omg, I didn't realise marriage could be so complicated, if I had I would never have got married.
We worked in the same department for a few weeks, we dated, we made love, we got married, all within 6 months.
This morning, 48 years later, we had a cup of tea in bed, made love, showered and went shopping together.
What goes wrong is that the two people stop singing from the same song sheet. They're each playing their own melody. When they do so, whilst each song may sound fine on it's own, when played together it becomes a cacophony.
So there you go, pull the plough together AS ONE TEAM!!!!!. And when the work is done and the kids have flown, play together AS ONE TEAM!!!!
one team = compromise, trust in each pulling their fair share of weight, trust in finance,earning, saving and spending, communication, talk to each other when you are hurting and reach an agreement, sex, if each tries to please the other more than pleasing themselves it should get quite hot in there, don't score low points during a row. (the spoken word is harder to recall than a stone thrown with force)
You get the idea; you may be woodwind and your partner may be brass but for gods sake, PLAY THE SAME TUNE!!!