My husband is sole provider by choice and he has done a great job. I stay at home and take care of our son and everything else happily... We decided that after working for 8 months, it would be best for me to stay at home full time bc they cost of daycare and gas for the 45 min one way commute was out waying what I was actually making. Well for about one month now. My husband has been averaging about 3 hrs tops a day working and comes home n just sits around. Ordering out (even tho I already cooked) and buys alcohol or whatever else he wants... He thinks it's a vacation staying home but when he's here, doesn't play with our son for more than 5 mins at a time. He's just kind of taking up space. And interfering w our routine. Our financially situation has suffered drastically from his decisions lately and I'm about fed up w the childish irresponsible behavior. He's says he could get used to staying home everyday like me. But when I say okay, I'll go back to work, someone does... He says okay but our son will go back into daycare. N honestly. I can't afford for him to sit home, be on a "vacation", and me go n work. I'd have to come home n do all my household chores bc if he stayed home he wouldn't do anything. Not supper nothing. Can someone help me out here. Me staying home til our dom goes to kindergarten is the best bet. W teaching him n keeping up with everything but if my husband isn't gonna work,n just wAnts to sit home n not help, what am I to do?! Help!