how can i get fizzle back in my marriage after 19 years.?
2006-01-27 10:13:33 UTC
how can i get fizzle back in my marriage after 19 years.?
Six answers:
2006-01-27 10:19:05 UTC
Well I am young but I can say if your a woman wanting the sparks to come back its alot harder than if your a man... As a woman I would try putting a little more into him sexually, do your hair a different way dress up a few nights a week and plan dates that make you guys feel like teenagers again.. do things you loved to do when you were younger but havent had time to do in years...

As a man Try surprising your lady with flowers other than on her birthday wake her up to some breakfast in bed, do the laundry for her, anything that free's up some time from her day, take her to a movie or a really nice dinner, Tell her you love her and need her as often as possible...

Both of you need to take steps to make it better but it takes one person to start lots of luck...
2006-01-27 18:21:36 UTC
Well one of the best ways is to do something different take your spouse out and reminde her of those years you first had with them.And remind them how much you love them and care for them.
2006-01-27 21:52:37 UTC
do yourself a favor and read some of the questions that have been answered here

they WILL help you out a lot..well some of them will at least
2006-01-27 18:19:34 UTC
S&M, bondage, role playing.... surprise your spouse with something new and irresistable.
2006-01-27 18:19:01 UTC
i dunno, maybe take trip to monte carlo or cancun and re-marry her to make vows more stronger-and have parents popout of a bush for big surprise, or just take VIAGRA.....
2006-01-27 18:19:15 UTC
maybe you and your mate can have a threesome

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