My husband and I have been married for a little over 2 years, and we have an 11 month old daughter. When we met, he had a good job and made a lot of money, and we were both big spenders, not really worrying about money. Of course, things change when you have a child. And, he is only making about half of what he was making before. I started out letting him be in control of the finances and bills, but the more I get involved, the more I see how much money is being wasted and how much we have been living above our means. How do I stress the importance of changing our spending to him? There are several things that bother me, such as us paying for his parents' cell phones. They are both still working and capable of paying. My husband just volunteered 6 or 7 years ago to pay for them just so they would have cell phones. But, now we are paying almost 100 dollars a month for their phones! Am I crazy, or would this upset you? He also continues to pay 50 dollars a month for a subscription to a foreclosure website, even though it will be a while before we can buy another house. And 50 dollars a month for xm radio. I could go on and on. Women, have you had to deal with this with your husband? Men, what approach works best in trying to get him to change? Thanks!