When it comes to married couples...?
Guess Who! (Gone)
2008-01-26 10:54:49 UTC
1) Do you think people marry so they can live a life of luxury?

2) Do you think or have you met people who married just for sex?

3) Can marriages work and have a better life with or without children, or should I say easier?

4) If you're married, what types of stuff would you do for fun?

5) How many times would you have sex a week?

6) Which would you prefer? Interracial, same-race, or doesn't matter?

7) As a married person, if you were to have sex and didn't want kids, would you put on a condom and nothing at all?

8) Would you stay at home and have dinner or would you eat out?
Eighteen answers:
2008-01-26 11:09:47 UTC
1) Do you think people marry so they can live a life of luxury?

A: Some people do. Others marry for love.

2) Do you think or have you met people who married just for sex?

A: Sex, beauty and infatuation. Those marriages don't last long. Sex is such a small part of the equation.

3) Can marriages work and have a better life with or without children, or should I say easier?

A: Our marriage works fine without children because we are childfree by choice. I think some marriages would work better without children because one or both "parents" don't make their kids enough of a priority.

4) If you're married, what types of stuff would you do for fun?

A: Together, we take boat trips, travel, go the beach, antique, go out to dinner amongst other stuff.

5) How many times would you have sex a week?

A: My husband would have it 10x a day!

6) Which would you prefer? Interracial, same-race, or doesn't matter?

A: Doesn't matter.

7) As a married person, if you were to have sex and didn't want kids, would you put on a condom and nothing at all?

A: We're never having kids so I take oral contraceptives.

8) Would you stay at home and have dinner or would you eat out?

A: We would eat out every night if we could afford it! No really, I love to cook so we'd eat at home at least 1x week.
2008-01-26 20:04:25 UTC
1) Do you think people marry so they can live a life of luxury?

I can't say everyone does but there are people who just happen to want that. As for everyone else I hope it was for the right reason.

2) Do you think or have you met people who married just for sex? I have never came across a couple who I've meet that have said sex was the reason. I've meet husbands joking about it but I can't say that there aren't people like that out there.

3) Can marriages work and have a better life with or without children, or should I say easier? I think that is all about the couple. Do they want a family life or do they want to travel and go out and not have to worry. I have children and sometimes it is out of this world craziness but We love to do the family thing

4) If you're married, what types of stuff would you do for fun?

Me and my hubby do lot's of stuff as any normal couple. We still go out to club's 3 or4 times a week, We still get drunk with our friend's:p, We go to Strip clubs, We travel, and we still spend the time with our kid's.

5) How many times would you have sex a week?

We have more sex then the norm. It stayed normal for us.

6) Which would you prefer? Interracial, same-race, or doesn't matter? I don't think it matter's as long as that person has your same interests Or I don't think it really works out.

7) As a married person, if you were to have sex and didn't want kids, would you put on a condom and nothing at all?

I'm sure if your married and the decision was mutual then I'm sure you both would take the precaution's as adults.

8) Would you stay at home and have dinner or would you eat out?Well me and my hubby eat at home 4to5 days a week so we can have two days have relaxation not having to cook and just enjoy the time with each other.
2008-01-26 20:01:09 UTC
1) Do you think people marry so they can live a life of luxury?

No I can do that on my own as well.

2) Do you think or have you met people who married just for sex?

No way

3) Can marriages work and have a better life with or without children, or should I say easier?

Less complex and not as expensive maybe but not easier and there is a lot of joy in having children apparently.

4) If you're married, what types of stuff would you do for fun?

Same as I do now whilst living together

5) How many times would you have sex a week?

None of your business

6) Which would you prefer? Interracial, same-race, or doesn't matter?

Does not matter at the moment I prefer pink

7) As a married person, if you were to have sex and didn't want kids, would you put on a condom and nothing at all?

Use something more convenient and secure - the pill

8) Would you stay at home and have dinner or would you eat out?

2008-01-26 19:02:46 UTC
1) Do you think people marry so they can live a life of luxury?

No, I think golddiggers do and I don't consider them people

2) Do you think or have you met people who married just for sex?Yes and they are all divorced now.

3) Can marriages work and have a better life with or without children, or should I say easier?Yes I think in a way it is easier and it is a personal choice, but sometimes children are the glue that help keep good marriages together


4) If you're married, what types of stuff would you do for fun?

We do tons of stuff together and apart,we go on trips,we go to dinner, we go to clubs, we do all the stuff people who aren't married do with the exception of having sex with other people.

5) How many times would you have sex a week?

We have sex 1-7 times a week

6) Which would you prefer? Interracial, same-race, or doesn't matter?Doesn't matter as long as you are in love

7) As a married person, if you were to have sex and didn't want kids, would you put on a condom and nothing at all?If I didn't want kids I would use effective birthcontrol.

8) Would you stay at home and have dinner or would you eat out?WE do both, we are married not dead.
2008-01-26 19:20:10 UTC
1. No I did'nt marry for luxury, I had alot more of that when I was single.

2. I have known people who have married just for sex, but I never would.

3. I have 3 kids. Kids make more joy in a marriage but it can make life more busy.

4. Well we don't have a large amount of time for fun but we take one weekend a month to go away and find some time for just us. We also have friends over for bar-b-q's all the time.

5. Before kids 5 to 6 times a week, Now 2 times a week.

6. Me and my husband are both white but we have friends that are both. So it does not matter to me.

7. Well I always wanted kids. But I think I would use nothing that way whatever happens is met to be.

8. We eat at home all week then on the weekends we go out.
2008-01-26 19:13:01 UTC
Wow darling... you have a lot of questions all balled up in I'll try to answer to the best of my ability:

1. Absolutely. 3 words Anna Nicole

2. No... marriage is a big commitment... why get married and have sex with the same person all time when you can be single and have sex with anyone you choose???

3. It is never easier with children... but it is more fulfilling and enjoyable.

4.You do anything you do when you are not It doesn't change... unless you have kids, which is a whole different topic.

5. It depends on how attracted you are to your spouse, and your lifestyle. The average married couple has sex 2 times a week.

6. Doesn't matter... But I prefer interracial.

7. I would be on birth control if i didn't want kids... I personally don't want my husband to feel obligated to wear condoms.

8. Staying at home is way more intimate and cost effective than going out. That is for special occasions.

Hope I helped...(WHEW!!!)
2008-01-26 19:59:12 UTC
1- I think if one of the persons in the relationship have money then they other can just marry for money and so they can live a life of luxury.

2- No I dont think anyone marrys for sex and have never met anyone who has. The majoirty marry for love and because they want to commit to the eachother and want to spend the rest of their lives together and most see good sex as a bonus, not all of us are sex orientated.

3- Kids bring joy to many people and some are natural parents but others can find things very hard, at any age. I have 2 children and am not married but I would definitly not say it makes my relationship any better or easier. Its not the childrens fault but they do put extra stress on relationships, even the strongest ones.

4- Im not married and dont really have a fun life, i have 2 small children.

5- Once or twice if im lucky

6- Doesnt matter to me, i see everyone as equals regardless of skin colour.

7- Dont you mean or nothing at all? I already have 2 kids and dont want any more so i have taken precautions by getting the Implant put in my arm which lasts for 3 years and is the most effective form of contraception. But, as i fell pregnant on the pill with my 2nd im not taking any chances so do use condoms too.

8- I have only been taken out to dinner twice and it was enjoyable but quite expensive too. So i prefer to have dinner at home, its less expensive and i think more romantic. you can have candles etc and eat exactly what you want and then do what you want after and dont have to worry about not drinking because youve got to drive home after.
Queen ME
2008-01-26 19:12:26 UTC
1. some think 2 incomes will make it better. Very few ppl are rich.

2. I know people that marry because if they have sex outside of marriage it is wrong.

3.Children make couple grow up and have a different responsibility than the had before. A lot of people marry because of a pregnancy. All marriages ahve strengths and weaknesses and about half fail no matter what.

4.Vacations, spending time with kids, We used to wrestle playfully and chase each other when we were younger.

5.It varies zero to 7?

6.same race


8.a combination. Mostly home. eat out when we do not feel like cooking.
2008-01-26 19:08:37 UTC
Marriage can make life easier and you have more money sometimes so you can afford things easier then that being single.

I married for the love of my wife not saying the sex isn't great

very wrong and stupid reason to marry just for sex.

To each ther own we chose not to have kids and yes it is easier and well less stressful we chose to have animals instead dogs, birds, fish.

Dancing, shopping, going out for a nice meal, watch a movie together, take the dogs for a walk, go swimming, talk, listen to music.

In an ideal world 2-3 times a week would be nice it varies.

I believe same race is best.

I chose the other got a vasectomy.

Usually eat in go out for special occasions or just when we do not feel like cooking.
2008-01-26 23:32:46 UTC
1. Not many, a lot of people marry either out of love, or it's because it's the 'normal' thing to do at that time of life.

2. I haven't. Although maybe there is when people don't believe in sex before marriage.

3. It all depends what each person wants. If they love children then it will enrich their relationship and life. But, if they aren't that mad about kids and enjoy the romance then no. Many people say their romance and sex life goes down after having kids!

4. The same as other non-married people and stuff I did before I was married. Go to the pub, club, shopping, cinema, restraunt, play football, video games, watch dvd, play with pets, go for countrside walk.

5. Usually about 7 times a week.

6. It doesn't matter

7.. No contraceptive is 100% accurate unfortunately. It's better to be safe than sorry but if you don't want kids at all its better to look into permanant forms of birth control.

8. We eat in mainly, about twice a week out. I like being at hokme, and I've made it romantic with the interior design. I enjoy either cooking a nice meal for my husband or him cooking for me and then snuggling up in bed to eat it by candlelight.
Fly girl
2008-01-26 19:02:15 UTC
1. Some do but others marry out of love and cherish a lifetime commitment.

2. No, it's not hard to get regular sex without marriage.

3. It depends on the couple.

4.I'm not married but I would want to continue our lives pre-marriage. Hang out with friends, dine out, travel, etc.

5. It depends on the week (at least 3 times a week though)

6. Doesn't matter as long as a man is good to me and I find him physically and emotionally attractive (this spans races)

7. Use other forms of birth control (pill, patch, etc.)

8. Both
2008-01-26 19:05:46 UTC
1. that is so not true. my husband and i are poor. but it is worth it.

2. no, but physical attraction is a must have.

3. definately at the beginning it is better to not have children. once you have been married for 2 or 3 years then it may be a consideration.

4. go bowling, dancing, play put put. just the same stuff we did when we were dating.

5. me? every night... my hubby? once a week

6. so doesn't matter. you just need to be happy.

7. condom!!! or at least be on some sort of birth control

8. variety IS the spice of life. a little of both
Wisen Smart
2008-01-26 19:10:17 UTC
1- How can marriage give you a life of luxury unless you marry a millionaire?

2- Yes, I have been witnesses to their divorces

3- With children, a cake should always have an icing

4- Spend as much time as possible together

5- As many times as we both desire eachother

6- Doen't matter

7- Any method to avoid pregnancy

8- Prefer to stay home and hear his compliments on a great dinner I prepared.
2008-01-26 19:03:03 UTC
No people don't marry for LUXURY

Never just for sex

With Children is best, neither is easier,

We window shop, plan our next hoome improvement, talk about vactions,and look for new homes , do things with our kids, religious events,

Sex , every other day AT LEAST

Doesn't matter what race, but I think interracial is the best couple

Vasectomy with NO GLOVE

Being a Stay at home mom is the best for children,

and OF course, having a dinner ready is the least a spouse could do

Lady D
2008-01-26 19:05:20 UTC
1. no

2. yea i have met people who just marry for sex and i think that it is stupid because if thats all they wanted they could have done it without getting married.

3. idk i love my life right now me and my husband dont have kids but we want kids i dont know if its better or not but i would think it is who doesnt love kids

4.well we love to do all types of things we have our nights out we chill wit friends have our drinks every now in our while we like to go places that we havent we do a lot of things

5. almost everyday if we can but if not its every other day

6.dont matta

7. i guess i would be on birth control pills if i aint want kids and no condom

8.stay at home have dinner watch a movie and then have some fun
2008-01-26 19:04:39 UTC
I never married :)
2008-01-26 18:59:44 UTC
Since all of those quesitons can be achieved without marriage.....why bother?
heather b
2008-01-26 19:01:22 UTC
are you a teenager?? it doesnt seem like and adult would ask this type of question... its a lil immature and naive sounding.

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