So i thought this was an important topic to wright about iv noticed so many wifes and normal woman that gets so turned on with weekly hot n sexy buff guys on fb that my wife has , or just seeing any buff guy thats got abs and a nice body. Im just confused to why my wife or any wife doesnt make any comments or act the way she does around buff/ ripped men or just seeing them. And i feel if i talk to her about it , seems that she wuld be fake about it to make me feel betr. Ive spent me time in the gym getting ripped trying my hardest with my busy life, but i just cant seem to get as ripped and sexy as those guys in magazines. Im a firefighter and my busy schedule with work and family is so hard for me to be in the gym 3 or more hours a day. I feel like im chasing a standard of looking good for my wife that ill never hit. Now i understand men look at women almost the same but i dont have sexy women on my fb! I dont stair at men in public with my spouse! By god if i had a sexy girl page i followed on facebook my wife or any wife im sure would flip out! So im conclusion why do women think this is ok? Why arent women talking or at there husbands like they do to hotter guys? To all you women how do you think it makes us fathers and husbands feel that work our butts of for or spouses and family? Thanks for reading this if yall did lol.
Please give me some advice! Looking for a betr way to understand this issue and be more attractive in my wifes eyes!