To start with the name you have choosen(Macguffen) to discribe yourself as questionaire may be a key to the advice your seeking.
Of course it's always possible that's simply a coincidence but somehow I doubt it.
Anyway, it sounds to me like your somewhat of an enigma. You sound like a bright girl dealing with someone who's much more willing to watch a good football game than to sit and discuss world peace or global warming and it's driving you nuts.
But he doesn't want to, not only not with you but not with anyone. He's an equal opportunity non provider of non attention to uninterested interests.
I have news for you, thats about 98% of the planet.
So. You can't fight city hall.
The oddest combinations of people often make the best of friends. Look for the things that attracted the two you in the first place. Get a girl friend to talk too.
Maybe he's solid as a rock and loves you to death and probably wishes he had the interests you want him to have.
By the mear fact he tunes out , obviously they're things unimportant to him. He has you for those things. He relies on you and your all he really cares about. Taking you for granted may be his security blanket. Be careful, if you really disturb that you may not be happy with the results.
And, to get back to his likes. Let's assume it is football. Are you ready to do the same, throw out some your interests?
You wanna get all warm and interlectually cuddily over the stratergies of a football game.? Well, are you?
You know whats good for the goose is good for the gander...
or something like that,
OK,so, maybe he's not all things. Hey, guess what, none of us is.
And even if that were possible, and he was, you'd probably make a very boring couple.
If you guy's have this much time to talk to each other and watch football, your really missing out on which room you should be spending more time together in.
Probably not a hell of a lot of help but what the hell, it's free