You are so right, that is all I have seen in my area, and I am not in a poor neighborhood by any means, so it must not matter in income, seems to me that the men are becoming women, and the women are becoming men. I guess because of this, I really don't see a point in getting a boyfriend, husband since if I have to do everything anyway, I miaswell do it myself.
All feminism did was put extra work on the woman, but then again, I would rather have a good job and good education, to support myself then to have to live with some slimy lazy guy that I would have to be a stepford wife to.
come to think about it women also have to protect their family as well, I have friends whoms husbands are so drunk by the end of the evening that they wouldn't wake up even if someone broke into the house. these husbands never even maintain the house because heck, from what I found out MOST of them don't even know how to do any carpentry, and don't get me started on vehicles, ALL of my friends husbands just take both wife and husbands cars to the garage, they can't even change oil. Not much money saving there., It is pretty bad as a woman that I know how to do my own oil change but the last guy I dated didn't, fyi - that relationship didn't work out.
But then again, maybe it isn't that they don't know how, or just claim to not know how so they can pay someone else to do it, most mens responsibilities in the house hold can be put on someone else with a price tag attached, and because these guys make so much money, I guess they don't have the ambition to do it.
It seems that in my fathers era, most men had a different mind set, they understood and did their responsibilities, they never put down women for staying at home and raising their children, they truly understood the workload behind this. They respected women back then and their responsibilities, they knew about mechanics and carpentry, and where ambitious, they understood the importance of family, and keeping the family together and working as a team. In todays generations I see this mind set changing in many men.
I think a lot of this is due to how women are displayed in the media, as sexual play toys, and the fact is,more then not, more women are having sex without marriage, it is unheard of today for a woman to wait till she is married to have sex (unless she is religious in some way, but even then, not all of them stay virgins) men used to have to "work" for affection, where today it is handed to them in a shiny silver platter.
I think that because little girls are shown from a young age up animated movies that contain story lines of the princess being rescued by the prince, it creates an illusion to women, that one day they will find their prince, when in actuality it more then likely will NEVER happen, since it is an illusion. Because of this, when the girl grows up to be a woman, the woman can tend to panic, which leads her to more then not, choose the WORST guy in the world.
I think that what will change women is to realize that the brain washing of "being single is a terrible thing or worst thing ever!" even in history, this brain washing was going on by calling a woman a spinster if she wasn't married by a certain age, is a brain washing that must be dismissed and women must recognize that being single isn't actually bad at all. it is actually a lot of fun. We must be careful what we believe is true, Relationships can be MORE stressful then being single.
How so? Well if you love the guy or girl and he or she cheats and is a serial cheater (look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 1 of 3 people can have this and they are usually serial cheaters) then it can be devastating.
I do agree, that having kids and a husband is a CHOICE by women, and if a woman doesn't want to do it all (which is A LOT of work) then don't bother getting a relationship. Join my club.
on the other end if you seriously want a relationship, then in my opinion throwing everything on the table is the right thing to do, which means, don't get all twitter-patted when you see a guy, and when it comes down to reality, knowing the guys favorite color is pointless. The following questions must be asked when considering dating seriously for a marriage. and you must know what YOUR boundaries are in a relationship, and never let anyone convince you to change your boundaries, because anyone that tries to convince the other person to change their boundaries, is trying to convince them to change themselves.
1. Do you masturbate? how often?
2. Do you look at porn? how often?
3. Are you addicted to anything: alcohol, porn, sex, drugs?
4. Do you want threesomes in a marriage?
5. Do you want a open marriage?
6. Are you a cross dresser?
7. Are you gay?
8. Are you bisexual?
9. Are you a-sexual?
10. If I ever got sick, cancer, would you want to leave the relationship, or would you like to stay in the relationship?
11. Do you have any fetishes? foot, peeing on people (yes apparently this exists)
Do you like S&M (bondage, spanking) etc.
12. Do you have a high libido? how high is high?
13. Do yo have a low libido? how low is low?
14. If do to a disease if my libido decrease OR increased would you want to get a divorce?
15. Have you ever cheated?
16. Do you agree with keeping our banks accounts separate or together? NOTE: some people that like separate bank accounts like to hide the money they are spending because they can cheat easier.
17. Then you can ask all the other questions like: Do you want children, how many? Do you work, These questions you can find on google.
These questions, must be asked in detail, for example: How often do you watch porn, everyday, three times a week, once a week, once a month, For how long? all day long, 8 hours, 3 hours, 1 hour, never. What ever you decide is your boundaries, is how your mind and body works, and is the right way for you.
Once people are honest, then if this other person lied to you,you have a right to move on to someone that is going to be honest, this is how you find your compatible partner.