2010-09-02 22:29:42 UTC
Among that very big factor on why I want to leave, he also recently broke my PAID OFF car about 2 weeks ago while looking at my cell phone. (Yes, my cell phone. He hasn’t had a cell phone for 2 years.)
Before that he lost my wallet, and then once again lost my bank card. And then he somehow managed to lose our house keys on the way from our car to our apartment and managed to lost my car key too. Although it doesn’t matter now, because I had to sell the car for $263 dollars because he busted the transmission and couldnt afford to pay for it. He is also VERY addicted to porn.
When we first met he was a full time student in college and receiving all A’s. He had a job, perfect credit (which was shot to hell after about a year of dating.) And you know it, he has now successfully failed all of his classes three semesters in a row.
Me? I have um… name calling issues. I also pay everything his father doesn’t pay and its really starting to piss me off so occasionally when we fight I call him a loser or a bad father. I know its not constructive.
Despite all of this, I love him deeply . He has dramatcially changed before my eyes, and he is a very devoted father (emotionally.) He also tells me he loves me everyday. I have told him I want to leave, and he's hurt but it always turn back to the name calling thing. He sincerely does not completely understand why I thinking about leaving no matter what I say. I am only 23 years old and I feel like Ive been married for sixteen years and I am pushing 40. I also feel like hes my son sometimes. I just want someone to give me an unbiased opinion that has “been there.” Do I give him more time to change? Or do I leave and get separted? Or am I a blabbering idiot that should have left ages ago?