Does marriage kill love?
2006-03-14 03:21:52 UTC
Does marriage kill love?
Four answers:
2006-03-15 10:24:21 UTC

The success or failure of a marriage will depend, in large measure, upon the spiritual development of the two individuals who become husband and wife. This development, the struggle to become the best that one can be, does not begin with marriage, of course. Rather, it is a process which involves the totality of one's experience. The spiritual development
2006-03-14 11:46:54 UTC
No one ever told me that marriage was the hardest job you will ever have in life, but it is. Marriage does not kill love what kills love is when you CHANGE after you get married. Just remember you have to do the same things you did to keep her as you did to get her.
2006-03-14 11:31:35 UTC
Nope. It even enhances it but you need skill and wisdom.
Dr Dee
2006-03-14 11:27:53 UTC

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