kathy r
2009-05-21 09:05:11 UTC
This is ridiculous and controlling. He has always been a controlling man.
My view is that all those things mentioned above do support the child. Rent, for example I would be paying $600 fora one bedroom if I did not have my son, instead I pay $900 for a two bedroom, and that is a typical price in our town. So yes, everything is increased with a child.
He also has said he will refuse to accept receipts for my sons therapy(he has autism spectrum disorder) or any recreational programs or respite care as he thinks they are "unnecessary"
We have joint legal custody with me having sole physical custody. He has him two days a week and that is always changing based on his whims. Because of this, he wants to claim all child tax credits and special program money for our son but claims he will not spend that money on what I do right now which is supporting him and getting him the pr grams and therapy he needs. No, I am not trying to double dip, the therapy costs far more than the child benefits and program money provide.
He will not take him for holidays, he will not take him for any extra days off or if he has somethign to do with his freinds.
Yes, I have taken him to court, he got a high priced lawyer and got off scott free because "he could not afford anything" Despite having the high priced laywer.
How do I tell him this is unreasonable behaivor?