my husband and i have been together since 2002 and married since 2006. i have an 8 yr old from a prev. relationship who was 2 when we met. before we got married he had been physically violent with me twice. i went back the first time cuz i believed it was the alcohol and the second time i went back i was pregnant and afraid of being a single mother again but with 2 kids this time. well after we married it happened again like 4 more times. i actually cheated on him and kinda dont regret it. i know it sounds wrong but i just resented him so much for all the crap he has put me thru. anyway, we now have 2 children together. 2yrs and 3 1/2 yrs and my 8yr old who have all seen him smack me and drag me by my hair thru the house, choke and shove me around. i left 1 week ago and moved myself and kids 2000 miles away while he was at work. when he came home he was devistated and calls me constantly wanting us all back cuz he misses us and all. but he has also told me he wants a divorce for a week straight now and i think its just to scare me into coming back in a way. should i just call his bluff and file for divorce or file for a legal separation? i want him to realize he has a problem and get help before i would consider coming back. he isnt the couseling type tho. it hurts like hell cuz i love this man soooo much. put yourselves in my shoes.... what would you do? any hope here?