2008-10-25 15:35:00 UTC
My husband came home from work (he's in the military) at 6:30; he had a sore back and his knee was bothering him.
We ate dinner, watched tv, talked for about two hours about our day's events.
He told me about all the gossip at the office, and about how his sgt had him do a mock pt test today (hence his sore back and bad knee acting up).
I told him about getting an A on my final (I take online college courses while he is at work) and about what route I took on my daily jog around town.
We also talked about baby names for a bit (I'm 7 months pregnant with our first and he's very excited to become a dad)
After dinner and tv and talking we played a quick card game and then went off to bed alittle early.
He back was so terribly sore that I had him lay still. I fetched him some Motrin and a glass of water with a straw, gave him the pills to help him feel better.
I could tell he was in the mood (he kept kissing me and carressing my bottom) even though he was far too tired from working 15 hours to do anything besides just lay there; so I gave him about 10-15 minutes of oral and then climbed on top to finish him off. (sorry if that's a TMI)
Then I cleaned him up and tucked the blankets in around him, turned on the stereo to help him fall asleep.
Then I snuck off to the kitchen to pack him a lunch to take to work the next day. I also put his rank and name patches on a clean uniform to wear the next day (they're just velcro patches that can be moved from acu uniform to acu uniform), wrote alittle love note and slipped it into his chest pocket, and laid out the uniform for him to put on when he woke up.
I did a quick lookie through my desert recipe book to make sure I had all the ingridents for one of his favorite deserts (a suprise for when he comes home from work today).
Then I climbed into bed with him and fell asleep.
A typical night for him and me.
Although we do take turns taking care of each other, as sore as he was yesterday, it was my turn to play doctor for him.
He takes care of me just as much and just as often as I take care of him (not only speaking in a sexual sense, but also in an emotional and intellectual sense).
I guess the reason I'm posting this is just because I'm reading alot of questions by people who seem so unhappy in their there no one who enjoys their partners company? enjoys the give and take of marriage? enjoys doing all the little things they do just to make their partner smile?
Please tell me I'm not the only one on here who is happy, satisfied, fulfilled by my marriage?