2011-05-06 22:01:47 UTC
but it's not just this girl...i had to go out of town one day to see my relatives, and while i was away, he told me he was "meeting up" with one of his ex-girlfriends and that i wasn't allowed to text him. i wanted to trust him so much, and i've always heard that exes can be friends (i've never had an ex so i dont really know about this) i tried hard to not text him, but it just felt so wrong to me, so i ended up texting him one or two anyways. he didnt answer for a long time. i questioned him immediately after their little "date" was done, and he said they went to the movies (by the way, this was HER idea, he complied, it was HER why she chose to spend it with an ex boyfriend is beyond me, and they were very much alone), he paid for the movies, then they went to a park and ran around and messed around on the swings and things.
another girl he had a crush on when we were together. i met her for the first time when my fiancee and i were in the park having a picnic. he was very cute and romantic and giggly with me, then she showed up, said hi, left, and this big dark cloud came over his head and he kept looking around to see if he could find her again :( he told me he liked her about a week later. this same girl made some cookies for my boyfriend's roommate, and when my boyfriend saw the box, he grabbed one, ate it, and said, "OOOO! these are so GOOD!" even though that same day i'd made him some cookies and he took one bite and never touched it again because it wasn't a soft cookie, it was too crunchy (not burnt, just crunchy).
he also shared a chair with another girl he sort-of had a crush on while we were together (they were at a restaurant and there werent enough chairs or something), and fed her some of his food with his fork. i was not at this gathering.
honestly, i do not care if he sees a girl and says "she's cute!" because there ARE cute girls. but i just feel so hurt when he actually develops crushes, or tells me "if i wasnt with you, id be with her" or goes around behind my back with ex girlfriends.
is this some type of cheating?