Am I wrong in believing that the worst day for a guy to propose marriage is on April 1st?
2005-12-24 14:31:26 UTC
Am I wrong in believing that the worst day for a guy to propose marriage is on April 1st?
Seven answers:
innocence faded
2005-12-24 15:00:39 UTC
If you are afraid of him yelling "April Fool!" after you said "yes", no you are not wrong.

(He didn't do that, did he?)
2005-12-24 23:27:24 UTC
What's wrong with April 1st? My girlfriend and mine's anniversary is that day. Why not a proposal to go then too? After all, if you don't have good humor in your relationship, you will never survive it!
2005-12-26 00:53:20 UTC
It is not the worst day, if it is an actual proposal. It would be fun to remember and you will have a lot of stories to tell your friends and coworkers.
2006-01-02 18:59:17 UTC
hey I was married on April 1st. 7 months later I am getting a divorce.
2005-12-24 23:05:31 UTC
No, I dont think your wrong. Personally, I would try to avoid any static movement so that he wouldnt have time to stop and kneel. That or be "sick" for the day.
2005-12-25 04:04:14 UTC
It's only wrong if you say APRIL FOOL afterwards.
2005-12-24 23:25:52 UTC
yes he could be doing that but if hes not mabye he just wants to do it on the certain day. its hard to tell with men am i right?

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