Guys, this is for you: your wife suggests you separate, what is it you want/ do not want to hear?
2006-07-09 07:55:39 UTC
I am very seriously thinking of separating from my husband. History long to sumarize. We both care for each other but live like brother and sister. We have two children (12 and 9). We have a very unbalanced financial situation (most assets under his name). He is extremely busy with work, so no time to waste on personal issues. Been together 20 years. Sex life quite miserable. We both know what fatal attraction love means (but we did not live it together - I mean, I was attracted to him, but him not to me). He has lots of qualities but, like anybody, not easy to live with. In his case: tensed, cold, rigid, "emotionally handicaped" (? :-) ).
If you were that guy, but also just being a man, what is it you want to hear, not hear, when your wife suggests separation is the best way forward?
(U need to know he suggested separation 4 months ago, but I refused, still hoping we can make this work. In the meanwhile his mid-life-crisis affair ended and he has not taken any clear line). IDs? Tks
35 answers:
2006-07-23 02:45:50 UTC
I am in a similar situation and can well empathise with yours.

However in my case, we have a daughter of 13years whom she claims was borm of her b.f

She behaves atrociously and is ABUSIVE of me at all times and particularly in the presence of the kid.

As the place in which we live belongs to my family [ my sibblings], she refuses to move out as i am not in a position to move out myself to protect the family property.

Now, i feel trapped between the proverbial DEVIL & THE DEEP SEA! Neither can i walk out on her nor let go off my obligations to my sibblings. Recieving KICKS from both ends is excruciatingly and absymally painful and miserable.

In case, you have the wherewithals, WALK OUT ON HIM along with the kids madam.

With earnest wishes for a REWARDING LIBERATIONS from the KNOTTY knots of marital miseries.
2006-07-23 06:51:58 UTC
The best way to start the separation is for both of you to sit down with your children and explain to them that you are going to separate. They are old enough to understand and are most likely aware of the problems no matter how you try to hide them. Since you have been together 20 years, you should keep the house until the children are on their own, then sell and split the profit. He should pay alimony and child support, but you should still get a job, or volunteer any where to keep your mind busy with other things. It seems that he has already moved on by starting another family. He apparently does not work as much as he says if he has time for an affair. You do not say whether there is any abuse, but by what you have written, there seems to be mental abuse. Is he emotionally handicapped with the children also? Ask him to leave, since you still care about him, try a six month trial separation. You will know in that time period if you should file for divorce. I have three children, after my divorce we were all happier. Good luck, no matter what you decide.
2006-07-19 12:26:47 UTC
I'm/was in a similar situation-I've since parted ways with my husband with ancillary matters pending, but before I did. I contacted a lawyer to find out my rights and found I had none when it property wise because everything was in his name. However he was abusive, so I go full custody of my kids and is not pursuing financial support and part payment for the house we spent 6 yrs together in.

I know for a fact most guys don't wanna hear that their wife had an affair, which is what I told my hubby just to hurt him the way he hurt me. I even had a college friend of mine pose as the other man-though I didn't have an affair it was sweet revenge!!! They don't wanna hear u askin them for any large amount of money either. or that u refuse to share custody of the kids.

Divorce isn't easy and there are no laws to protect wives, unless u go into the marriage with some agreement or with ur eyes wide open. I don't care how sweet it is, it's not always like those Hollywood marriages where the wife walks aways with millions of $$$, a house in Hampton or Malibu. Ladies men are smart-they will often put everything in their names or their mother's name......

Think before u take dat plunge into marriage and if there are kids involved-think of ur kids. Do u want some other woman raising them and enjoying the fruits of ur labour-after all u were the one being kept up late at nite until he got home safe-makin him dinner-hhelpin maintain the house........etc. If ur serious bout leavin ur husband, find urself a good lawyer, lay ur cards out, start transferring money if u have a joint account and forget u were even married to this guy.
2006-07-23 02:50:23 UTC
As complex as this affair is, I suspect there are MANY more similar ones out there.

It's about the kids, it's always about the kids...and it should be about the kids.

The problem is...the kids grow up and they in turn do the same things.

So it becomes a never ending cycle which never stops...

...rendering society itself as a disgrace.

At some point, somebody has to come along and say...

You took vows. You have kids. Where's the committment?

Allright, go ahead, follow the lead of the Hollywood misfits.

It's okay.

Hey, it's good for the lawyers!

(When the dust was settled with my divorce, the score was 4 to 3)

I paid for most of the lawyers. (like an idiot) One lawyer quit when I wrote to the Bar Association.

And now I keep paying for the kids who finally grew up.

I'm the exception, the other dads took off for Zanzabar or the Fiji Islands.
Arthur W
2006-07-09 08:11:23 UTC
This is what most guys dread to hear period. But since he first suggested it and now you are comtemplating the same thing, he will probably excited over it. Just tell him you thought about what he said awhile back and have come to the conclusion it might be best for all involved and then ask him on how he would like to proceed. Since this is a mutual solution, part as friends especially since there are kids involved and work things out without an attorney, to save costs and the courts love an uncontested and mutually agreed upon divorce, makes their life so much better. I wish you both good luck in the future and God Bless
budding author
2006-07-09 10:36:31 UTC
Just been reading your profile, Interesting isn't it?

One thing I wouldn't want to hear is that you have been shopping around the Internet looking for another guy!!

One of your other questions was about your children!

It's a complete mess isn't it??

20 years and you cant sit down and talk to each other??

Reading between the lines I think you want to 'hang on in there'?

If you are now living like Brother and Sister why not continue like that, for the sake of the kids. Do your own things outside of the family home and try to work it along those lines. Otherwise you have a lot to think about, who has the kids! where do you live! I don't see any other way out.

But whatever, good luck to you all, esp the kids!
2006-07-22 13:06:44 UTC
Start thinking of yourself - as - yourself - not as his wife, or the mother of his children - or the mother of your children. Look in the mirror and say "Hello ____" whatever your name is.

Look yourself in the eyes, and tell yourself that you have the rest of your life to plan - what do you want for yourself?

Obviously your children seriously come into that equation but they will grow up and leave don't for goodness sake regard them as a bargaining tool if you do they will only resent it later.

You are the author of your own destiny, you may have quite a responsible man to deal with - after all he is still hanging around despite his "mid-life crisis affair" you do have 2 children to care for.

If you love him, you will look at yourself and decide what it is you want from life, you say he works long hours, and you have been married for 20 years - the gilt wears off the gingerbread and passion gives way to a comfortable understanding.

He may suddenly start finding you exciting and interesting if you start taking an interest in yourself, and developing your own interests. There is nothing better than a mature woman who has interesting things to say in the evening, rather than just harping on about the local domestic issues.

P.S. I am not a fella - but I did spend quite some time councelling people with marital problems, and have been married to the same fella for **** years
2006-07-23 06:37:38 UTC
Grow up and get a hold of your relationship.

You need to find the right counselor, and he needs to go.

For all the time and energy your about to spend on divorce, might as well put half of that into saving your marriage.

Or were those marriage vows and all the stuff about committment just lies?

When you decided to get married and have children together- did you think that you'd still be in love like two teenagers after 20 years? This IS life. Learn to help each other grow.
2006-07-22 06:17:06 UTC
HE is a control person through his actions it is called a blindside love,he is very insensitive to you you are not his equal, you are a convenience to him, if the attraction wasn't there for both of you at the beginning that should of been a big warning sign for you 20 yrs. ago, so why did you ignore the sign then? now you have 2 children, and you are getting tired of the convenience of life,you know you both have sent the wrong message to your kids, now they think what both of you have displayed through life is what LOVE is in there mind,get some serious counseling for ALL of you including the children, if he is not agreeing with it, GET OUT take him for everything you can get start a new life, you have a good case CHANGE the situation,you will never change him he is what he is,
2006-07-23 00:43:01 UTC
Before I talked to him about separation, I would get a job... start phasing yourself out. You should be financially ready for any type of reaction that he has. You shouldn't be asking how to tell him, you should be asking what you need to do to get yourself ready... you aren't even working now.. how can you think of leaving without any income. Get YOUR part straight... and then telling him won't be hard.. it would be more like... "hey I have done a lot of thinking, and have found solutions to any problems that could arise from us separating, because that's what I want, is to separate, here is a list." You never know, if you go and make yourself all independent again.. he might be attracted to you again.... work on yourself first.
2006-07-22 19:18:35 UTC
Sorry to hear that you are going through all of this. It sounds like an awful situation.

Legally, you should know that at least in some states, the right to see children and supporting them is not connected. In other words, he could still see the kids, yet not pay a dime. These things are handled by different agencies.
2006-07-23 00:41:12 UTC
Hi there, you have so many replies! what I personally feel as a female is that it's better to call off such a marriage rather than drag it! Start a new life . You deserve it! see a good lawyer & get out of this mess once & for all. If he does not agree for a divorce, Separate for a year & then you can file for a divorce. I'll pray for you. Best of luck dear!
2006-07-17 01:34:54 UTC
Sweetie, this is really sad :( I couldn't help feeling sorry for you. I'm not married, I'm only 23, and I'm not sure if the following will help but I thought i could try to give some advice.

You mention the fact that you and your husband care for each other but live like siblings. I'd say that shows you are both concerned with each other's well-being but you probably argue and bicker a lot, like siblings? And it hurts you a lot because you know it could be better than this and perhaps you are scared of the ramifications if you split? Ask yourself this honestly, 'Do i love him?' You probably have done this until you can't reflect anymore because it hurts, and perhaps you have cried so much that you feel all cried out - seriously consider the soul-healing benefits that you may reap after a split.

When was last time that he said ‘I love you’ and meant it?

Your priority is your children in the middle of all this. Although they are only 12 and 9 years old, they are going to remember everything that you and your husband go through as a married couple. I'm sure you have thought about what happens to their memories if you do split? If you stay with him for the sake of the children, can you honestly see it getting better? This is very important and I’m very sorry for asking: Has your relationship with your husband ever affected how you address your children? If yes, seriously reconsider you plans, those that you have mentioned concerning a split - transition phase, selling house, flats search, return to part time work, councilor, activities that could still be done as a family unit etc

What if it gets worse, Claire? What if it gets to the point – god forbid it – where you can no longer be this strong and amazing woman that you are, raising the children, keeping house and home together as well as you can? What if he goes down a road you don’t ever want to see him take – prolonged absence, shouting at the children, excessive smoking and drinking (if has a tendency for it?), losing temper with you to the point where he explodes? It’s a lot of ‘what if’s’, but you have to ask yourself these questions. Save your children, save your husband, save yourself.

You say counseling 13 years ago didn’t work – in his opinion? And he is also refusing to go through it again- why is he saying no? Have his reasons been sharply and painfully valid? Has he seriously considered why he feels the way he does? Has he been non-selfish and thought about you and the children? If he hasn’t, why are you staying together? If he has, why won’t he even contemplate working on this marriage? In staying together, you’re hurting each other.

You need to rescue your financial situation, you need to re-evaluate the fact that he was not attracted to you when you first got together, married etc. He has got this heavy job but he is sacrificing the time to be with you and the children, personal issues etc etc to be at work. He’s already distancing himself.

You mention that sex life is miserable. What is this doing to your self esteem, your confidence, and above all your feelings for him? Perhaps you are feeling very unhappy with yourself; emotionally, mentally and physically? And your feelings for him are rapidly dissipating now, to the point where you cannot contemplate a hot night with him?

Are his good qualities making you feel attracted to him? What is his ‘good side’ like? Is it the sense of security and stability, that is making you stay? Does he follow the good feelings through after some quality time together, i.e. spending time with you and the kids, spending time with family/friends, an outing for the two of you (weekend break, shopping, cinema, dinner with extras) Do you have quality time together? Does he make hundreds of empty promises? Does he refuse to seriously sit down and chat – without arguing?

This is also very important. You mentioned the fact that he is having an affair. Do you know when this started? Do you know exactly when she became pregnant? Was it a plan or accident? Why do you think he started the affair – please, please don’t blame yourself. The very fact that he has cheated on you, when you’re trying to hold your mind together in the hope that this marriage can be saved, says it all really. You guys have been married 20 years, the last 7 have been the transition phase after counseling. He says no to another counseling session: technically he is refusing to face the music.

If he loves you THAT much, he will dread any word to do with separation. But, perhaps not. Maybe it is what he wants, but he is in denial. Then again, given the fact that he has refused to do counseling again, he has cheated on you, and she is pregnant plus no mention of whether she is keeping the baby; YOU have every right to suggest a separation now and Claire, you must stick to it. Prepare yourself now – be brave. A separation is now inevitable. You have already tried, and he has technically, held you back. Its time to really shake things up and take control. Talk to your family and friends, those that you consider will help you on your emotional road to saving everything you hold dear. If his feelings for you are re-awakened and are true, he will give anything to make marriage work. But be sure to have healing time for yourself first before you seriously re-consider going back to him.

I really hope everything works out for you. xxx
2006-07-09 08:20:18 UTC
Seems as if your marriage is over. But go forward in a friendship. Divorce is best if you both use the same attorney. You appear to need to verbalize the obvious -- then remain friends, and get on with your lives. You have chldren together.... be sure they understand that they were not the cause of your failure...That you both love them dearly, but that you and he can no longer live together. Happens all the time. Smart people keep the kids out of it, and share nothing but their love of their children....the private workings of your marriage are off limits for family discussions. Never backstab him in front of your children. If you both believe your marriage is over, then it is indeed over. In fact it is over if just one of you wants out.
2006-07-09 08:10:13 UTC
I would want to hear that the separation is to be used for working on the relationship (marriage counseling, self-examination, working on personal issues that contribute to the problems in the marriage). I would not want to hear that this is a final statement or that I am the one who has all the responsiblity for the problems in the marriage. I understand that he is busy but this may be a significant contributor to the problems you described. Making time to work on your relationship is key to making it a priority. If the relationship is not a priority, then success is going to be difficult. You might also be open to admitting areas where you feel you need work. This may make it easier for him to come forward with his own issues.
2006-07-23 05:03:24 UTC
I just recently got out of a twenty year marriage.. It's hard, painful and disruptive. Add two young kids in and it's even worse. One thing ill say is follow your heart. If your not happy and don't think things will change with him then it's time. Lifes to short to wait around. It isn't easy, it gets worse before it gets better. You will feel guilt, pain, wonder if your doing the right thing. But stick to your guns if your sure. It does get better. Good luck.
2006-07-11 12:48:25 UTC
budding author..its easy to judge without knowing the circumstances,how can you expect a couple to live as brother and sister when they are married.?what kind of life would that be for anyone.?...there are ways to separate without too much stress on the children...what if the husband was working away from home for long periods of time.?no time for anyone but himself on his return.?

I know children are a priority but to remain in a miserable marriage until the children leave home is nonsence..what happens when they grow and leave.? what then.?

This lady can have a life of her own,and probably find out her children are happier and will spend more quality time with their father than they do now.

Go for it girl,do what feels know your children will always be the priority and they will be fine. :-)
2006-07-16 08:23:13 UTC
Behind every successful man their is a woman , JUST GO ! he will in time , depending on the depths of his pigheadedness , come to realise that without you he has nothing and that you have the right and the capability to have a life of your own . You shouldn't ask him if he minds what you intend to do you shouldn't even tell him . Prove your Independence to yourself and I'll bet you find that as your confidence improves so does his interest in you , and his attention is all i think you really want .

If you love something let it go , if it comes back its yours , if it doesn't it never was .
2006-07-22 12:05:05 UTC
You only think you´ve spoken to him. Unless you have said crystal clear things like, ¨Honey, our sex life is terrible and you I think you don´t love me" then he probably has no idea that anything is wrong. One of the side effects of carrying a wife and family on your back is that you are always very tired...maybe you should try doing all the work whilst he plays house?

Honestly, blokes need things spelling out in very clear terms.
2006-07-22 04:55:02 UTC
You are a lot of blah blah blah yada yada...

Just do it.....plan....don't communicate your plans to him. Think of the seperation (divorce) as a battle in IRAQ. You have to play the divorce/seperatation game as an offensive strategy and then swing into defense mode on a moments notice...

I left my 1992....I planned for 6 months before I acted on my plans..

#1 I shut down all accounts that had my name jointly with his.

#2 I opened a bank account of my own/savings too.

#3 I secured $$$$ for 6 months from the household budget by just not buying as many groceries, clothes etc. All monies saved were put into my account.

#4 I secured an attorney....(find a GOOD i repeat Good reputable family law attorney.) (have it petitioned in the court documents for him to pay your attorney fees)

#5 Secure employment so you will be able to help support yourself and your children.

SIX MONTH deadline------

Find a new place to live for you and your children. Make sure it's close enough to good schools/parks etc.

Move into your new place with your children

Have your attorney File your divorce/seperation papers

**You must not depend on him financially....**Make sure the job you have is adequate enough to pay your rent/expenses for you and y our children.

Men sometimes don't pay their child support or maintenance that is court ordered leaving the wife to pursue other avenues of payroll withholding and garnishments. If you do have to get the judgments for the withholding/garnishments make sure the IRS and STATE Tax people are notified as well just in case he ever gets behind....His tax refunds will be ceased and sent to you!

You sound very co-dependent....You really need to get your Light to go on in your HEAD......HONEY it's over....and you really need to move on!
Chuong Seng Ly
2006-07-23 01:05:18 UTC
Being good parent is advantageous.The divorce is not so good for the future of the children,one slang said that the plates in the same container sometimes hit.So be patient is the better choice.
2006-07-09 07:59:26 UTC
If I were him, I would want to hear, "You keep the house, the money and the kids. I'll take enough money to set myself up in an apartment for two months and then tell my lawyer it's OK if you have full custody of the children."
The Lonely Skywolf
2006-07-22 03:02:52 UTC
I wish I knew the answer to this, because if I did, it would help me out in my relationship. All I know that is both partners aren't committed to making it work, then it fails. That I know, because I lived it. Read Dr. Phil's Relationship Rescue, maybe that'll help. I hope it helps my relationship with my ex-girlfriend, I'd do anything for her, and hate losing her.

If ever you find the honest answer, EMAIL ME, because I need to know what to do in my own situation.
2006-07-22 23:26:50 UTC
You asked to many questions for me to try and answer, but I would suggest this - get counseling - alone if you have to, but it would help you to see the choices better.

Your priest or pastor if you go to church or just your city or county mental health center.

There is no way I would try an answer that question because I have absolutely no clue on what or why you are asking it.

Why is that question helpful to you?

If I, as the man wants to seperate I would say "ok", if I dont want to seperate, I say "I dont want to hear it"??????????
2006-07-22 21:15:25 UTC
Sounds like youve been watching too much Oprah and Dr Phill.

You should watch Jerry Springer instead, in order to see what real relationships are like. At least you know whos your babies daddy. Grow up.
fiona s
2006-07-10 03:55:15 UTC
budding author- I see what you mean about Claire's profile.

Claire- just tell him how you feel, stop worrying about how to say it. It is obviously over and there will be no easy to go about the separation.I wish you good luck with the rest of your life.
2006-07-09 08:08:47 UTC
well honey you need to get out of that ice age relationship , you know that your spouse will not change , and you will be miserable , and you need to start living you life , but on the other hand if you really want to work this out go to counseling best of luck to you,,,,,,
2006-07-09 08:22:33 UTC
It sounds to me like he is probably already cheating on you so in this case he is going to be relieved when you tell him you are leaving..(Just dont try to take all his money)
2006-07-19 12:54:38 UTC
God help your kids, He should get the best lawyer he could to stop you from clawing half his assets
2006-07-16 09:14:25 UTC
just tell him he has a tiny dick,tastes cheesy not like the guys down the road, should do the trick
2006-07-09 15:56:30 UTC
OMG - are you my wife? If you are, then please suggest it! I'll start packing.

btw - I'm only tense, cold and rigid around you. With my mistress I am warm, caring, fun-loving and carefree.
2006-07-09 10:10:03 UTC
See Relate or a Marriage Guidance Counciler.

Thanks for the 2 points.

Next please!
2006-07-23 08:03:17 UTC
This question is way toooooooo long to read.
2006-07-22 20:18:36 UTC
it over get out
2006-07-19 14:21:23 UTC
i dont want to hear you want to stay friends, cause that aint gonna happen

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.