Why do women always blither on about multi tasking? Washing dishes whilst making the tea aint rocket science?
2007-12-23 13:10:07 UTC
Or brain surgery. Or any of the other male dominated professions women haven't got a hope in hell of entering.
Nineteen answers:
2007-12-23 14:02:36 UTC
If they were actually any good at anything they would say so but they are not
2007-12-23 13:16:37 UTC
Because most of the men we know couldn't multi-task to save their lives. And although it is not true that women cannot enter those fields as many already have, it is more difficult because of the chauvanistic society we live in who is afraid that if they allow the women to do these things men will find out just how much better we are at them and how much smarter we are. Lets see a man have a baby without pulling his hair out from the pain. If they had to do it we would not have a population at all.
2015-01-30 00:02:51 UTC
Sometimes, letting go seems like the easiest thing to do. But think about this: you've invested so much of your time and energy into another person; you've made a solemn promise; and you still know there's love, even if it's hiding underneath the surface. This website will show you how to save a marriage and avoid divorce, even if you're the only one trying
Sally Anne
2007-12-23 14:19:50 UTC
Because we just CAN multi tasks. Some women are in these high professions and making a good job too.
2007-12-24 02:26:40 UTC
OK you take over the cooking, cleaning, child care, shopping, gardening, painting, diy, and everything else you expect your wife to do.

Male dominated professions, well men have made a pigs ear of politics, world peace, international health care, hope you are never on my helicopter when I'm flying it.
2015-01-27 14:00:11 UTC
Most people believe that once they are diagnosed with some vision problem and start wearing eye glasses or contact lenses to correct them, they will have to do so for life in order to see better. Those who want a permanent solution to improve eyesight typically resort to Lasik or other corrective eye surgeries. But you you can also improve your vision without surgery and can see perfectly well without using eyeglasses or contact lenses. You can check here to know how
2007-12-23 14:43:51 UTC
What is the point of this question? You can't spell very well, so it doesn't look like you are going to be a brain surgeon either. You should ask a real question you want an answer to, not one you just want to vent on.
2007-12-23 13:17:33 UTC
Aren't you a sweetheart! I can tell you aren't a brain surgeon yourself. And I can tell something more about you. You haven't had three children to take care of;a job to go to; kids to drop off at day care; a house to clean; a mountain of laundry to do; dishes to wash; meals to cook; groceries to shop for; two doctor's appointments for the kids; kids to pick up from day care; and a whiney husband who'll come home and be NO HELP AT ALL.
2007-12-23 13:15:45 UTC
multi tasking on things like you stated is more usefull in everyday life. and men can't seem to do it. theres not many men who can do brain surgery now can they? but almost every woman can multi task. nough said
2014-09-28 02:37:23 UTC
I was able to save my marriage thanks to my family and friends. I also read a lot about marital issues and tips on how to save your relationship. The ebook on this site helped me a lot

Check it out it's worth it.
2007-12-23 13:22:37 UTC
How about you? You're actually blithering on ABOUT women blithering on about something. That's not at all pointless or pathetic. *snickers*
2007-12-23 13:22:34 UTC
Why don't men make there own tea?

Not rocket science
2007-12-23 13:16:03 UTC
what's your job that's so specially multi-tasked? sitting on the toilet with a newspaper and chewing your fingernails?
2007-12-23 13:14:14 UTC
I think someone's done some brain surgery on you...

...and screwed it up
2007-12-23 13:18:14 UTC
Same reason men blather on about women not being capable of being brain surgeons..........complete cluelessness.
Latin G
2007-12-23 13:32:52 UTC
They just can't be bothered... there is some space in between there.
2007-12-23 14:15:51 UTC
How's that lobotomy working for you?
2007-12-23 13:18:31 UTC
2007-12-23 13:23:13 UTC
Order in creation was established by God. Man first, woman last.

Any person who bases truth upon his or her own authority is not a person of God.

Moral Catholic priests are the only authorized interpreters of the Holy Word of God.

Sacred Scripture is the foundation of true faith. Biblical quotations, with minor explanations, should be sufficient for people to accept. However, since most people are in the learning stage of life, often with limited faith, I assert, having had reflective association with women of all ages, that what is presented in this document reflects truth to the extent I am currently able to convey it. I was ordained a Catholic priest in 1982 at the age of forty-six.

Commonly men and women will understand the same words from their own perspective, i.e., a word or term will be true from a man's perspective but with a different depth of meaning than accepted by women. A woman's minds is capable of containing much knowledge, but she has little ability to deal with variables not previously acquired.

I knew a widow that spent much of her spare time over many years studying philosophy and theology. She was continually frustrated by the fact that she could not grasp what was being said though she acquired much knowledge. She spent time that could have been used more effectively in pursuing good works as is the duty of women. [1 Tim 5:1-16]

How strong is my present relationship with God?

This is determined by whether one focuses upon his or her personal concerns, desires and wants, or if one is focused upon the question, "What does God want of me in this life so that I may be with Him in the next."

What is my perspective concerning values in this life?

The question should be rephrased, "What is it that I can do in this life so that I may be happy with Jesus in the next life?" The answer relates to whether one accepts or rejects the gifts of life as given to oneself, and to others, by God.

When may I believe I am on the right path to salvation?

When one willingly uses the gifts of God that have been received, regardless of their restrictions, then by accepting all of the problems inherently involved with them one will, through faith in Jesus Christ, be determined to have developed a proper relationship with Him that through perseverance one will be brought to Heaven.

The Process :

The Great Commandment is in two parts:

Jesus replied, "The first is this: 'Hear, O Israel! (Jacob, named Israel by God, equates with all people of faith regardless of ancestry. [Lk. 1:33]. All true people of faith are Israelites whether of Hebrew descent or not.) The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. [Mk. 12:29f]

Until one fully believes, and by practice shows, that God is all important and that one is intending to serve Him in this life, one will not have spiritual peace and contentment or have a proper relationship with others.

The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." [Mk. 12:31]

It is absolutely necessary to learn how to get along with one's neighbors (this does not mean that one should get along with evil people, but does mean that one should set good example even in regard to an enemy.). The greatest problems often are in relation to the one intended to be a personal companion.

The topic of this article is, "Man versus Woman." With rare exception, if any, during a marriage or other long term association between males and females, rather in the work place or other environment, there are conflicts that normally arise. In our present age feminism (the concept that in this life men and women are temporal equals with the same rights) is accepted as a matter of fact by many of each sex.

The cry for equality and rights of women with men is both deafening and, in the long term, destructive. Temporal equality just does not exist. Among males there are great differences relating to physical (health and appearance), mental (high, average, and low intelligence with varying aptitudes for different types of work), social (interaction in relation to one's rank or status) and environmental conditions (climate, neighborhood, education, upbringing, family life, etc.).

Equality in this life just does not exist either within a sex, or, as is the subject of this article, between men and women. While in God's sight there is perfect equality (regardless of circumstances and personal condition of existence), from the insignificant human perspective there are many basic differences. Saint Paul explains differences this way:

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. [1 Cor. 12:4-7]

As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. [1 Cor. 12:12]

But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended. If they were all one part, where would the body be? But as it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, "I do not need you," nor again the head to the feet, "I do not need you." Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary, and those parts of the body that we consider less honorable we surround with greater honor, and our less presentable parts are treated with greater propriety, whereas our more presentable parts do not need this. But God has so constructed the body as to give greater honor to a part that is without it, so that there may be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another. If (one) part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy. [1 Cor. 12:18-26]

Because people commonly look at life from a human perspective they are often dissatisfied with their own position or condition in life. The number of highly paid and admired athletes, actors, singing stars, mathematicians, lawyers, doctors, bishops and entrepreneurs are few. Most of them, because of their fame and fortune, readily partake of the pleasures found in this life while loosing their eternal souls. Few indeed are mindful of the truth and justice that leads to mercy while seeking a proper relationship with God.

Men generally want to handle only their normal duties in life while rejecting many responsibilities that they should be taking care of. On the other hand women, who are given a unique specialty in union with the Holy Ghost, want positions and responsibilities in the world that were not intended for them by God.

Without the recognition needed by women to serve God as intended, women are easily misled and seek satisfaction in other manners. The Church is responsible for this to a great degree because they do not give the recognition women need to appreciate their natural responsibilities before God. Book of Blessings – The Roman Ritual, 1987 – Blessings for Parents, Children before Birth, after Birth, Adopted Children, and for Engaged Couples.

Blessings of new pregnancies should take place in each parish during or following a Sunday morning Mass at least once a month. Purification ceremonies following the birth of a child should also be officially observed as prescribed, though the form of offering is updated. [Lev 12:1-5] The keeping of God's command, "to be fertile and multiply," is to be recognized as most worthy in the sight of God.

In the beginning of intelligent life God created man and woman. He created them in the Trinity's image (reflecting the qualities of godness – Note: an image does not have the properties of the original) and likeness (the ability to be compatible with them). – Saint Paul's advice:

It is my desire, then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument. Similarly, (too,) women should adorn themselves with proper conduct, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hairstyles and gold ornaments, or pearls, or expensive clothes, but rather, as befits women who profess reverence for God, with good deeds. A woman must receive instruction silently and under complete control. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Further, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed. But she will be saved through motherhood, provided women persevere in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. [1 Tim. 2:8-15]

Adam and Eve were prototypes for all future generations.

When men are praying under the authority of God they are asking to be able to serve Him according to His will and not their own.

Godly women are to focus upon good conduct, modesty, self-control, plainness and the practice of good deeds.

Saint Paul makes it clear that women are to learn in silence and are to exercise control of their wants and desires. He goes on to say that women are not to teach (with exceptions related to motherhood and within the limitations set forth in Titus 2:1-5 — As for yourself, you must say what is consistent with sound doctrine, namely, that older men should be temperate, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, love, and endurance. Similarly, older women should be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers, not addicted to drink, teaching what is good, so that they may train younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, chaste, good homemakers, under the control of their husbands, so that the word of God may not be discredited.) or to have any authority over a man (submissiveness). She is to be quiet (Her opinions should always be suspect by others as well as they should be by herself as she commonly functions on clouded feelings rather than right reason.) since devils readily deceive her as Satan deceived Eve.

Col. 3:18f [24] Wives, be subordinate to your husbands, as is proper in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and avoid any bitterness toward them.

Women, not infrequently, cause dissension when they assert the knowledge they possess is absolute. Many fail to accept that their gifts from God do not include the fine discernments that men are capable of making.

Priority in and the purpose of creation is to serve God's goals. No one has the right to subvert His directives that are inherent in human design. Men are created to oversee all matters. Men are created in relation to the world. Women are created in relation to family. Women, in submission, were created for family life and the increase of human population (spirits with souls intended for eternal life. The human body is only a diverse container for individual spirits and souls.).

Women not under submission are under the constraint of sin. Only God who has unlimited knowledge can make an absolute declaration as to accuracy of a statement based upon knowledge alone.

Everyone has knowledge that has the potential of being useful whether it is a man or woman, adult or child. Examination of knowledge should take place regardless of source. This would even include, to some extent and depending upon circumstances, someone who is considered to be of low intelligence.

The important consideration is the ability to apply knowledge correctly under varying or unforseen circumstances.

Women tend to assert confidence in positions that only God can have. Consequently they tend to take untenable positions based upon words they misapply due to using them out of context. For instance a woman, possibly through misinformation she received, said that a particular naturopathic medicine cleanses the arteries. What perhaps should have been said is that the substance relaxes the arteries so that blood more freely passes through them. However, no cleansing takes place.

If the arteries in fact were cleansed then the treatment could stop. Stopping treatment however temporarily proved harmful. Though otherwise a useful treatment, the improper usage of the term led to a potentially irreversible harmful effect. This would not have occurred if she had not presented an absolute statement, or, if what she declared had been accepted subject to verification. She personally was unable to properly correlate the information and as a consequence created an unnecessary problem. Unable to analyze the information that she had been given she handed it on as fact.

Women need to accept they have limitations even in the understanding of the language they so readily use. Quick and plausible speech should not be interpreted to mean that one has the ability to use language in proper context.

A woman's certitude also at times proves destructive to relationships. To try to discuss a concept with a woman who has taken an absolute position, based upon her own understanding or beliefs, can be as irritating as hearing chalk squeal on a blackboard. Conversely, what a woman says in relation to her natural gifts should not be readily set aside. There needs to be a balance in communications so that relationships can properly develop. Further, in regard to relationships a woman's cyclic mood variations need to be taken into account. It is when both parties are under proper submission to God (natural law) that best relationships can exist and be maintained.

The tasks of both men and women are seemingly monumental. But, with God's help, for those who accept it, no burden (yoke) is to difficult or insurmountable. To step out of one's natural role, except to the degree necessary in some circumstances, is not only counterproductive but is destructive to oneself and may be detrimental to those associated with them.

(women) always trying to learn but never able to reach a knowledge of the truth. [2Tim 3:7]

Decoded this means that women gain knowledge through natural training, education, and life experiences. She learns what is readily received and endeavors to keep learning because she does not understand what she has already learned, and is trying to comprehend the knowledge she has acquired. This occurs because she is without depth of comprehension (that which enables a person to go beyond actual learning experiences and place things into proper perspective). Since she does not understand, and wants to do so, she proceeds with an unending search for what she cannot obtain in this life. Satan is working in her keeping her from doing what is productive for the eternal kingdom.

A Woman's ability to understand is confined to direct knowledge acquired through the five senses. This does not mean that a woman cannot become quite proficient in an activity through training and experience. It is when misunderstandings have taken place or new variables (parameters) are introduced that difficulties present themselves.

Presentations of conditions of life, with non-previously learned variables, are commonly troublesome for women. Even in dealing with other females a woman does not have the necessary ability to make fine distinctions when needed. In such circumstances she will often create as many problems as she is able to resolve. In association with this a problem develops when misunderstanding occurs and causes frustration because her responses are off target.

In early life females go through stages where they believe that they have the totality of knowledge. They are commonly put down when it is shown they do not have the knowledge they believed they had. Because of this women tend to become very sensitive. Too often boys and men are insensitive and unfairly put females down even to the point of making fun of them. This is particularly unkindly when done in the form of ridicule. This demonstrates men's own inaptitude in relationships.

Each sex has gifts directly related to their primary duties in life. For those who accept this knowledge, life will be much easier both for themselves and for those of the opposite gender.

It is extremely difficult for a man to accept that a woman does not have the abilities of thought that are natural to himself. It is just as difficult for a woman to accept that she has limitations in regard to analytical thought processes. Commonly she equates knowledge with depth of understanding, something that is not within the gifts given to her by God.

A man analyses knowledge and situations and learns to adapt accordingly. A woman when she is faced with a problem will either study or ask questions to find the answers she is incapable of acquiring through her own intellectual processes.

A man who is used to analyzing problems will at times reject outside input in favor of resolving a problem for himself. A woman on the other hand, recognizing she does not have an answer to a particular concern, will ask questions. This is evident in a common occurrence when a couple are driving in a strange area and become lost. The woman will rightly suggest that they stop and get directions while the man will try to use a map to resolve the problem.

It should be noted that women have trouble with spacial orientation while men are more adapt at it. For instance, a man will visualize the location of furniture and then locate it. A woman will want to physically move the furniture until she is satisfied with its location.

A man may waste time by unnecessary analysis when a woman's direct observation is time wise more advantageous. A man should not automatically reject a woman's input.

Women, though commonly quick of speech with both right and wrong answers, will be incapable of accessing situations for correctness and will rely upon flawed intuition that can bring disaster to situations a man could have handled more effectively. This does not mean that men from time to time do not make very serious mistakes, particularly when they poach into areas most familiar to others, including those of women.

Women are typically more observant of details in their surroundings than men who tend to ignore the routine. Women can often serve as a reality check regarding the directly observable when men are open to hearing, and then evaluating what she has to say. While a woman at times will ask seemingly foolish questions from a man's perspective, these questions can at times be very thought provoking and should be considered as intellectual stimulants. Men are obligated to respond or find answers to questions, particularly concerning faith and morals, when sincerely presented.

Women have the ability to learn and do many things, but they do not have the ability to handle fine distinctions or variables in which they have not been trained. A common saying is that with women everything is either black or white. With them there is no middle ground. When they learn something they tend to take it as irrefutable truth. From their perspective when something has been learned and accepted their mindset cannot be changed unless forced to do so by undeniable occurrence.

While specially gifted with the natural in relation to children and family well being, other decisions are commonly based upon instinct, intuition, and feelings. They are not based upon logic (right reason). This means that when women speak or take action on matters not normal to them they will, at least in time, make serious errors as did Eve. Simply put, a woman does not understand that she does not have a depth of understanding since that is beyond her level of natural comprehension (understanding). A woman of faith will be properly submissive and consequently not be subject to much adversity.

Lk. 1:29 But she (Mary) was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be.

Lk. 2:19 And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.

Men should not get into the habit of believing that women are always wrong or do not know what they are talking about. A reasonable percentage of the time they jump to the right conclusion particularly when they are functioning within their natural parameters (abilities).

Men should be open to hearing what a woman has to say, but should always examine the content for correctness when there is a decision involved. Adam sinned because he listened to Eve and did not evaluate what she said for reliability. (listen: to accept and act upon with the presumption that what was said was truthful, right and just, i.e., without examining for correctness. Hearing only implies that knowledge has been received that requires evaluation.)

Women function at the level of hearing (acquisition received through one of the five senses) while men are gifted with the ability to more readily evaluate content for correctness. Too often men improperly listen when they should only hear, thus was Adam's sin the accountable sin in regard to the human race even though Eve committed the first sin. – In woman was sin's beginning and because of her we all die. [ Sir 25:24]

The dragon (serpent) deceived Eve and because Eve, with fluidity, used what on the surface seemed to be knowledgeable (had a reliable understanding of) and with convincing (practiced) speech, Adam was inadvertently, but accountably, deceived. Adam, like most people, attribute fluid speech with understanding and wisdom. Women's quick speech is hard to disassociate from actual truth and reliability.

The gifts of women are intended by God to be compatible with those of men. When gifts (assets) are used in proper perspective both sexes are more productive in their various endeavors. When not harmoniously synchronized they grind on each others nerves and can end not only in discord but also with hatred, a reason for the large number of divorces. A woman who tries to control her partner destroys the marriage.

A man who is unjustly demanding or demeaning will in time destroy his family. Men need to be familiar with the activities of women and be able to take over should she become indisposed. He will not generally do as well as she has done in the tasks normal to her but should be sufficiently proficient to keep the family functional. It is further very important that a husband participate in the upbringing of children. To leave children's rearing solely to the mother is both unfair and detrimental to the children and to the mother.

Since women do not have a depth of understanding and are not analytical by nature, they need to have affirmation, general acceptance, and the sense that they have worth pertaining to the activities of their daily lives.

Women need to told that what they are doing is right and useful. They should also be told that what they are doing is approved by, and of value to both God and family. When young a girl needs to be told that she is acceptable, but this should be done without excesses. Do not focus on physical beauty but rather upon the quality of character that comes from within.

Though the approach may in some ways be different, both men and women equally are guilty of committing the seven deadly (capital) sins. [Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy and Sloth]

Among the great obstacles to men is woman's self-assurance, her self-confidence and her portrayal of same. She has knowledge and is convinced that she has an understanding of her knowledge, without in reality having it. Woman is created as a helper and is always to be in submission to male authority that is under God's authority.

No woman should allow a man (husband, father, etc.) to order or demand that she do something morally wrong, i.e., something against God that is knowable through natural law or by reason of uncontested directives from the true God. There are many things that can be clearly understood as being morally wrong. There are other things that require interpretation or understanding for a woman to be able to accept. A woman in faith is capable of comparing two different presentations and discerning the better of the two. She should not depend upon her own theological understandings.

A woman must accept that man's depth of understanding is superior to her own. Does this mean that she does not have equal standing with man under God? No, she does enjoy equal association with God. But, in relationship to God she must fulfill, as man must fulfill, her duties, her obligations according to the will of God. No two people have identical challenges in life though they are often similar in nature.

My brothers, show no partiality as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. For if a man with gold rings on his fingers and in fine clothes comes into your assembly, and a poor person in shabby clothes also comes in, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say, "Sit here, please," while you say to the poor one, "Stand there," or "Sit at my feet," have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil designs? [James 2:1-4]

Pride, the underlying substance of the practice of all sins, is condemnatory. A man must accept his subservience to God. A woman must accept her subservient position in relation to man.

"But when he lies down, take note of the place where he does so. Then go, uncover a place at his feet, and lie down. He will tell you what to do." [Ruth 3:4]

As in all the churches of the holy ones, women should keep silent in the churches, for they are not allowed to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says. But if they want to learn anything, they should ask their husbands at home. For it is improper for a woman to speak in the church. [1 Cor. 14:34f] A woman without a husband or father should be in submission to some moral male authority.

Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is head of the church, he himself the savior of the body. As the church is subordinate to Christ, so wives should be subordinate to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her. [Eph. 5:22-25]

Wives, be subordinate to your husbands, as is proper in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and avoid any bitterness toward them. [Col. 3:18f]

Likewise, you wives should be subordinate to your husbands so that, even if some disobey the word, they may be won over without a word by their wives' conduct when they observe your reverent and chaste behavior. Your adornment should not be an external one: braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry, or dressing in fine clothes, but rather the hidden character of the heart, expressed in the imperishable beauty of a gentle and calm disposition, which is precious in the sight of God. For this is also how the holy women who hoped in God once used to adorn themselves and were subordinate to their husbands; thus Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him "lord." You are her children when you do what is good and fear no intimidation.

Likewise, you husbands should live with your wives in understanding, showing honor to the weaker female sex, since we are joint heirs of the gift of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

Finally, all of you, be of one mind, sympathetic, loving toward one another, compassionate, humble. Do not return evil for evil, or insult for insult; but, on the contrary, a blessing, because to this you were called, that you might inherit a blessing. [1 Peter 3:1-8]


Women tend to make decisions arbitrarily, therefore their decisions should always be checked for trustworthiness, for actuality. Adam made the mistake of accepting the word of Eve who arbitrarily accepted the words of Satan without examination, without proper reflection, without associating the word of God with what she had been told by Satan.

When a woman acts on her own authority despite what a just male authority has said she is not acting in submission as intended by God. Therefore, despite what she may say about her belief in God and her words to that effect, by not being in submission to proper male authority and arbitrarily acting on her own volition despite what legitimate authorities have declared, she is not truly a child of God.

Arbitrary (arbitrariness): depending upon individual discretion; based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or by the intrinsic nature of something; existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will.

Caprice: a sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action; a sudden usually unpredictable condition, change or series of changes; a disposition to do things impulsively. Caprice stresses lack of apparent motivation and suggests willfulness. Whim implies a fantastic, capricious turn of mind or inclination.


To: "Father David"

From: "Kenneth M. Fisher, Founder & Chairman, CRCOA, Inc."



After 21 years of marriage, My wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, "I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you."

The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.

That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie.

"What's wrong, are you well," she asked?

My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news.

"I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some time with you,"

I responded. "Just the two of us."

She thought about it for a moment, and then said, "I would like that very much."

That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I as a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date.

She waited in the door with her coat on. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary.

She smiled from a face that was as radiant as an angel's.

"I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they were impressed," she said, as she got into the car.

"They can't wait to hear about our meeting."

We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady.

After we sat down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only read large print. Half way through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips.

"It was I who used to have to read the menu when you were small," she said.

"Then it's time that you relax and let me return the favor," I responded.

During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation, nothing extraordinary but catching up on recent events of each other's life. We talked so much that we missed the movie.

As we arrived at her house later, she said, "I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you." I agreed.

" How was your dinner date?" asked my wife when I got home.

"Very nice. Much more so than I could have imagined," I answered.

A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn't have a chance to do anything for her.

Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined.

An attached note said: "I paid this bill in advance.

I wasn't sure that I could be there; but nevertheless, I paid for two plates - one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night meant for me. I love you, son."

At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time: "I LOVE YOU" and to give our loved ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till "some other time".

Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you've had a baby ... somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother, "normal" is history.

Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by instinct, somebody never took a three-year-old shopping.

Somebody said being a mother is boring ... somebody never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a river's permit.

Somebody said if you're a "good" mother, your child will "turn out good"... ..somebody thinks a child comes with directions and a guarantee.

Somebody said "good" mothers never raise their voices somebody never came out the back door just in time to see her child hit a golf ball through the neighbor's kitchen window.

Somebody said you don't need an education to be a mother.... somebody never helped a fourth grader with his math..

Somebody said you can't love the second child as much as you love the first ... somebody doesn't have two children.

Somebody said a mother can find all the answers to her child-rearing questions in the books.... somebody never had a child stuff beans up his nose or in his ears.

Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is labor and delivery....somebody never watched her "baby" get on the bus for the first day of kindergarten or on a plane headed for military "boot camp."

Somebody said a mother can do her job with her eyes closed and one hand tied behind her back ....somebody never organized seven giggling Brownies to sell cookies.

Somebody said a mother can stop worrying after her child gets married....somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son or daughter-in-law to a mother's heartstrings.

Somebody said a mother's job is done when her last child leaves home....somebody never had grandchildren..

Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so you don't need to tell her.... somebody isn't a mother.

Pass this along to all the "mothers" in your life, and to everyone who ever had a mother. This isn't just about being a mother, it's about appreciating the people in your life while you have matter who that person is.

Without Mistakes there is no forgiving. Without forgiving there is no love.


Gender and Education

Boys and Girls Have Different Needs

By Father John Flynn

ROME, JAN. 15, 2007 ( Advocates of separate education for boys and girls received support from a report published recently in England. In December, Ofsted, the government's inspectorate for children and learners in England, published a report titled, "2020 Vision." The document looked ahead to see what personalized teaching and learning might look like in schools 20 years into the new millennium.

The report supported the idea that boys should be taught separately to stop them falling further behind girls, reported the London-based Telegraph on Jan. 4.

The report itself contained a section commenting on the "gender gap" in the educational performance of boys and girls. This difference in performance has been shown to exist in many countries. A study published by the Program for International Student Assessment in 2000 showed that girls performed significantly better than boys on the reading test in all but one country. Mathematics also showed a gender gap -- in favor of boys -- although this was much smaller.

The reasons for the gap are complex, the Ofsted report observed. Research shows that even from a very early age boys place a greater value on believing themselves to be better at mathematics and science, and girls at reading and art. The differences in performance, however, can be countered by teaching methods that are specifically designed to help boys overcome their difficulties.

Moulsham High, for example, in Chelmsford, a town in southeast England, has been separating boys and girls in the first few years of school since the 1970s. And it has resulted in success for both boys and girls, reported the Telegraph in a separate article Jan. 4, as part of a series on single-sex schools.

"You only need to look at an 11-year-old boy to see that he is radically different to a girl of the same age and deserves to be treated so," Chris Nicholls, the head teacher, commented to the Telegraph.

Moulsham divides the sexes when pupils join the school at 11. Once they reach 14, they are mixed for some lessons, but for math, English and science, single-sex lessons are maintained.

Developing talents

Chelmsford County High School for Girls is a school with consistent success in single-sex education, reported the Telegraph on Jan. 11.

The school for girls aged 11-18, located in Essex county, outperformed every other school in England, according to results published last summer.

Glynis Howland, the school's acting head, told the newspaper that single-sex education was vital to girls to give them the best chance to develop.

Her argument about development was supported by an earlier report showing that it's not only a question of test results. Girls who attended single-sex schools go on to earn more in the world of work than those in mixed education, although they do no better in exams, reported the London-based Times newspaper Sept. 22.

Researchers at the Institute of Education's Center for Longitudinal Studies studied 13,000 people born in 1958. They found that by the age 16, girls educated in single-sex schools were more likely to study subjects that they enjoyed and were good at, rather than allowing gender stereotypes to influence their choice of subject.

This pattern continued at university and work, thus enabling the young women from girls' schools to enter areas of employment typically dominated by men, and in which salaries tended to be higher.

"Single-sex schools seemed more likely to encourage students to pursue academic paths according to their talents rather than their gender, whereas more gender-stereotyped choices were made in coeducational schools," said Alice Sullivan, co-author of the report.

NOTE: If and when possible men should be the primary teachers of boys at least staring at the age of eight. However, a woman that I know believes that boys and girls should be taught in separate classrooms from the earliest phase of formal schooling, i.e., kindergarten.

Limits eased in U.S.

Positive results from separate education spurred changes in federal laws in the United States late last year. The Department of Education issued rules, taking effect Nov. 24, giving government schools more freedom to separate boys from girls in the classroom, the Associated Press reported Oct. 24.

"Some students may learn better in single-sex education environments," said Education Secretary Margaret Spellings. "These final regulations permit communities to establish single-sex schools and classes as another means of meeting the needs of students."

Previously, under rules in force since 1975, single-sex classes were only allowed in limited cases, such as sex education courses or gym classes. Now schools are able to offer separate classes if they believe it will offer educational benefits. Enrollment in a single-sex class will be voluntary.

The changes will also make it easier to institute single-sex schools, as long as local authorities can demonstrate that it also provides coed schools with "substantially equal" benefits to the excluded sex.

Following the changes in regulations, a number of press reports highlighted the growing support for giving parents the option of choosing separate education for boys and girls.

Campbell Hall, a private North Hollywood mixed school, began eight years ago to separate the boys from the girls in seventh- and eighth-grade math, and it has worked so well that they are now doing the same with science, the Los Angeles Times reported Nov. 20.

The article observed that research has long suggested that girls in coed settings defer to boys and receive less attention from teachers. The idea of separating the sexes is, however, strongly criticized by some groups, such as the American Association of University Women and the American Civil Liberties Union, the Los Angeles Times noted.

The results at Campbell Hall have, nevertheless, been positive. After separating the sexes for math, girls are taking more advanced math courses in high school and are participating more in class.

On the East Coast, the Smith Leadership Academy in Dorchester, Massachusetts, is a charter school for about 200 sixth- through eighth-graders, and is the only public school in that state known to teach male and female students separately, reported the Boston Globe on Nov. 27.

Formerly run as a Catholic school, it has had separate classes for boys and girls since it opened as a charter school three years ago.

In DeLand, Florida, the Woodward Avenue Elementary School is another single-sex education success story, said a Nov. 18 editorial in the Chicago Tribune.

Faced with lower test results by boys, the school three years ago gave parents the choice of enrolling their youngsters in single-gender classrooms. Test results from the first year of the experiment showed significant gains for pupils in the single-sex classes, the Chicago Tribune noted.

Supporting the recent changes in federal rules, the editorial argued: "The key here is choice." Not all children are the same, but by making available the option of separate education for boys and girls parents are able to choose the method that works best for their child.

Another experiment in separate education, this time in Canada, has also shown positive results. Glenmerry Elementary School has improved test results after separating the sexes, reported the Vancouver Sun on Nov. 16.

After having separated the boys from the girls, the seventh graders have achieved scores that are now at an all-time high, even higher than the average scores in the region and the province. Moreover, the results have improved for both boys and girls.

Lorraine Garnett Ward, in an opinion article published by the Boston Globe on Oct. 30, said that what must we do to ensure that both boys and girls grow to their full moral and intellectual potential.

An English teacher currently on leave, she argued that single-sex schools and classes allow young people to free themselves from the burden of learning differences between the sexes, and gives them the opportunity to develop their potential. An argument that is increasingly gaining force. ZE07011730


Comments by Fr. David Trosch

Teaching in mixed gender classrooms has been dominated by women for two or more centuries. Testing methods have developed upon the lines with which women teachers have been personally comfortable. Unfortunately many men have been indoctrinated into these methods, and having been dulled by them have continued their use for testing purposes.

To my present knowledge gender oriented testing is not available. Further in the past those tests that were common in boy's and young men's learning environments that became coed where determined to be unfavorable to girls and tests friendly to girls were developed having the effect that boys have become educationally disfranchised. Additionally, boys learn better from men who have obtained their own education from male instructors.

Since females are primarily rote (memory) learners and males are more geared toward the grasping of concepts and ideas, in association with the necessary usage of memory, the testing procedures that commonly favor the memory perspective needed for girls are unfavorable to boys. The overall effect is that male students are programmed into memory learning and suffer stagnation in regard to their native gifts of analytical processing; something that is a handicap to females.

Further, since females do not have the same capacity for depth of understanding that males have, women teachers are unable to answer the concerns that male students present. – I recall that in forth grade I raised my hand and when granted permission I asked a question (the first time I remember doing so in class). The teacher was visibly upset and she responded that I should wait until that subject came up in some class in the (distant) future.

Knowledge and instinct serve the purposes of females in their expected life obligations. Concepts and understanding are highly beneficial to the obligations of males in providing for family and world needs.

I remember that near the end of my sixth grade, about 1946, we started a section in the arithmetic book on thought problems. I really enjoyed this and looked forward to this continuing in future classes. This never occurred.

I further recall that in English classes there was much ado about learning the diagraming of sentences and the determination of case tense. While certainly an overview of this is seen to be useful, the extent to which this was presented to me is considered as being boring and fruitless for boys, though no doubt beneficial for girls so that they would have rules to follow.

While running a counseling office in the early days of common computer usage (the late 1980's), I tried to get women to sit in front of a computer and learn the process by using a tutoring program. This systematic was generally rejected as women are attuned to learning through personal attention.

Some of these women later took formal courses wherein they could have training in a classroom setting and be able to directly communicate with the teacher and with other students. It seemed that being asked to learn on their own volition was beyond their natural process of learning.


Responses to a series of concerns presented by Email (January 2007):

Donna Roberts (a fictitious name),

God gave Adam (men) responsibility for the world. Women were created to be assistants to men. Man's salvation is determined by how effectively he takes charge of and performs his duties before God (submissiveness to God's superiority in everything). A woman's salvation is determined by her acceptance of submissiveness to a just man (husband, father, or other positive authority) and her willingness to practice (accept her major part in) the primary command of God, "Be fertile and multiply." (Gen. 1:28; 9:1,27) This is also made clear in 1 Tim. 2:11-15, "A woman must receive instruction silently and under complete control. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Further, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed.* But she will be saved through motherhood, provided women persevere in faith and love and holiness, with self-control."

* By nature a woman's focus in life is external, i.e., that which is directly perceived through the senses. This is important in her natural duties in relation to the bearing and rearing of children; and family care. Spontaneous (unthinking - or pre learned/acquired) reaction to a problem with a child is at times limb or life saving. In some situations the time it takes for a man to analyze a situation may be sufficient wasted time to allow for the condition to be damaging or destructive. God designed both men and women for specialized purposes which are very numerous. One must learn to accept their natural (God designed) differences and advantages while recognizing the values in the opposite sex.

"However, once we do choose, it is a permanent choice"

Free will is never taken from us so their is no choosing once and having it be permanent. We can commit condemnatory sin with our last breath and be eternally damned. Another way of saying this that might be seen as agreeing with your position is: "No one really knows that they have made a permanent, unchangeable, commitment to God until one is judged on the last day". The apostles, the first priests of the New Testament, were given the authority to forgive or not forgive sins. Only their authorized successors have this authority. (Jn. 20:21-23) "(Jesus) said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the holy Ghost. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained." "

"God knows the heart and doesn't need works to know who is His"

Works are the evidence that lends credence to what is in one's heart. (James 2:17-20) "So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Indeed someone may say, "You have faith and I have works." Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works. You believe that God is one (in agreement / harmonious). You do well. Even the demons believe that and tremble. Do you want proof, you ignoramus, that faith without works is useless? "

"If someone dies on their death bed, receiving Christ in their last moment with no good works"

A worthy life of works may precede one's death and be reason for giving a dying person the grace (help) to make a death bed confession joined with an act of faith. No committed sinner is given the grace to repent after insulting God by living an ego-centric life. "If anyone sees his brother sinning, if the sin is not deadly, he should pray to God and he will give him life. This is only for those whose sin is not deadly. There is such a thing as deadly sin, about which I do not say that you should pray. All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that is not deadly." [1 Jn. 5:16f ]

"How can eternal life be "eternal" if you can lose it? "

One is judged worthy or unworthy on judgement day following bodily death. Only then is one given eternal life or sentenced to eternal death (Hell). (Mt. 25:31-46)

"My Personal Interpretation Guidelines:

I interpret the Bible using the following concepts:"

It is not for women to interpret the Word of God. This duty is assigned to (morally ordained) men. Jesus came into this life and interpreted God's will to selected men who were to train other men to carry forward and further expand or develop what they had learned without ever diminishing or reversing what had already been stated by God.

Women function upon knowledge obtained either by learning from others, learning through the five senses, or have learned from life experiences. Women have free will just like men do and can either make decisions with faith, or, make them through intuition and feelings that are designed for other purposes. Equality is only obtained in Heaven and the degree of equality is determined by how we have dealt with the particular set of problems we were given in this life. Equality does not have reality in this life. Our unique differences are what gives us the opportunity to show, on an individual basis, that we love God. No two men are equal in all things. Men are distinctly different from each other and different than women in many ways, each having particularly advantages and disadvantages, while accordingly accepting their God given duties.

Sincerely in Jesus Christ,

Fr. David

Rom. 2:14 "For when the Gentiles who do not have the law by nature observe the prescriptions of the law, they are a law for themselves even though they do not have the law." [natural law]


Truth can be either objective (what it is), or subjective (what you want it to be).

Because of a limited ability to understand (understand at a limited level), truth for women is often subjective more so than for men. Women may know that they are doing right or wrong but often do not understand why. Men are more capable of understanding the reason why they are right or wrong and thus have more overall accountability.

For women feelings play an important role as to whether they observe objective or subjective truth. One's faith in and desire to be with God in eternal life often is the determining factor in whether one practices objective of subjective truth.


Restrictions placed upon women by Church Law in harmony with Sacred Scripture.

By comparing the 1917 Code of Canon Law to the 1983 Code –that of itself has no moral force due to the non-moral status of John Paul II (a high ranking servant of Satan) who promulgated it– a women's group has bound its members and web page readers to the said laws of the Church by not being able to claim ignorance regarding them. The foregoing does ot exclude responsibility under natural law though the degree of guilt is greater for those with more knowledge. [Lk. 12:47-48] "That servant who knew his master's will but did not make preparations nor act in accord with his will shall be beaten severely; and the servant who was ignorant of his master's will but acted in a way deserving of a severe beating shall be beaten only lightly. Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more."

Women were designed to be companions and assistants to men with the special gift of bringing new life into the world in association with the Holy Ghost.

God passes eternal judgement on how one deals with the conditions and circumstances that are associated with them. The seeking of gifts not available to a particular man or woman is counterproductive to the will of God; therefore is condemnatory if the sin is not humbly acknowledged and repented of.

A women's ordination to the priesthood promotion group

has provided the following research:

Women take their domicile from their husbands

Canon 93, § 1 “A wife who is not legitimately separated from her husband, automatically retains her husband's domicile.”

Only men can hold ecclesiastical orders and offices

Canon 118. “Only [male] clerics can hold the power of order or ecclesiastical jurisdiction, or obtain benefices and ecclesiastical pensions”.

Women cannot be full members of pious organizations

Canon 709, § 2.. “[With regard to confraternities or pious unions established to promote devotional or charitable works], women cannot be given membership in them, except for the purpose of gaining the indulgences and spiritual graces granted to the male members.”

Women are the last choice of minister for baptism

Canon 742 § 1. “In case of emergency, any one can baptize.”

Canon 742 § 2.“But if there is a priest, he is preferred to a deacon, a deacon to a subdeacon, a cleric to a lay man and a man to a woman, unless it is more convenient that a woman rather than a man baptize, for decency's sake, or if a woman is better acquainted with the form and mode of baptizing.”

Women may not distribute holy communion

Canon 845, par. 1.. “The ordinary minister of holy communion is only the priest.”

Canon 845. par. 2. “The extraordinary minister of holy communion is the deacon, with permission of the local bishop or the parish priest, only to be granted for a serious reason, which may legitimately be presumed in a case of emergency.”

Relaxation. On the basis of a general Instruction , Fidei Custos, released by the Congregation of Sacraments on April 30, 1969, which concerns extraordinary distribution of Communion, lay women as well as nuns may be in principle empowered to distribute Communion, under certain conditions. But according to the order of succession described in § 3 of the Instruction, by which the choice is made for extraordinary distributors, lay women are listed in the last place. According to § 5 of the Instruction, they are to be used only in emergencies, when a more suitable person cannot be found—which can only mean a man or at least a nun! “... A woman of special devoutness may be chosen in emergencies, namely whenever any other suitable person cannot be found. ”

Girls or women may not be Mass servers at the altar

Canon 813, § 2. “The mass server should not be a woman, unless no man can be found and there is a good reason, and then on this understanding that the woman responds from a distance and does in no way approach the altar.”

Re-endorsement. “How far the liturgical task of women, to which baptism gives them a right and duty will go, still needs to be studied further; but, in the actual organization of the liturgy, women do not fulfil a ministry around the altar, that is certain. For their ministry depends on the will of the Church and the Catholic Church has not ever entrusted liturgical ministry to women. Therefore, every arbitrary innovation in this matter shall be considered a grave infringement of ecclesiastical discipline and will need to be suppressed with firmness.” (Liturgical Commission, 25 January 1966).

“According to the liturgical norms handed on in the Church, women, whether young girls, married women or nuns, are forbidden to serve the priest at the altar, whether in church, in a home, a convent, a college or an institute for women” (Third Instruction on the implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy, Acta Apostolicae Sedis 62 (1970) p. 700).

Only men can be ordained to Holy Orders

Canon 968, § 1. “Only a baptized male can receive sacred ordination.”

Men and women should sit separately in church

Canon 1262, § 1. “It is desirable that, in harmony with ancient Church order, the women in church be separated from the men.”

Women should have their heads veiled in church

Canon 1262, § 2. “Men should attend Mass, either in church or outside church, with bare heads, unless approved local custom or special circumstances suggest otherwise; women, however, should have their heads veiled and should be modestly dressed, especially when they approach the table of the Lord.”

Sacred linen must first be washed by men, before women touch them

Canon 1306, § 1. “Chalices, patens, purificators, palls and corporals before being washed should only be touched by clerics who are responsible for maintaining them. ”

Canon 1306, § 2. “The first washing of purificators etc. should only be undertaken by a cleric of the higher orders.”

Relaxation. The moto proprio “Pastorale Munus” of Pope Paul VI (a Satanist), 30 November 1963, allowed local Bishops to give permission also to clerics of minor orders, lay religious and pious women to perform the first washing of pawls, corporals and purificators (Acta Apostolicae Sedis 56 (1964) p. 10).

Women may not preach in church

Canon 1342, § 2 “All lay people are forbidden to preach in church, even if they belong to religious congregations.”

Relaxation. Vatican II, Constitution on the Liturgy, allowed an exception. “The sacred celebration of the Word of God should be promoted .... especially which lack a priest, in which case a deacon or another man delegated by the Bishop can conduct the celebration.” (1964)

In 1965 the Consilium ad exsequendam Constitutionem de sacra Liturgia gave a negative answer to the modest question whether an appropriately prepared woman could take over the lector’s office in a mass for women alone: the office of lector, it was answered, is a liturgical duty, which is conferred upon men only. For this reason the Epistle is to be read by the celebrant in the case mentioned. Notitiae, pub. by the Consilium ad exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia, 1, 1965, pp. 139-140, n. 41 and n. 42.

Women may not read out Sacred Scripture in church

Relaxation. The “General Introduction to the Roman Missal”, Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, ch. 3, art. 66, which was released in 1969, gives permission to the Bishops’ Conference to allow women to read the lessons preceding that of the Gospel, while remaining outside the sanctuary, in case no man qualified for the duty of lector is present. ( Missale Romanum, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanus, 1970, p. 45. ) The discrimination against woman contained in this regulation cannot be overlooked: she is admitted to the function of lector only in emergency, and the sanctuary is taboo for her.

The “Third Instruction concerning the orderly implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy, ” of November 5, 1970: declared in no. 7a that the Bishops’ Conference may decide where the woman is to stand for the reading. Acta Apostolicae Sedis 62 (1970), p. 700.

Women need to act through a male procurator

“[In the canonization process] anyone of the faithful can request that a case be instigated . . . . Men can act through themselves or through a properly appointed procurator; women only through a procurator”, Canon 2004, § 1


Restitution for Sin – Every distress and suffering endured in this life is worth the reward of eternal life..

We are all sinners and as sinners we must learn to set aside our personal feelings and concerns. If by exposing information that we have concerning past hurtful (sinful) events in our lives that would help others to avoid sin through the sharing of our experiences, no matter how hurtful that may be, then we must set aside our feelings in favor of the good of other individuals and the good of the Church in acceptance of the greater value of eternal life.

In a real sense this would serve as restitution for past sins committed, and even though sincerely confessed enduring temporary hardships would give evidence of our love of God and neighbor that is required before entry into Heaven can occur. We must be fully separated from all attachment to sin by accepting suffering due to our own guilt in a manner that shows sincerity of repentance while keeping in mind that Jesus was totally exposed to suffering for sins He did not commit. Jesus opened the door to eternal life. We must show that we are worthy of entering by knocking on it with the evidence of our sincerity of repentance showing real love of God and neighbor. Perfect sincerity thus established would alleviate and perhaps eradicate otherwise necessary suffering in Purgatory required to obtain the perfection needed for being able to see God face to face.


Out of the ordinary decision making process used by women:

Pot shots or knowledge applied without dealing with variables

This equates with: insight – intuition – emotion – feelings.

Why is it that women can cry for hours, and at times even days?

Is it because they are unable to analyze in order to refocus their minds?

In chess a king only moves one step in any open direction, whereas a queen can move an unlimited number of steps in any direction until she is blocked. The game is lost when the king is overturned.

It should be kept in mind that chess masters are almost without exception, men. Chess requires study analysis and sound decision making based upon logic / forethought. The queen is dreaded because she can move in any direction and thus creates confusion with an opponent because it is difficult for him to determine what she is apt to do next. She is the wildcard because it is difficult to determine what she is going to do next.

A woman by nature listens to eloquence of speech, or oratory in relation to sermons, homilies, political speeches, etc.

A man looks for quality and dynamics (workings) of content.

Women look for flow of speech and are impressed by the appearance of the speaker. Relative content plays a less important role for women.

Men are impressed by quality of content, logical presentation, etc.

Intuition is a term used for jumping to conclusions – a leap to a conclusion without intervening reasoning. While this process, depending upon circumstances, is often correct and usable, at least in the sense that even in error it provides a point of focus for further study by men or in a collective, it is in the long term destructive since unchecked it will produce grave situations.

Assemblywoman Sally J. Lieber, an assembly woman in California, sponsored a bill to outlaw the spanking of children three years of age and younger in California. Fortunately mother's opposed such legislation. God encourages reasonable discipline. Only Godless people and those affiliated with Satan (a self-appointed god) support such nonsense.

California State Senator Sheila Kuehl introduced legislation that would ban textbooks and teachers from any instruction that "reflects adversely" upon homosexuality, transgenders, bisexuals or those with perceived gender issues.

Oprah Wimfrey openly, on television, supports the practice of female self-pleasuring, a euphemism for self-masturbation. Godly people believe that the exercise of self-control is necessary for salvation. Dr. Hilda Hutcherson, author of "What Your Mother Never Told You About Sex", openly supports this serious sin. She was a guest on the Oprah show.

Susan Brownell Anthony (February 15, 1820 – March 13, 1906) A single woman who was prominent in the 19th century women's right to vote movement in the United States; a most destructive influence that at least in part has been responsible for such evils as abortion, divorce and other social disorder.

As an unmarried women she proved destructive to the order established by God and should be considered out of the will of God and not in Heaven. By not following her natural role in life by not bearing children in the context of marriage, and by not acting for the good of family life after the manner of a charitable social worker, she has led millions of women into Hell along with the men her allowed her to do so.

The foregoing are examples of women in positions of authority who do not fear God and are thus on their way to Hell if they do not satisfactorily repent before death.

Cognition is not a female characteristic. However, a woman may easily see when something does not easily correlate even though she may not know why. By being open to a woman's concerns a man may be able to resolve difficulties before they become major problems.

Women are often a distraction to men. To a man a woman's talking is often like the sound of a motor running in the background, something to be ignored, that is, put out of awareness, out of mind. Of critical importance for women is their willingness to bear and care for children. Willingness as distinguished from desire other than the desire to serve God in this life and be with Him in Heaven.. Girls are often placated (soothed, mollified, appeased, pacified by concessions). Women seem at times to have the persona of mindless automatons, however with a vestigial mind. Placebos (beads, perfumes, chocolates) are often used by men to placate women when some real or perceived injury has occurred.

It is basically useless to argue or use logic or reasoning processes with a woman because she does not have the underlying ability to understand the depth of an argument.


This document is still in process — Latest addition: February 28, 2007.


Sirach 25:1-26 ( On Men and Women )


1 With three things I am delighted,

for they are pleasing to the LORD and to men:

Harmony among brethren, friendship among neighbors,

and the mutual love of husband and wife.

2 Three kinds of men I hate;

their manner of life I loathe indeed:

A proud pauper, a rich dissembler,

and an old man lecherous in his dotage.

The aged

3 What you have not saved in your youth,

how will you acquire in your old age?

4 How becoming to the gray-haired is judgment,

and a knowledge of counsel to those on in years!

5 How becoming to the aged is wisdom,

understanding and prudence to the venerable!

6 The crown of old men is wide experience;

their glory, the fear of the LORD.

Numerical proverbs

7 There are nine who come to my mind as blessed,

a tenth whom my tongue proclaims:

The man who finds joy in his children,

and he who lives to see his enemies' downfall.

8 Happy is he who dwells with a sensible wife,

and he who plows not like a donkey yoked with an ox.

Happy is he who sins not with his tongue,

and he who serves not his inferior.

Happy is he who finds a friend

and he who speaks to attentive ears.

10 He who finds wisdom is great indeed,

but not greater than he who fears the LORD.

11 Fear of the LORD surpasses all else.

its possessor is beyond compare.

12 Worst of all wounds is that of the heart,

worst of all evils is that of a woman.


14 Worst of all sufferings is that from one's foes,

worst of all vengeance is that of one's enemies:

15 No poison worse than that of a serpent,

no venom greater than that of a woman.

16 With a dragon or a lion I would rather dwell

than live with an evil woman.

17 Wickedness changes a woman's looks,

and makes her sullen as a female bear.

18 When her husband sits among his neighbors,

a bitter sigh escapes him unawares.

19 There is scarce any evil like that in a woman;

may she fall to the lot of the sinner!

20 Like a sandy hill to aged feet

is a railing wife to a quiet man.

21 Stumble not through woman's beauty,

nor be greedy for her wealth;

22 The man is a slave, in disgrace and shame,

when a wife supports her husband.

23 Depressed mind, saddened face,

broken heart--this from an evil wife.

Feeble hands and quaking knees--

from a wife who brings no happiness to her husband.

24 In woman was sin's beginning,

and because of her we all die.

25 Allow water no outlet,

and be not indulgent to an erring wife.

26 If she walks not by your side,

cut her away from you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.