping up as husband and fathers. Part of that reason is the way they were raised and the other part is women having a family before marriage. Never have sex or kids before getting married. It is not worth it. Ladies if a man isn't willing to wait then he is not the one. Let him go. Women we have the raise the bar of respect and the tables are turning because games with whores will eventually get old for most men. Many like the games until the holidays come and there is no "real" love there. No real home cooked meals, no clean laundry, no clean house, crying kids everywhere. Just a quick jump off if they are lucky. Its time people know there place meaning are you marriage material or not. If no people please don't go into any serious relationships just be real and upfront from the get go. Time to weed out the men from the boys and the women from the girls. I love being a woman and I am happy to have a husband that helps out but I get what you are saying--basically women do it all and make the world go round and for most of us that's is so true. Just the way it is and we can handle it.
2016-04-07 09:06:06 UTC
Women do NOT have to do all those things, in fact many these days do not. I applaud the ones that do. Nowadays many men help out around the home. They are not servants who's place is only at home, the kitchen or the bedroom. Women have proved many times over, that they can do any & everything a man can do, and most times, better than them.

If a man chooses to leave his wife or girlfriend because he doesnt want the responsibility of being a father, he is a coward but guess what? That woman does everything she can to take care of her family, even if she has to do it alone.

Men often think that all they need to do is work and bring home the money. They fail to realize that women can do the exact same thing and that we dont always need or have to depend on men to be happy and live better lives. In a marriage the work load should be equal and not fall on a woman because the man believes that is her place.
2016-04-06 13:06:06 UTC
I'm a guy with a live-in girlfriend. I work full time, cook, wash dishes, buy groceries, assemble furniture, take out garbage, and carry supplies home. I do all of these tasks alone, my girlfriend hasn't made a single meal for me in 4 months, only went outside of the apartment one time in the last 110 days, and only washed dishes twice in 16 months. When we "go out to eat" basically, I walk to the restaurant, buy the food for take out, then go home and bring it to my girlfriend's bed. No, she isn't bed ridden. She's just not motivated to go out to get the food.

Heck, I am even paying off my girlfriend's $17k school debt. Nope, she never finished her program, but she did bring back a wonderful debt, which, from the current pattern, I will be paying 100% of it. I also pay for all living expenses.

Not only that, but she is 33 years old, has no kids, and said she'll never have kids (her choice not mine). Looks like I'll die childless.

I don't know where you find these women who cook, clean, take care of kids, and work. Heck, where do you find women that do at least ONE of the above. I haven't dated any.

But if I had a guess at why women are so overburdened in society as a whole, it's probably because society tells women they can and should have everything, and that they are strong enough to do it alone without anybody's help. It's like walking into a Chinese buffet, being told that you could and should eat everything, then leave the buffet with stomach pains and a relatively awful experience.

Society have empowered women to the point where women are expected to do everything. We should remind women that we are all human, and that we should take a break when we need it.
2016-04-06 15:39:16 UTC
Women are strong. They are not servants who's place is only at home, the kitchen or the bedroom. Women have proved many times over, that they can do any & everything a man can do, and most times, better than them.

If a man chooses to leave his wife or girlfriend because he doesnt want the responsibility of being a father, he is a coward but guess what? That woman does everything she can to take care of her family, even if she has to do it alone.

Men often think that all they need to do is work and bring home the money. They fail to realize that women can do the exact same thing and that we dont always need or have to depend on men to be happy and live better lives. In a marriage the work load should be equal and not fall on a woman because the man believes that is her place.

Women are more than maids and baby makers and deserve more respect for all they do, whether they have to or not.
The Duke
2016-04-07 11:03:53 UTC
Um, the only thing women HAVE to do is give birth (and that's still a choice). Some women choose to work full time, cook, clean house, take care of their kids, and give birth. Some don't.

In my house my wife doesn't HAVE to do anything, though I do prefer her to clean the bathrooms and kitchen (I just don't like cleaning those spots). Generally our boys and I clean the rest of the house. We split cooking and child care duties. She chooses to work full time.

If you've got a problem with what you "have" to do that's on you. You are a human being, you have choices.

2016-04-07 18:37:50 UTC
You are so confused there may be not way to reach you, but I'll go slow and leave enough bread crumbs that you can follow the path. Your premise that women do everything is nonsense. Men work hard and don't take time off to be sick or have babies or raise kids and so on. Men drive most of the creativity we see. The gap between men and women is so pronounced that the only way women can compete is for men to be handicapped. It starts early with drugs like Retlin to hold boys back. It continues will all the emphasis placed on girls can do anything they want, but boys are dog ****. As adults men are handicapped through antiquainted family law that rapes them whenever they get into family court. Now we are pushing women in the work place so blatantly that idiots are being put in roles they can't handle. Women can't break into engineering roles so we'll have to find ways to handicap men even more so they can break in. And on it goes. Oh, and women do things men never asked them to do and wonder why the men aren't grateful.
2016-04-06 21:51:16 UTC
My husband is 33 yr old engineer who put himself through school while in the Marines. He works 50 hrs per week, does all the dishes, takes out the trash, does all the dusting, and takes our son to school every morning. He also pays all the bills and even cooks when I'm under the weather. BUT, before you go busting my chops...I'm 27 yr old nurse. Put myself through school as a CNA with a baby at 19. I work 40 hrs a week not counting hr commute both ways and that's night shift. I clean all the bathrooms and do all the laundry and cook all the meals. I do not pay any bills but my salary allows for nice vacations and a pretty savings account. Our marriage is a team effort and it's been that way since I was 17 and him 22. It works for us and I'm great full for him everyday. I realize not many men do this.
2016-04-07 11:22:46 UTC
Some women aren't lazy, and that's why they feel the need to do all those things.

I've worked my entire life. In the marriage I'm in now - I work full-time, do all the grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, and cleaning the house. At first it bothered me, but now it doesn't. I have come to realize I'm not a lazy person, and don't want to be. I like a clean house, so I clean it. I like good, home cooked meals, so I cook. It's all about your preferences in life. I've known plenty of women who do not work , cook or clean.
2016-04-07 00:22:34 UTC
Apparently some women Allow it, (not all I don't cook or clean my man does it) but nothing happens you that you do not ALLOW to happen (except of course illness, accidents, and crime.)

I come straight out by the 3rd date and tell who I'm dating that I'm not traditional, I work, and pay my half of the household bills, then together we discus how and if we will join all our income and split the non necessary left over (will we get equal allowance/running money, and save "X amount" for vacation, buying a house, car etc.)

But if a woman doesn't have a full time job, or even part time job and contributes "to the relationship/family" in a monetary ($) way then she is often called or was a "Homemaker" or once children are involved "Housewife," which by definition means all that you mentioned.

It is okay to talk to your mate and say how you feel and together come up with a solution you both can agree upon, like you go to work, help pay for the necessary items as much as part time covers, you get a set running money and he washes clothes and puts them up or dishes or cleans the hose, but the two of you have to work together so that you both are happy, or at least content.
2016-04-07 19:07:20 UTC
Women can do everything. It's true. The thing is now-a-days men can also do anything as well (including being stay at home dads if the wife makes more income). Now it's more about what works best for the whole family, then rolls. My brother cooks for his gf pretty much every night and he works, as does she. He cooks because he absolutely loves cooking. He's made me quite a few meals that were obviously really passionately put together. He just likes cooking.

Meanwhile, my husband takes take pride in caring for our 1 year old son, we both work, but he never EVER has complained once about doing the "women's work" and I have never once complained about doing "the man's work", my point is, today both sexes can do everything and anything to keep the family strong and healthy. Rolls don't seem to matter as much today but there is NOTHING wrong if you like the traditional rolls. Some people do because they like that sort of thing, and if it makes them happy then they should do it. Personally I've grown to quite like cooking for my husband. I never EVER do it because I have to, it's because I feel happy watching him really liking my cooking lol. And I know he'd do the same for me if I asked for something :)

People now-a-days do what they can, gender rolls aside. My husband doesn't just work "he's a dad, cleans, helps pretty much 50/50 with the toddler, fixes things, cooks, goes to the park with us". Me I do the exact same things as he does, minus the fixing because I suck at it lol. If someone forces you into a gender roll tell them to f off. :3 Do what your good at or capable of doing to help out, man or woman. :)
2016-04-08 01:37:43 UTC
"Why women have to do everything like.. give birth"

That was silly. Biologically women are designed to give birth. Not men. So asking why women have to give birth (including that in housework chores) is daft.

On the other issues women don't have to do everything they're told. Women often do so out of love. Because they love their children so they care for them and feed them. Now women don't have to clean their house but often need to otherwise the place is filthy or the men prefer to live like pigs. Some women shouldn't have to cook for their husbands, only cook for the children if they want to.
Wizard Fro profile is open
2016-04-06 18:14:17 UTC
B/c of the first line of the Constitution which says "Women shall do everything, like work full time, cook, clean house, give birth and take care of the kids.". Oh, wait, no, I made that up. Women have choices.

Before feminism, women did not work full time jobs.

After feminism, women CAN work full time jobs (but studies show that they choose to NOT work full time jobs more often than men choose to NOT work full time jobs) and CAN have and raise kids and CAN do housework but they do not HAVE to do anything. Except get jobs to pay their own way if they don't have someone else to do it for them and if they don't want to be homeless or on welfare.
2016-04-07 03:23:07 UTC
Sounds like my situation... In this house I do EVERYTHING too while my husband sits on his butt playing video games. He is like that when working or not the moment he has no work and he just lives for pleasure while I do it all. Plus on top of all the cleaning and cooking I homeschool my children.. again all on my own. The yard gets done maybe once a pretty close to cutting it myself too.

Hang in there, your not alone. I was married once before and he used to help cook and clean everyday...

Because I have seen the contrast between the two I know who loved me more in hindsight... my husband is very self centred with money and sex and everything...

Having sid that I do like being a homemaker and consider myself very blessed that I am able to get it all done and feel a sense of pride and being a good mother, cook and housekeeper. Guard against resentment as it will kill your marriage even though at times it is hard.
2016-04-08 17:47:04 UTC
My husband and I are both Mexican and our culture is still more demanding on women. Mother in laws are still talking to the neighboor about the lazy daughter in law her son chose as a wife because she does not cook for her son or because she doesn't clean. Before that is all that was expected from us. Cook, clean, and care for the kids. While some men are still very machistas and do not allow their wives to get jobs, Now, according to the Mexican society, times have changed, and so we should meet the same duties and should be allowed to work outside of the home on top of it all! I am lucky because my husband is not machista at all. But we have one guy friend who constantly critizes women. One of my cousins who is in Mexico is a teacher and she cooks, cleans, takes care of her daughter, packs her lunch/diaper bag, and takes her to day care. Don't loose the values that make you a woman, but don't allow anyone to take advantage of you either.
2016-04-07 12:31:58 UTC
Okay, holy f(_)cking ****. This is the dumbest question I've ever heard. You chose to give birth, you chose not to be a lazy **** and got a job, your house has to be cleaned and your husband can do that, your husband can cook, unless he's one of those people who are really shitty cooks, and you could always hire a baby sitter if you or your husband don't or can't, or feel taking care of the kids for awhile. Damn, dumb *** questions.

Also, **** you. Stop being a feminist.
Thomas Worthington
2016-04-11 06:18:09 UTC
Men and women do everything. I cook, clean, and work along with my wife. I just don't give birth to my kids cause....I can't... I am yeah.. it is up to her. She helps me with house projects we do. I usually do the yard work. Simply because I like it done a certain way. She has her flower garden she tends to though. But most cases I've seen. Men and women are equally used through they're realtionship.
2016-04-06 06:49:29 UTC
Well, in the US, In a household with a man and a woman, statistically, yes, women still work longer hours in the household even if both are working full time. Men work slightly longer hours outside of the household.

However, in BOTH the household and outside of the household, harder, more dangerous work is reserved for guys.

Sure, they may trade off on dish duty and she does the vacuuming, but he cleans the gutters and mowing. He may do his thing less often, but he is far more likely to injure himself doing it.

And certainly you know that men make up about 90% of the work related injuries. Sure, being a nurse is dangerous, but no, it isn't as dangerous as being a line man for a power company.

Your idea of how men and women work is very much guided by the feminist mantra, not by statistics, not by ... reality.
2016-04-06 13:54:11 UTC
Women don't *have* to do all of that, they choose to do it. Having children, and all of the responsibilities that go along with it is a choice. Before having kids with, or marrying someone women and men need to be sure that this person is the sort of man/woman who will actually be a real partner or who wants to be a slacker.

If you are female and neglect to select a partner who understands that they will be expected to share in all the work, then who's fault is that?

There's no requirement in the USA to marry or have children. Marrying at all, and having children are life choices.
2016-04-10 00:34:17 UTC
No doubt Christians would say it was bec Eve temped Adam with the apple and she became the bad one.

Nature says we must be the ones to have babies but there is nothing to say we shd do everything else. Before we married, we both had good jobs and agreed to share the jobs at home. It worked and then when I stayed at home to look after the children and my husb had to get an extra job to support us, I did most things indoors - fair, I thought.

When I went back to work, we split the jobs again. You have to discuss these things before you set up home together and don't take on a man who needs a mother instead of a wife.

Take the advice of a woman who has been happily married for 40 years!

Good luck and stick to your guns. Just because he may be gorgeous - he still needs to step up and do his share!


Ma and grandma
2016-04-10 12:08:51 UTC
Oh please, cry me a river will you? Women caused most of this garbage and of course now want to complain about what it brought them. This is typical. Women are the ones who yelled for so called equality, told us they do not need a man, got not fault divorce instituted so they could leave him and take all his stuff no matter how good a guy they had. And seriously, when do women really ever have to face the full impact of things like men do?

No matter what, women are always trying to play the victim. Well ladies, stow that garbage. You are not a victim when you only suffer the impact of what you brought on or caused.
2016-04-06 16:07:49 UTC
Men can not give birth. Women do NOT have to do all those things, in fact many these days do not. I applaud the ones that do. Nowadays many men help out around the home. When I was growing up most women stayed home and took care of the children and home.
2016-11-02 03:01:22 UTC
my husband and i are both mexican and our culture is still more demanding on women... mother in laws are still talking to the neighboor about the lazy daughter in law her son chose as a wife 'cause she does not cook for her son or 'cause she doesn't clean... before that is all that was expected from us... cook, clean, and care for the kids... while some men are still very machistas and do not allow their wives to get jobs, now, according to the mexican society, times have changed, and so we should meet the same duties and should be allowed to work outside of the home on top of it all! i am lucky 'cause my husband is not machista at all... but we have one guy friend who constantly critizes women... one of my cousins who is in mexico is a teacher and she cooks, cleans, takes care of her daughter, packs her lunch/diaper bag, and takes her to day care... don't loose the values that make you a woman, but don't allow anyone to take advantage of you either...
2016-04-08 06:16:40 UTC
Us Women are STRONG*! but..we dont HAVE TO do Everything*...n the ones that DO..are alot stronger as well* Some men , cook/clean/take care of the kids while others don't* lift a finger* each n their own i guess.
2016-04-08 10:25:59 UTC
A. Cooking and cleaning are optional.

B. Men are not physically equipped to carry out child birth.

And C. "Time and availability". Someone has to go to work to put dinner on the table. That means sacrificing time with the family.
WorldCup N
2016-04-08 14:17:36 UTC
I wouldn't want to live in a messy place cos am expecting my husband to Clean or go hungry cos he should also cook. I find myself doing them anyway although i study and work, but my 4 kids hv been trained in everything and they do take turns to Clean and cook.
2016-04-05 23:31:48 UTC
If women do everything, why can't they stand up for themselves and demand a more even distribution of workloads?

Oh wait...they do.

In 2011 mothers in average work 53 hours per week, fathers work 54 hours per week.

That does not take into account commute time of those who work, which is more often the father than the mother. Nor does it take into account work intensity, which is often higher at the workplace than in the household.
2016-04-07 10:49:53 UTC
Apart from giving birth ( obviously ) , I do all of the above , I'm a single dad & my ex was just a lazy , complaining pain & a burden !! Get sexist crap from women that seem to assume I'm a pervert just for being male , the female mind has been poisoned so much by " media " & feminist indoctrination.
2016-04-09 11:28:20 UTC
Not all the time it's men you choose selfish men. I was selfish guy for 3 years he never helped with our daughter so selfish he couldn't be a father. There are men who do a lot I seen some men take their kids I seen some men pay child support I seen some men do dishes. Get woman baths work pay all the bills. Like I said you like selfish men
2016-04-07 13:47:04 UTC
Oh wow do you have no knowledge about history, back in the days men went to hunt and to war whilst the women had to stay home to clean, cook and mainly to look after and raise the children. You should know this.
2016-04-05 23:30:28 UTC
That's an excellent question. It used to be fairer when women did not work outside of the house. Sadly when women started working outside little changed. For sure modern men do more than their fathers did so don't feel guilty about really pulling an equal weight while women do less at home than their mothers out of necessity and this makes many feel guilty even though they are doing more than their mothers likely. It's not fair and I don't see it changing anytime soon - it seems to take generations.
2016-04-05 23:39:36 UTC
First of all men work more hours on average than women, and usually harder jobs. And secondly women who have kids and take care of them do it together with the father, he doesn't just sleep as the women takes care of the kids, dads help too. And thirdly men take care of every other thing concerning the house, maintaining the house, protecting the family.
That Wife
2016-04-07 08:40:00 UTC
Some may have husbands who are paranoid about them going to bars and meeting other men. In other words, they may have a possessive, controlling husband who doesn't want them working longer hours outside the household even though women do that while some have husbands who believe in strict gender roles as well.
2016-04-07 14:13:35 UTC
I'm a married 24 year old women and i have a 2 year old with my husband he is amazing he helps me out with everything ! I mean EVERYTHING he works cleans etc.. and so do I. I feel alot has to do with your family background of how they grew up and what they expect you to be
2016-04-07 09:29:37 UTC
this is why I think a woman should not work outside the home unless she doesn't mind doing everything! If you stay home you know you're going to do all the house things etc....however if you work you'll still be doing all the house things and working. Doesn't make sense to me.
I am me
2016-04-07 05:16:11 UTC
Women don't have to do that. I certainly don't do everything. I work a lot of overtime and he doesn't. Somehow that adds up to equal housework, which is hardly any for anyone LOL. We are tired!

But when our house is dirty, it is because we are both being lazy. It's not solely anyone's responsibility.
2016-04-06 15:33:01 UTC
In most instance I've seen with my own eyes:

the mother does housework/looks after kids and the farther has a full time job


The mother and farther both have part time jobs and both look after the kids


The mother has a full time job and the farther looks after the kids

So I think your argument is based on unfounded ideas not fact
Viola Ted
2016-04-07 07:19:52 UTC
"โ€˜We now have a much more specific and accurate portrait of how families and individuals divide their โ€œworkโ€ and this data overturns the well-entrenched theory that women work disproportional long hours in jobs and at home in juggling family and work. Feminists constantly complain that men are not doing their fair share of domestic work. The reality is that most men already do more than their fair share.โ€™"

- Catherine Hakim, The London School of Economics and Political Science
2016-04-06 05:37:22 UTC
Are you going to his job and doing that for him, also? If you answered no you are not doing everything.

Does he on average work more hours?

Does he have longer to travel?

How organised are you exactly? Oh yes each and every question I asked does matter. It matters a lot.

Be careful of the stress you bring on to yourself.

Hire outside help once a week if you truly need it.
2016-04-06 06:29:44 UTC
You forgot a few.

Cash in some food stamps, drink some koolaid, watch some soaps, ring your friends up and cry to each other about the size of your asses, ***** about the husband and puff down some smokes. Then later whine to the husband about how hard your day has been while he has been having fun at work.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-04-06 07:23:48 UTC
Women don't HAVE to do those things, they choose to do them; Also I worked TWO careers; 20 years in the military ( 3 tours in VietNam), and 20 years for a Jet Engine Mfgr. ! Provided very well for my family !!!
2016-04-08 01:37:44 UTC
I don't complain. I chose to have a family. Meaning, I have to take a full responsibility whether my husband commits or not. Luckily, he is committed, too.

I'd rather do more work.
2016-04-06 23:45:44 UTC
Now a days time has changed. Both take the responsibilities shared equally as far as possible. Yes, Birth of Child, U r to enjoy the pang , dear !!
2016-04-08 10:36:55 UTC
Aren't you a strong and independent women who doesn't need a man? Whats that saying by feminists again. "Women need a man like a fish needs a bicycle." Stop complaining. You've made your bed so lay in it.
2016-04-05 23:32:29 UTC
It all goes down to the bible. It says that women where "created from men" and that just gave everyone a reason to believe that we're the backbone of society yet we're the weakest link
2016-04-09 12:49:25 UTC
Women's minds have been screwed up for centuries regarding their very marvellous power to give birth, to give life itself. Most are therefore very bad negotiators. But hey, you were wearing the ruby slippers all along.
2016-04-08 02:38:35 UTC
Women are supposed and required to give birth. If all women decide not to have sex so that they won't get pregnant, marital rape will be made legal and men will be encouraged to breed all refusing women.
2016-04-05 23:45:16 UTC
they don't have to do everything. Just work, cook and clean house... and call police on men for sexual harassment. Keep legs closed and don't have kids.
Ace Shorty
2016-04-07 07:03:42 UTC
Your forgot that women have to service their men as well. He's got to have his oil changed, just like a car except a lot more often and a woman is expected to service him with a smile on her face while she gets nothing in return, no wages, no tips. :))
2016-04-06 05:58:35 UTC
Feminism arrived, promoted by the likes of Goldman Sachs, and decreed women should work as opposed to being housewives. Simples !!
2016-04-10 05:46:56 UTC
Because God put women on this Earth for a man's pleasure. Accept that and move on
2016-04-06 23:43:26 UTC
You are so right, that is all I have seen in my area, and I am not in a poor neighborhood by any means, so it must not matter in income, seems to me that the men are becoming women, and the women are becoming men. I guess because of this, I really don't see a point in getting a boyfriend, husband since if I have to do everything anyway, I miaswell do it myself.

All feminism did was put extra work on the woman, but then again, I would rather have a good job and good education, to support myself then to have to live with some slimy lazy guy that I would have to be a stepford wife to.

come to think about it women also have to protect their family as well, I have friends whoms husbands are so drunk by the end of the evening that they wouldn't wake up even if someone broke into the house. these husbands never even maintain the house because heck, from what I found out MOST of them don't even know how to do any carpentry, and don't get me started on vehicles, ALL of my friends husbands just take both wife and husbands cars to the garage, they can't even change oil. Not much money saving there., It is pretty bad as a woman that I know how to do my own oil change but the last guy I dated didn't, fyi - that relationship didn't work out.

But then again, maybe it isn't that they don't know how, or just claim to not know how so they can pay someone else to do it, most mens responsibilities in the house hold can be put on someone else with a price tag attached, and because these guys make so much money, I guess they don't have the ambition to do it.

It seems that in my fathers era, most men had a different mind set, they understood and did their responsibilities, they never put down women for staying at home and raising their children, they truly understood the workload behind this. They respected women back then and their responsibilities, they knew about mechanics and carpentry, and where ambitious, they understood the importance of family, and keeping the family together and working as a team. In todays generations I see this mind set changing in many men.

I think a lot of this is due to how women are displayed in the media, as sexual play toys, and the fact is,more then not, more women are having sex without marriage, it is unheard of today for a woman to wait till she is married to have sex (unless she is religious in some way, but even then, not all of them stay virgins) men used to have to "work" for affection, where today it is handed to them in a shiny silver platter.

I think that because little girls are shown from a young age up animated movies that contain story lines of the princess being rescued by the prince, it creates an illusion to women, that one day they will find their prince, when in actuality it more then likely will NEVER happen, since it is an illusion. Because of this, when the girl grows up to be a woman, the woman can tend to panic, which leads her to more then not, choose the WORST guy in the world.

I think that what will change women is to realize that the brain washing of "being single is a terrible thing or worst thing ever!" even in history, this brain washing was going on by calling a woman a spinster if she wasn't married by a certain age, is a brain washing that must be dismissed and women must recognize that being single isn't actually bad at all. it is actually a lot of fun. We must be careful what we believe is true, Relationships can be MORE stressful then being single.

How so? Well if you love the guy or girl and he or she cheats and is a serial cheater (look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 1 of 3 people can have this and they are usually serial cheaters) then it can be devastating.

I do agree, that having kids and a husband is a CHOICE by women, and if a woman doesn't want to do it all (which is A LOT of work) then don't bother getting a relationship. Join my club.

on the other end if you seriously want a relationship, then in my opinion throwing everything on the table is the right thing to do, which means, don't get all twitter-patted when you see a guy, and when it comes down to reality, knowing the guys favorite color is pointless. The following questions must be asked when considering dating seriously for a marriage. and you must know what YOUR boundaries are in a relationship, and never let anyone convince you to change your boundaries, because anyone that tries to convince the other person to change their boundaries, is trying to convince them to change themselves.

1. Do you masturbate? how often?

2. Do you look at porn? how often?

3. Are you addicted to anything: alcohol, porn, sex, drugs?

4. Do you want threesomes in a marriage?

5. Do you want a open marriage?

6. Are you a cross dresser?

7. Are you gay?

8. Are you bisexual?

9. Are you a-sexual?

10. If I ever got sick, cancer, would you want to leave the relationship, or would you like to stay in the relationship?

11. Do you have any fetishes? foot, peeing on people (yes apparently this exists)

Do you like S&M (bondage, spanking) etc.

12. Do you have a high libido? how high is high?

13. Do yo have a low libido? how low is low?

14. If do to a disease if my libido decrease OR increased would you want to get a divorce?

15. Have you ever cheated?

16. Do you agree with keeping our banks accounts separate or together? NOTE: some people that like separate bank accounts like to hide the money they are spending because they can cheat easier.

17. Then you can ask all the other questions like: Do you want children, how many? Do you work, These questions you can find on google.

These questions, must be asked in detail, for example: How often do you watch porn, everyday, three times a week, once a week, once a month, For how long? all day long, 8 hours, 3 hours, 1 hour, never. What ever you decide is your boundaries, is how your mind and body works, and is the right way for you.

Once people are honest, then if this other person lied to you,you have a right to move on to someone that is going to be honest, this is how you find your compatible partner.
Hello Everyone
2016-04-07 07:04:00 UTC
It's just made that way, you see God/ Allah has made us like that, that we will have different functions, because out bodies and physical strength also are different at different stages of our lives, so it is better to just sit and watch, how the world will accomplish everything it has to with this difference, most amusing,very blessed.
2016-04-08 15:45:06 UTC
I know right. Great isn't it. Well I am a guy so GREAT for me :). The reason is we guys for the most part are not detail oriented. We could do the other stuff but what a mess if we do.
2016-04-06 05:58:16 UTC
a.) it is the woman's fault we are all in this mess. eve screwed it up for everyone when she would not follow god's instructions (typical female). Now that we are here in this imperfect world due to women's ultimate screw up, not only have females been cursed with a monthly cycle, but also with being the inferior of the 2 sexes. men fight the battles and wars, they bring home the food and make sure the people do not die. women are to weak to fight and protect so they must stay home and make babies which will become future soldiers to help protect the people. the woman must also prepare the food for all the family so they can remain strong. why can't women see that their place is in the kitchen and making babies? it is not that hard to figure out sweet cheeks, not get your snappy lil clam back in the kitchen!
2016-04-06 07:17:47 UTC
Because gender equality was started and has not yet been fully appreciated and interstates in some people and areas.

Some countries have advanced in it and households are more equal and it is more acceptable.

Just as all historical beliefs, it will take time for them to change for equal thinking and action.
2016-04-07 07:26:12 UTC
those are just streotypes. we live in a different time now. women have equal social status in the society in the contemporary world. however, those stereotypes haven't disappeared yet through the passing of time.
2016-04-06 00:51:07 UTC
Well, because women are equal to men and deserve to do all the things that men do, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
2016-04-08 11:04:19 UTC
You don't have to do all of those things. You need to share your concerns with your partner and if they love you they will help. All things can be equal, communication is key.
2016-04-05 23:37:03 UTC
do your best to avoid that

don't get trapped in your twenties with 3 kids and a dead beat partner

next thing you know - you're 40 and starting over

youth is wasted on the young :)
2016-04-06 12:51:41 UTC
Society makes the rules and it is very difficult to get away from this mindset. In order to make significant changes, we will need to tear down society and rebuild it from the ground up.
2016-04-08 17:41:04 UTC
Wait, but all you hoes mad tho, why everytime a female speak her mind, ask questions concerning this type of **** y'all wanna get mad and call her a feminists, most of the time that **** true idk why y'all mad,that **** is annoying SHE CAN ASK QUESTIONS IF SHE ****** WANT TO, the hell wrong with y'all...TF she don't have a right to speak her mind? This is why MEN are annoyin๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚, whoever got sumn to say smd ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ˜Œ
2016-04-08 13:28:51 UTC
You don't have to work outside the home.
2016-04-07 11:18:48 UTC
We know you you'd none of those things and women who can do all those things number a few.
Freedom Returns
2016-04-06 14:35:23 UTC
Because Eve was stupid and screwed us all over by eating that forbidden fruit when God told her not to

If she didn't do that none of us would have to do anything
Joseph hola
2016-04-06 13:27:46 UTC
To balance out work within the marriage.
2016-04-05 23:35:24 UTC
Because women demanded the right to do it. We told you it was a mistake, but you wouldn't listen.
2016-04-08 19:34:27 UTC
some women allow their men to be jerks and treat them like slaves It is a two way street always.
2016-04-08 14:23:09 UTC
Girl Power!!!
2016-04-11 07:56:45 UTC
Women are multi taskers. Men are lazy and inefficient.
2016-04-09 14:33:49 UTC
Actually, they don't have to, depending on circumstances.
2016-04-07 01:17:01 UTC
Cause women love multitasking... lol.

cause doing more things gives you more control over many aspects. more love from the children,

2016-04-05 23:32:50 UTC
If you don't like it than don't come out of your house.
2016-04-06 17:55:45 UTC
that's the way the cookie crumbles
2016-04-06 16:41:11 UTC
They don't, don't conform to gender roles
2016-04-08 23:48:32 UTC
Humm womens are great
2016-04-05 23:39:35 UTC
They gotta earn that big divorce payout
2016-04-05 23:29:01 UTC
Yellow, because ant eaters are not predisposed to that sort of behavior.
True Blue Brit
2016-04-05 23:44:46 UTC
Well, you need to choose a partner wisely.
2016-04-06 07:16:05 UTC
Because men are not true men anymore.
2016-04-06 02:18:53 UTC
Because they allow it.
mishapheart1 h
2016-04-06 16:59:46 UTC
2016-04-07 19:00:50 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.